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Fail of Your Day



  • We blew out our throats recording "Chronic Necrostench". Ow fuck ow.
  • Not only is my beloved cat still missing
    Was Spot microchipped or had a collar with your address on it? Have you called all the animal control and animal shelters in the area? I wouldn't give up hope yet, James's ex lost Lily once and he managed to find her five days later down the street... at the bottom of a well. All because he could recognize her distinctive mew when he finally went searching for her.

  • Not only is my beloved cat still missing
    Was Spot microchipped or had a collar with your address on it? Have you called all the animal control and animal shelters in the area? I wouldn't give up hope yet, James's ex lost Lily once and he managed to find her five days later down the street... at the bottom of a well. All because he could recognize her distinctive mew when he finally went searching for her.

    Yeah hes microchipped and hopefully still has his collar on, which has his animal license. Everyone keeps saying he'll come back on his own, which I know is usually true for most cats. This happened with my childhood cats all the time (living in rural neighborhood). However this time I'm in midtown Atlanta and live in an apartment, which I think would be harder for a cat to find than a house (I'm not a cat though, so I dunno). Also I'm more afraid than anything that he'll get hit by a car or killed by a dog (I've had 3 cats in my life killed by dogs). I've gotten many calls from people saying they've seen tabby cats. None of them were him, but at least I have comfort knowing the neighborhood is watching out for him. I wish someone would bring him to the county shelter, but I think people in general don't do that with unknown cats bc there are so many running around that belong to people.
  • My friend has a habit of arguing with people who are anti-abortion and things like that. Well apparently they just made this page about her. I'm fucking pissed.

    And reported
  • Also reported.

    For a while my computer's boot time has been a bit long and I put it down to the drive getting a bit full but, out of curiosity, I check the defrag shedule and Windows is like "Wakarimasen!!" and I'm like, oh..
  • How many minutes can YOU take?

  • edited February 2012
    I can't even take that man seriously. I just keep laughing.

    Oh shit, I love how he adds the Third Eye song.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I made it five minutes. The man has some good points, I'm happy to hear him talk. Looks like big science has lost again.
  • I love the annotation, "Even if the earth was spinning, would the atmosphere keep the same speed?"

    I wonder if this man has ever felt the wind on his face. In any case, he certainly never watched Bill Nye, Beakman, Sesame Street, or Mr. Rogers, because they all have covered this.
  • I love the annotation, "Even if the earth was spinning, would the atmosphere keep the same speed?"

    I wonder if this man has ever felt the wind on his face. In any case, he certainly never watched Bill Nye, Beakman, Sesame Street, or Mr. Rogers, because they all have covered this.
    All in the pocket of Big Science. It's easy to see if you OPEN your eyes. The government has implanted a chip in your skull to control your thought and it is broadcast through signals from that show, I went to a doctor and he said he couldn't find anything, but it's a lie, I went to 6 doctors and they all refused to remove it surgically so it looks like I'll have to do it myself.
  • I love the open declaration of "my book contradicts reality, therefore reality must be wrong"!
  • I liked the artistic choice of having two different texts and a voice-over on the same time.
  • Unfortunately, this video is not available in Germany because it may contain music which GEMA has not granted the respective music rights.
  • Unfortunately, this video is not available in Germany because it may contain music which GEMA has not granted the respective music rights.
    FUCK THE GEMA. I hate those assholes.

  • How about BMG? They always block videos too. The bitter pill to swallow is that my girlfriend works for BMG. You not being able to watch videos contributes to my quality of life.

    Also: if a YouTube video is blocked for me now, I have a macro that opens it in unblockyoutube after two seconds.
  • The Rochester metal scene has really gone down the shitter in the last few months. I mean, it was hardly even there to begin with, but there were some pretty good shows every few months. Now, there's basically nothing, and, as far as I can tell, it's at least partially because of some total bullshit drama from the venue owner(s).

    Looks like ProfPangloss and I will have to be going to Canada for our live metal fix.
  • The Rochester metal scene has really gone down the shitter in the last few months. I mean, it was hardly even there to begin with, but there were some pretty good shows every few months. Now, there's basically nothing, and, as far as I can tell, it's at least partially because of some total bullshit drama from the venue owner(s).

    Looks like ProfPangloss and I will have to be going to Canada for our live metal fix.
    Assuming I manage to snipe a local co-op for the next two quarters (details potentially pending in the Boo-Yah thread, fingers crossed), I'm fucking cool with that plan.

  • edited February 2012
    I expect no less from a person who plays Runescape.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Ah, weeaboos.
  • *sigh* Weaboos...
  • Getting ill again and this new medication is making me super groggy.
  • I wonder what Chuck Jones would think if he were alive today to see how much people hate his work.
  • I wonder what Chuck Jones would think if he were alive today to see how much people hate his work.
    Maybe you're just referring to the Weebs, because Chuck Jones was a goddamned genius.
  • I went about thirty seconds before I wanted to choke him out.
  • Wha... Buh... What is this, I don't even...

    Fucking Weeaboos.
  • I wanted to eat lunch at Five Guys - Nuri and I were talking last night about getting gussied up and having a fancy dinner there, and it put me in the mood for some Cajun fries and their burger.

    So I go to Five Guys, only to find out - after I attempted to pay - that their credit processing system was down.

    No problem! I head next door to the bank to get ca-OH WAIT, THE ATM IS DOWN.

    So I head back to Five Guys to cancel my order, but the manager says, "No, we'll comp you for it. This was our problem."

    Free Five Guys? Can't argue with that. It's taken me 10 minutes so far to get to this point, but whatever. I told my boss it'd be a longer lunch.

    15 minutes of waiting later, I realize that they're well past my order number. So I ask the girl at the end of the counter, and she said, "Oh, yeah, the system ate your order. We can get it going now, but it'll take like 10 minutes."

    I was impatient and hungry, so I left and went to Burger King - that's how badly I wanted a burger now. Placed my order, paid...

    And then they ran out of burgers.

    8 minutes later, they'd cooked more and assembled my meal. It was the single worst burger I've ever eaten in my life. The fries were shit.

    And the biggest fail? There is a DiBella's 1/2 mile from my building.

    Fuck me, I still want my Cajun fries.


  • There, there, baby. We can go get Cajun fries tonight.
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