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  • edited September 2011
    I'm not them and I can't think of a coherent post to respond with. Well, maybe one. Gold Experience, wear Rainbow Dash earrings. :p
    Cutie Mark earrings, wear them to get a date with me.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • Scott Rubin: Bronysexual.
  • I'm probably a terrible person, but I really don't care.
  • I'm probably a terrible person
    How so?
  • eh just I make horrible jokes and things like that.
  • Bah, you're probably fine. At least you don't steal candy from babies...right?
  • Am I the only one that is even slightly concerned by how often threeways and orgies are suggested in this forum? ^_~
  • Am I the only one that is even slightly concerned by how often threeways and orgies are suggested in this forum? ^_~
  • Am I the only one that is even slightly concerned by how often threeways and orgies are suggested in this forum? ^_~
    Well, alright then. Carry on carrying on.
  • Am I the only one that is even slightly concerned by how often threeways and orgies are suggested in this forum? ^_~
    The only thing that concerns me is the amount of shit-talking that goes on here.
  • Am I the only one that is even slightly concerned by how often threeways and orgies are suggested in this forum? ^_~
    The only thing that concerns me is the amount of shit-talking that goes on here.
    A little less conversation, a little more action?
  • Aw shit reboot is on netflix streaming.
  • edited September 2011
    Am I the only one that is even slightly concerned by how often threeways and orgies are suggested in this forum? ^_~
    The only thing that concerns me is the amount of shit-talking that goes on here.
    A little less conversation, a little more action?
    What can I say? All this aggravation ain't satisfactioning me.
    Aw shit reboot is on netflix streaming.
    So is that 2006 Australian version of MacBeth I keep banging on about but I don't think anyone has watched. You have literally no excuse, if you have netflix streaming.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Bah, you're probably fine. At least you don't steal candy from babies...right?
    Babies shouldn't have candy anyway! That's way unhealthy. Of course I steal candy from babies.
  • Apt-get update on a live server's copy of apache is, apparently, one of the stupider things to do.
  • Babies shouldn't have candy anyway! That's way unhealthy. Of course I steal candy from babies.
  • Serious Sam is Duke Nukem's little brother.
  • edited September 2011
    So, some dudes at University of Queensland made a video that I'm pretty sure only Nuri and Hungry Joe are going to truly appreciate, as horrible a pun as it is.

    For everyone else, here's something. I think I know that gorilla...
    Post edited by Churba on
  • One of my great pet peeves is how we serve crepes in America. Crepes are not a delicacy. Go to Paris, and you will see that crepes are street food. You should eat them like you eat pizza. If you don't know how to do that, go find the Daily Show where Jon Stewart tells you how. We always serve them drizzled with chocolate sauce so that you have to eat it with a fork and knife -- a very inefficient way to eat a crepe. I want to eat it with my hands, but if I do so, I'll get my hands messy with the chocolate sauce! WHY DOES THIS COUNTRY INFRINGE ON MY RIGHT TO EAT LIKE A CHEESE EATING SURRENDER MONKEY?
  • edited September 2011
    One of my great pet peeves is how we serve crepes in America. Crepes are not a delicacy. Go to Paris, and you will see that crepes are street food. You should eat them like you eat pizza. If you don't know how to do that, go find the Daily Show where Jon Stewart tells you how. We always serve them drizzled with chocolate sauce so that you have to eat it with a fork and knife -- a very inefficient way to eat a crepe. I want to eat it with my hands, but if I do so, I'll get my hands messy with the chocolate sauce! WHY DOES THIS COUNTRY INFRINGE ON MY RIGHT TO EAT LIKE A CHEESE EATING SURRENDER MONKEY?
    You have a chocolate sauce on your hands problem? You also have a tongue.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Also, America doesn't have any concept of the savory crepe. There's an authentic crepe shop in Champaign; you can go there and get your ratatouille crepe, all properly folded in a neat little package and made with buckwheat flour (for my gluten-free brothers and sisters), and your little jar of homemade salmon rillettes and a steaming cup of coffee.

    I once saw someone come in and look at the menu, pull a face that was a mix of disgust and confusion and then leave. It was disappointing.
  • A new guy started at work tonight who I swear to god is Hispanic Scott Rubin. Spitting image.
  • A new guy started at work tonight who I swear to god is Hispanic Scott Rubin. Spitting image.
    Isn't this the third Scott Rubin Doppleganger we know of?
  • edited September 2011
    I have a feeling both Rym and Scott are watching this thread, unable to form a coherent post to respond with.
    I'm pretty sure that by now they expect more-or-less every thread to start discussing their respective sexualities at some point.
    Post edited by Ikatono on
  • I'm pretty sure that by now they expect more-or-less every thread to start discussing their respective sexualities at some point.
    To be fair, that is not an unreasonable expectation.
  • A new guy started at work tonight who I swear to god is Hispanic Scott Rubin. Spitting image.
    Isn't this the third Scott Rubin Doppleganger we know of?
    Scott is running a secret clone tank project underneath his apartment building. Only the observant have begun to notice his clones in the wild.
  • I'm pretty sure that by now they expect more-or-less every thread to start discussing their respective sexualities at some point.
    To be fair, that is not an unreasonable expectation.
  • I always thought Scott looked kind of like Lowtax

  • I always thought Scott looked kind of like Lowtax
    I'm not surprised that lowtax was the first place your mind went, Goon :P
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