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  • Top Gear Korea looks at first glace and without subs to be far and away better than the American one.
  • I want to see a Top Gear Cuba. They haven't had new cars or parts since like the 60's so all the mechanics have to Macgyver shit together.
  • I just rode a horse of a bridge in Elder Scrolls. In order to not drown I had to get off the horse. I kinda feel bad. I left a horse to die at the bottom of a river.
  • Was it a stolen horse?
  • Well. Yes. No. I kinda borrowed it. I just started playing the game and it was the first horse I saw. I wanted us to be friends.
  • Good. Dishonesty is the best policy in Tamriel.
  • I feel so bad about leaving it at the bottom of a river.
  • edited September 2011
    I feel so bad about leaving it at the bottom of a river.
    You should give it a proper funeral. Gather some flowers and drop them in his watery grave. Then say some words about your time toghether.
    Post edited by Bronzdragon on
  • I'm working the free water station at an Insomniac rave next weekend. Should be an interesting experience.
  • This article from the google blog is the only time I've ever seen NTP referenced outside geeknights. Also it is pretty cool.
  • The nice thing about being a scientist is that I think in metric most of the day anyway, so all I need to do when I move to Metricworld is just start thinking in metric all day!
  • I really like linear algrebra. Like I had crossed math major off my mental list due to how much I hated the end of multivar but linear algebra and my advisor pushing me to dual major in math/comp-sci are making me reconsider.
  • The nice thing about being a sane person is that I think in metric most of the day anyway, so all I need to do when I move to sane-land is just start thinking in metric all day!
  • I'm still waiting for metric time. I get splitting the year up into 365 days, but 24 hour days makes no sense. And then you've got 60 minute hours and 60 second minutes? Hexagesimal doesn't make sense!
  • Spotify has given me unlimited invites.
  • edited September 2011
    Spotify has given me unlimited invites.
    Yeah AFAIK I have them too. They must be opening it up soon.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • This guy reminds me of Scott.
  • This guy reminds me of Scott.
    LOLOLOLOL. I showed this to Jeremy, without seeing your comment and he's like, "That guy is a combination of the nerd from The New Guy and Scott."
  • Buying doughnuts before you get drunk = win.
  • Buying doughnuts before you get drunk = smart.
  • Buying doughnuts before you get drunk = smart.
  • edited September 2011
    Buying doughnuts before you get drunk = smart.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • Buying doughnuts before you get drunk = smart.
    /epic meal time
  • Grape schnapps jelly doughnuts.
  • ....Would...would that work? If favorite breakfast!
  • Little bit of the right gelling agent, and yeah, you could make grape schnapps jelly.
  • Sounds like some mighty find hangover food, my friend. Though I pretty much never get hangovers...
  • Would you be able to get drunk off those donuts? Does one put in the jelly before baking or after?
  • Jelly melts in that kind of heat so it goes in after.

    If someone can manage deep fried jelly, I would impressed.
  • Jelly melts in that kind of heat so it goes in after.

    If someone can manage deep fried jelly, I would impressed.
    Somewhere in America it exists. This IS the country that fries butter.
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