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My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic



  • edited February 2012
    Tim, When I said I only expected better from Rym, most people will take me at my word, you know. Providing them with further examples as to why isn't strictly necessary.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Pinkie Pie episode demonstrates the raw uncontrollable power that is Pinkie Pie.
  • edited February 2012
    OMG. SHE.... WITH THE... AND THE...

    I don't want to spoil it, but Pinkie is a god. Still not my favorite pony, but she is no longer near the bottom of the list. She is now #3.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited February 2012
    OMG. SHE.... WITH THE... AND THE...

    I don't want to spoil it, but Pinkie is a god. Still not my favorite pony, but she is no longer near the bottom of the list. She is now #3.
    # 3 after Rainbow Dash and Rainbow Dash right?
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • I loved the bit with the felt.
  • I love the part where it made my tummy feel nice.
  • My brain has been ruined by following WWE. I never ever expected the song they played during this episode to be played because I'm so used to executives being upset that something got found out and changing it just to screw with people and prove them wrong.
  • Good to finally have an episode this season that didn't paint Pinkie Pie as an idiot.
  • Good to finally have an episode this season that didn't paint Pinkie Pie as an idiot.
    She still has no concept of personal space or moderation, but that's pretty much part of her character.

  • The last bastion of sanity on the internet has fallen.
    4chan now has an /mlp/ board.
    I hate all of you for making this possible.
  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2012
    The last bastion of sanity on the internet has fallen.
    4chan now has an /mlp/ board.
    I hate all of you for making this possible.
    Last bastion of sanity -snigger-

    Post edited by Geo on
  • I loved the bit with the felt.
    The second bit with the felt is what really set me off.
  • edited February 2012
    Good to finally have an episode this season that didn't paint Pinkie Pie as an idiot.
    I've always thought Amy Keating Rogers has the sharpest treatment of Pinkie if you look back over her episodes. She'll be missed in season 3. Although I thought Baby Cakes also handled Pinkie quite well.
    Post edited by Nissl on
  • The only thing i really got out of this was that cows are much more than indentured servants, and getting milked is probably a day job.
  • Yeah, "Fighting is Magic" has a pretty good composer on their team.
  • edited February 2012

    Linked for intro.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • I pony-faded.
  • I honestly think that the main song in this episode is the best one in the series. #2 is Winter Wrap-Up and #3 is Fluttershy's song with Rainbow Dash.
  • Winter Wrap-Up isn't that good, just catchy. Art of the Dress and At the Gala are both technically more interesting, though that's as an effect of them being Sondheim parodies.

    That said, the smile song was incredible.

    Also, Pinkie Pie has jumped from #4 pony to #2 pony. I loved this episode.
  • She is still my favorite. This episode just helped show why.
  • I think the Film Flam brothers song climbed up to being my favorite, since it's got a fantastic hook and I do love the lyrics/contextual situation.

    I found Smile, Smile, Smile, to be a bit too cloying for my tastes. It's still good and the visuals accompanying the song are nice too, but a bit...simple.
  • Also, the end of this episode made me compare Pinkie to Cartman for a minute.
  • edited February 2012

    From the comments: Space Core, are you Smile?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Is it just me or is this most recent season a bit weak?
  • Is it just me or is this most recent season a bit weak?
    I think it's just the novelty wearing off. The animation and songs are head and shoulders above last season, and I haven't really noticed a decline in writing quality.
  • Some episodes are better than others. Reading Rainbow is still one of my favorites ever.
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