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Fail of Your Day



  • edited February 2012
    Dude, you got an 80 for answers the teacher didn't want. That's a win in my book. If I did the same shit but secular, I'd get Ds -- and I have.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • edited February 2012
    So I was at my grandfathers funeral today, when the priest of the nursing home my grandfather lived at for 7 years came and performed a eulogy, it started fine enough talking about his relationship with my grandfather and such but then he went into the "good news" of the resurrection and preceded to talk about how all other religions are false because they did not resurrect like Jesus and that it wasn't whether you were a good person and what not for whatever the hell Christians believe. As soon as he started his comment on why Christianity was superior, I started to get angry. There was no good reason to do this type of sermon at a funeral. Why Christians put up with their weddings and funerals becoming big insulting commercials for their religion is beyond me. Honestly it insulted me very deeply, my grandfather was a firefighter and a WWII vet, his works in life are not to be thrown aside just so you can make some fucking point about how it doesn't matter what you did in life but whether you believed in some Jesus Zombie. Screw you. AAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH... Why he couldn't do some sort of non-insulting mellow Christian burial ceremony is beyond me. I was literally shaking with rage. The guy joked about how he wished he could have gotten him to come to church more often. I wonder why that was... Douche-bag.

    RIP Grandfather. I wish your eulogy would have been more appropriate.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Why Christians put up with their weddings and funerals becoming big insulting commercials for their religion is beyond me.
    All our holidays have been turned into commercials. Christmas isn't about Nativity, Easter isn't about Crucifixion; we're exacting revenge.

    That being, said, I think you should've gotten up and punched the guy in the face. I'll put up with that shit at something fluffy like a wedding, but funerals are serious. Fuck him.
  • I'll put up with that shit at something fluffy like a wedding, but funerals are serious. Fuck him.
  • edited February 2012
    So I was at my grandfathers funeral today, when the priest of the nursing home my grandfather lived at for 7 years came and performed a eulogy, it started fine enough talking about his relationship with my grandfather and such but then he went into the "good news" of the resurrection and preceded to talk about how all other religions are false because they did not resurrect like Jesus and that it wasn't whether you were a good person and what not for whatever the hell Christians believe. As soon as he started his comment on why Christianity was superior, I started to get angry. There was no good reason to do this type of sermon at a funeral. Why Christians put up with their weddings and funerals becoming big insulting commercials for their religion is beyond me. Honestly it insulted me very deeply, my grandfather was a firefighter and a WWII vet, his works in life are not to be thrown aside just so you can make some fucking point about how it doesn't matter what you did in life but whether you believed in some Jesus Zombie. Screw you. AAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHH... Why he couldn't do some sort of non-insulting mellow Christian burial ceremony is beyond me. I was literally shaking with rage. The guy joked about how he wished he could have gotten him to come to church more often. I wonder why that was... Douche-bag.

    RIP Grandfather. I wish your eulogy would have been more appropriate.
    This is similar to what was done at my father's funeral. Evangelical friends of the family did the eulogy and turned it into a sermon about the rapture and how my father was "lucky" because he'd get to meet Jesus before everyone else. My father had been blessed with death.

    I was not amused.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • I will never understand how my parents raised me to be independent, self-sufficient, and to be prepared for situations when now they are almost helpless and clueless at basic things like you should know where you insurance cards are and if you don't, find out how to get them.

    It's like I'm the parent now. It's beyond infuriating and frustrating at times.
  • The same exact thing happened at the funeral I went to last weekend. The pastor who had known my fiance's great aunt through her work with the church mentioned Jesus and how lucky the woman was to have died far more times than he mentioned anything about the work she did while she was still with us, or how much she'll be missed.

    At the grave side, he took the time to mention how happy he was to know that she had a personal relationship with Jesus, and how much he hoped that we would all choose that same relationship with Jesus, so that we would be reunited with her after death and not end up in a different place.

    I was basically seeing red at that point. I mean... really? Is that really the best time to bring out the threat of hell?

    I know why he did it, and he must feel good about keeping someone from hell... but that was not a very nice thing to do.

    Of course, I also think that pretending the person is still living up in heaven and we don't really have to say goodbye is a terrible way of grieving and moving on.
  • edited February 2012
    So for pretty much the entirety of my father's life, ever since he's been in the Army, he was also seen by military medical facilities for his health care.

    Now that he's been retired/disabled for quite some time now, he's finally trying to go out to private practitioners for some of his health care.

    Yesterday, he had an rheumatology appointment that I took him too and had to be there because he needed help filling out paperwork and what not. I had no problem with this. When they ask for his Medicare card, my father acts ignorant and doesn't have it. My father couldn't see the doctor and was denied. So I had to take him home.

    I was so frustrated because I was more than likely thinking that he did have the card, but misplaced it or that it was in an envelope that my parents have yet to open. I used time off to take my father to this appointment. I'm not happy about it pretty much being wasted.

    So this morning, I call up Social Security to send him a card in the mail while unbeknownst to myself my father also goes to the Social Security office to get a letter showing to get a letter stating he has benefits.

    I got the letter thinking this would work and show and proof so he could be seen as soon as possible with the doctor. Then I read the letter. Social Security has a different birth date by a difference of 10 days than the DOD/VA and every other licensing agency has of my father.

    I tell my mother about this and ask how long has she known about this and she's like, "Yeah, I knew this was going to be a problem down the road."

    I reply, "YA THINK!?"

    So now, we have to find his birth certificate to get everything corrected before he can be seen outside the VA/Military facilities. And who knows where that birth certificate is. My parent's filing system is boxes stuffed with papers.

    It's like I can't even get a break.

    I call the people at the doctors office to see if they would be able to take it and they say they can't, but we were laughing it off because they knew how frustrating it is and felt sorry for me.

    Edit: I love my parents. They are great, but sometimes they make me want hurt things.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Does he not get to use veteran benefits anymore? Or is there another reason he's having to move away from the VA?
  • edited February 2012
    No, he has veteran's benefits, it's just he wants to be able to have access to private facilities. He uses the VA for certain things like diabetes, but his cardiology is with the Army medical facility as well as his rheumatology which was referred to a private physician because they were either booked or couldn't do the procedures he needed.

    It's a huge cluster fuck that should have been taken care of ages ago, but my parents never did. Now my father gets to be in pain and has to deal with it. I feel bad for him, but at the same time they should have known better.

    I am basically given the task to have to request his birth certificate from Guam if my mother can't find it. I really hope she finds it. I really do.

    It's also frustrating because my mom is super busy because she's a Section Chief and has like no time to make these phone calls to get them fixed, and I can try but sometimes agencies reject me because I'm not the spouse unless I use my mother's information claiming to be her.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Whoa, WHOA, what's with all that Burger King hate four days ago? It hurts my heart to read such things.

    Or maybe that's the Burger King.
  • Sooooooo getting my ass kicked at CS this evening.
  • It's kinda how Taco Bell doesn't make Mexican food.
    It's weird how true this is. I was there last night. The "verde" sauce packet's caption said "Verde: verde's fancy for 'green.'" Er, I think you mean Spanish. That's Spanish for green.
    And Fancy is French isn't it?
  • I finally get my new work computer into the office after my boss has been working on it and configuring it for the last month or so. Was working totally fine on Friday. It won't boot today. Bad sectors in the hard drive, possibly non-recoverable.

    My boss is going to be so mad when he gets back from Europe.
  • Funeral.
    If any of you are at my funeral, and anyone even attempts that sort of bullshit, I fully endorse their forceful removal from the funeral.
    That exact thing happened when I went to the funeral of a friend in college who committed suicide. They kept saying how lucky the deceased was, and how great it was he was dead and at god's side. I was fuming through the entire ordeal.
  • Funeral.
    If any of you are at my funeral, and anyone even attempts that sort of bullshit, I fully endorse their forceful removal from the funeral.
    That exact thing happened when I went to the funeral of a friend in college who committed suicide. They kept saying how lucky the deceased was, and how great it was he was dead and at god's side. I was fuming through the entire ordeal.
    I still feel bad for not hanging out with my best friend more when his younger brother died. I don't know, I didn't feel like I could connect with him better than the one's he has lived with who actually knew his brother.

    What's worse is, it was death by Brain Aneurysm.
  • I found out my best friend's grandmother died in her sleep over three weeks after the fact, and because of the distance and various comm failures on both our parts, I couldn't get a hold of him for around three months after I found out.

    I think I'll regret that for the rest of my life.
  • This is a very minor fail, but I was very happy because my favorite barley tea brand has come over to the US and is being marketed in the grocery. My fail is that they radically changed the formula and put peach flavor in it. I guess they saw the success of Itoen's Tea's Tea, the lightly flavored green tea, and wanted to do the same thing with Mugi-cha. However, you can easily get Oi Ocha! from Itoen that is identical to what they sell in vending machines in Japan. I want my chicory barley Soukenbicha tea!
  • I have no idea what you just said. Oh god, this must be what it's like when I talk about cars. @_@
  • A comment on facebook complaining about arguing about mandated vaccines with Objectivists, turned into a vaccine safety debate....
  • A comment on facebook complaining about arguing about mandated vaccines with Objectivists, turned into a vaccine safety debate....
    You need to just drop the hammer and walk away. I need to do that more often, but you're way more willing to engage in debate with nutjobs than I am.

  • My comment in Scott's argument:

    "It's pleasant to think we live in a world where one can make the choice to leave their children vulnerable to deadly pathogens. Remember when smallpox and polio vaccinations were mandatory and we eradicated horrifying diseases that were responsible for countless deaths and permanent disabilities? What a dark day for humanity that was."
  • edited February 2012
    Yea Windup, I mean the one lady did have a point, her children had crazy allergies.. I'm not for giving someone vaccines if the patient has documented problems that are still being worked out and not fully understood.. The other two not as much.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Yeah, I didn't read her post fully, and am responding in turn. Basically, withholding a vaccine from one child with a legitimate medical reason won't jeopardize herd immunity and can't be considered an undue risk. Withholding vaccines from a perfectly healthy child can't be justified.
  • RymRym
    edited February 2012
    I've read on numerous occasions reports that most people who claim to have a specific food allergy or, suprisingly particularly, gluten or lactose intolerance, especially if said claim is made by a parent on behalf of a child, are not correct. Peanut allergies and dairy issues seem to be the most commonly fabricated by parents.

    I haven't seen anything about non-food allergies though.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • That's ok, I had an brief spat with a friend's mom who though that adding high amounts of saturated fat to your diet via coconut oil was extremely healthy.
  • This is why I am always irritable when people say I have Celiac disease. I haven't actually gone through the tests to determine that - I just know that I feel better when I don't eat gluten, and when I accidentally eat it I feel awful. There are multiple types of gluten intolerance, and Celiac is just one of them. When talking to a medical professional, I always explain the full situation instead of just saying "I am gluten intolerant."

    I'm all for not going a thing if it hurts you, but you also shouldn't claim a specific diagnosis without actually getting the diagnosis.
  • I have no idea what you just said. Oh god, this must be what it's like when I talk about cars. @_@
    No, if you read it again, you will see I am mad because a drink is different. Mugicha=barley tea. The rest are just names of brands, like Coke.

  • I have no idea what you just said. Oh god, this must be what it's like when I talk about cars. @_@
    No, if you read it again, you will see I am mad because a drink is different. Mugicha=barley tea. The rest are just names of brands, like Coke.

    That is exactly what he means. You are just talking about tea and brands of tea, but it sounds like gibberish to the people who are unfamiliar with the names. Same goes for talking about cars. Or yarn. Or anything specialized.

  • edited February 2012
    It would be nice to have an HR department that was actually competent, but then again this is a certain branch of the government and I shouldn't hold my breath.

    Also in regards to FB fail, a friend shared this. It's basically a quote from Neil deGrasse Tyson about intelligent design and how we should starting a movement called "Stupid Design".

    Someone commented on it with this:
    I can see folks bashing either political party for one reason or another, but when you ridicule someones beliefs like that, that's just hateful and shows an amazing amount of disrespect and a vast amount of arrogance.......just sayin.
    I want to respond, but I really don't have the energy.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
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