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Fail of Your Day



  • I have to get fitted for a facemask at work, and I need to shave. :/ I've been growing a beard for the last 3 weeks and haven't been clean shaven in over a decade.
  • I have to get fitted for a facemask at work, and I need to shave. :/ I've been growing a beard for the last 3 weeks and haven't been clean shaven in over a decade.
    NOOOOO! You would think some sort of technology would help prevent that sort of thing.
  • I have to get fitted for a facemask at work, and I need to shave. :/ I've been growing a beard for the last 3 weeks and haven't been clean shaven in over a decade.
    I think you're allowed to have mustache's, but nothing on your chin.
  • Orson Scott Card decided to rewrite Hamlet. In true Mormon fashion, he has made most everyone gay, and therefore evil. He has also removed everything that made Hamlet a somewhat interesting character, turning him into an emotionless lump.
    It's actually a lot funnier than "oh, that crazy Orson Scott Card." Hamlet's father, who is gay, went around making every character gay by child-raping them. Guildenstern and Rozencrantz are shaking up. Hamlet, protected by his mother, is the only one who wasn't molested, but appears to have turned out gay anyway (he's not into Ophelia).

    AMG Orson Scott Card, you so clearly want to bang dudes. You so clearly have since you were talking about how much Ender wanted to bone every friend he had in military school. Your life is so sad, just admit it to yourself. :D
  • NOOOOO! You would think some sort of technology would help prevent that sort of thing.
    A larger facemask, or a hood. That's really it. The hair around the mouth prevents the mask from sealing correctly.
  • NOOOOO! You would think some sort of technology would help prevent that sort of thing.
    A larger facemask, or a hood. That's really it. The hair around the mouth prevents the mask from sealing correctly.
    If only there were some sort of facial-hair-removal technology...
  • NOOOOO! You would think some sort of technology would help prevent that sort of thing.
    A larger facemask, or a hood. That's really it. The hair around the mouth prevents the mask from sealing correctly.
    If only there were some sort of facial-hair-removal technology...
    Depilatory lasers.
  • AMG Orson Scott Card, you so clearly want to bang dudes. You so clearly have since you were talking about how much Ender wanted to bone every friend he had in military school. Your life is so sad, just admit it to yourself. :D
    I don't remember that when I read Ender's Game. However, my chips are on Orson Scott Card being one of those homophobes who secretly lust after gay sex.
  • AMG Orson Scott Card, you so clearly want to bang dudes. You so clearly have since you were talking about how much Ender wanted to bone every friend he had in military school. Your life is so sad, just admit it to yourself. :D
    I don't remember that when I read Ender's Game. However, my chips are on Orson Scott Card being one of those homophobes who secretly lust after gay sex.
    So, you mean all homophobes.
  • edited September 2011
    Well, not in so many words, but there's this really weird homosexual subtext that pervades Ender's game, especially with the Arabic kid Ender makes the best of friends with. It's so sad. Like, dood, just accept who you are and stop spewing bullshit about how you'll go to war with the country that legalizes gay marriage.
    Post edited by Dave on
  • edited September 2011
    Don't forget about the deeply-implied incest during Valentine and Ender's travels at the end of the book. It flew right over my head when I was little, but seriously, read that shit again and you'll see what's up. Granted, it's not homosexual and I don't know a ton about Mormonism, but I know that if banging a dude is "wrong" in your worldview, banging your sister should be wrong too if you want to keep things even seemingly right consistent in your moral setup.

    But y'know, these are Mormons we're talking about. Also, I definitely remember that bizarre stuff Dave is referencing.

    [Edited because, even though anyone who knows me knows I never would, I didn't want my word choice to even appear to validate OSC's bigotry.]
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • 'It Gets Better' campaign creator commits suicide. This is a damn shame.
    He was a fourteen-year-old boy who contributed to "It Gets Better" movement. It is so heartbreaking.
  • The Pope is visiting Berlin today. Why oh why does he have to stay overnight less than a mile from my home? And half way between my home and where I wanted to go shopping today?
  • On the up side, I hear a large chunk of the German government that was supposed to hear his address are boycotting, and there are numerous groups that are supposed to be protesting his appearance. I'm interested to hear from you if a big deal gets made of it.
  • Oh, there's a huge deal being made of it already. I'll probably go down and check out the protests this afternoon.
  • What are they protesting?
  • What are they protesting?
    The Pope. XD
    Seriously though, there are a myriad of reasons people are coming out:
    - Pedophile priest coverups
    - Separation of church and state
    - The Catholic church's explicit statement that the Pope is going on tour to try and stop people from leaving the church in droves
    Etc. etc.
  • The Pope. XD
    Seriously though, there are a myriad of reasons people are coming out:
    - Pedophile priest coverups
    - Separation of church and state
    - The Catholic church's explicit statement that the Pope is going on tour to try and stop people from leaving the church in droves
    Etc. etc.
    Here's a quote from the Pope:

    "I have not come here primarily to pursue particular political or economic goals, as other statesmen rightly do, but rather to meet people and to speak about God."

    So why the FUCK is he getting a pulpit in the Bundestag?
  • edited September 2011
    So why the FUCK is he getting a pulpit in the Bundestag?
    Alright, note that I don't agree with this at all, and I'm 100% on your side, but, from a political point of view, it could be because the Pope is the head of his own country. They don't have voting rights in the UN, but the Holy See does have a seat, and I'm not sure what kind of sway they could hold, since they don't have an army or any worthwhile exports. That doesn't change the fact that he's still a governmental entity (unfortunately).
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • "I have not come here primarily to pursue particular political or economic goals, as other statesmen rightly do, but rather to meet people and to speak about God."
    As the head of a country, in a political role, you'd have a point. But read that quote again! He is in Berlin to primarily talk to people about God. I don't mind him doing a mass for 60,000 people in the Olympic Stadium (makes for good jokes about holding rallies in the same venue as Hitler, if nothing else) but I do mind him visiting the seat of government wearing religious clothes and speaking as a religious leader. He was once a German citizen, so if he visits the Reichstag, he should do it as a German citizen. If he visits as a head of state, he should speak as a head of state, not as a religious leader. If he can't separate those roles (and he can't), he shouldn't be allowed this position of power and influence.

    And then there's the whole pedophile priest apologetics thing too. In this case I think it should be up to individuals to boycott events or protest them as they see fit, and let the police carry out their work. But if the Pope is standing in the way of police work (he is), I think that should inform the German government on how they treat a visit like this.

    So people are protesting the Pope's visit because they don't think the Pope should visit, or not at the invite of the German government, and not at the expense of the German people. Others are protesting the Catholic church, against their stances on human rights issues. I would have protested both, but I was busy. My girlfriend has choir practice across the street from where the Pope is staying tonight (a few streets from my home) and so I'll get some news from her about the protests/pilgrims.
  • I'm in the school computer lab right now. Behind me are two godawful sophomores watching shitty Youtube videos very loud and shouting random internet memes. If I hear another "It's over 9000!" or "IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZER!" I will punch a fucking baby.
  • I'm in the school computer lab right now. Behind me are two godawful sophomores watching shitty Youtube videos very loud and shouting random internet memes. If I hear another "It's over 9000!" or "IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZER!" I will punch a fucking baby.
    Pull the power cord out of their computer, Grin, and say "U mad bro?"
  • I'm in the school computer lab right now. Behind me are two godawful sophomores watching shitty Youtube videos very loud and shouting random internet memes. If I hear another "It's over 9000!" or "IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZER!" I will punch a fucking baby.
    At least the people at your school have some exposure to internet culture. If you said "It's over 9000!" to 99% of the people at my school, they would be utterly clueless.
  • I'm in the school computer lab right now. Behind me are two godawful sophomores watching shitty Youtube videos very loud and shouting random internet memes. If I hear another "It's over 9000!" or "IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZER!" I will punch a fucking baby.
    Pull the power cord out of their computer, Grin, and say "U mad bro?"
    I would, but then they might think I'm one of them. I really don't want that to happen.

    Slightly related note: when browsing the forum in public, make sure you don't click the pony thread without thinking. That could've ended poorly.
  • I'm in the school computer lab right now. Behind me are two godawful sophomores watching shitty Youtube videos very loud and shouting random internet memes. If I hear another "It's over 9000!" or "IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZER!" I will punch a fucking baby.
    At least the people at your school have some exposure to internet culture. If you said "It's over 9000!" to 99% of the people at my school, they would be utterly clueless.
    I'll take ignorance over annoying outbursts. In a terrible class I had the other day, we made dummy layouts in-class as an exercise in making real layouts. We split into groups, and agreed as a class on a theme. One kid yells Portal, and enough jerks in the class agreed that we all had to make a Portal website layout. Fuck that class.

    I'm in the school computer lab right now. Behind me are two godawful sophomores watching shitty Youtube videos very loud and shouting random internet memes. If I hear another "It's over 9000!" or "IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZER!" I will punch a fucking baby.
    Pull the power cord out of their computer, Grin, and say "U mad bro?"
    Do this, please.
  • I'm in the school computer lab right now. Behind me are two godawful sophomores watching shitty Youtube videos very loud and shouting random internet memes. If I hear another "It's over 9000!" or "IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZER!" I will punch a fucking baby.
    At least the people at your school have some exposure to internet culture. If you said "It's over 9000!" to 99% of the people at my school, they would be utterly clueless.
    I'll take ignorance over annoying outbursts. In a terrible class I had the other day, we made dummy layouts in-class as an exercise in making real layouts. We split into groups, and agreed as a class on a theme. One kid yells Portal, and enough jerks in the class agreed that we all had to make a Portal website layout. Fuck that class.
    It may not be original, but at least there are good things about the aesthetics of Portal, and it has good visual design, so you can make an appealing looking website.
  • I'm in the school computer lab right now. Behind me are two godawful sophomores watching shitty Youtube videos very loud and shouting random internet memes. If I hear another "It's over 9000!" or "IMMA FIRIN' MAH LAZER!" I will punch a fucking baby.
    At least the people at your school have some exposure to internet culture. If you said "It's over 9000!" to 99% of the people at my school, they would be utterly clueless.
    I'll take ignorance over annoying outbursts. In a terrible class I had the other day, we made dummy layouts in-class as an exercise in making real layouts. We split into groups, and agreed as a class on a theme. One kid yells Portal, and enough jerks in the class agreed that we all had to make a Portal website layout. Fuck that class.
    It may not be original, but at least there are good things about the aesthetics of Portal, and it has good visual design, so you can make an appealing looking website.
    I still hate this class.
  • I still hate this class.
    I wish there were draggable cubes for me to put on top of those buttons.
  • I still hate this class.
    Dear lord, it hurts. It hurts so much.
  • That is hideous and upsetting. All of it is bad.
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