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Meta Forum Comments



  • I'll run a dick joke right into the ground. If you know what I mean.
    My dick touches the ground.
    You're that short?!
    Well I had to get an extension because it only reached my knees before and was as tall as a toddler.
  • edited October 2012
    Fuck this worldgay earth, literally, as the perfect gay earth lover. Penis in hole plox.
    I need to work on my trolling, I think. My "I'm voting for Romney" comment, and the one right after, were solid gold - but I tried to do too much with it. Flew too close to the sun.

    Anyone have any advice on the topic of troll improvement?
    Learn what trolling actually is and don't listen to Wub.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • I need to work on my trolling, I think. My "I'm voting for Romney" comment, and the one right after, were solid gold - but I tried to do too much with it. Flew too close to the sun.

    Anyone have any advice on the topic of troll improvement?
    My years of 4chan finally come in handy!
    1) Pick a vaguely insane but almost reasonable position. Generally, this should be a position that's opposed to the majority, but your reason for picking that option should be unreasonable and kinda nutty. For example, "Dungeons and Dragons is bullshit because they make you buy all sorts of weird shaped dice".

    2) As soon as someone comes in to argue against you, accuse that person of being the real troll.

    2b) If you're arguing on an anonymous board such as 4chan, take several wildly disparate, but still opposed to you, opinions and accuse them of being a "samefag". On other types of message boards, if a newbie joins, accuse them of being a sockpuppet account.

    3) Defend your argument in purposely terrible ways. Draw random connections if need be. For example, "Oh, so it's just coincidence that there's a company that makes a game that needs a lot of dice (WotC/Dungeons and Dragons) and a company that makes a ton of money off of dice (Chessex)? Clearly, Chessex is paying off WotC to make DnD use odd-shaped dice so that Chessex can keep its empire going!".

    4) No matter what, stick to the insane reality you've created. Ignore arguments that aren't based on said reality.

    5) Use exagerations as much as possible. If someone's reasonable, they'll try to meet you half-way, which is still terrifyingly close to your position anyway.

    ... Why do I feel like I just described the tactics for being a republican?
  • I'm done trying to debate politics. I'm just gonna smile and wave.
  • I'm done trying to debate politics. I'm just gonna smile and wave.
    You could always be like some people here and go find a place where you "feel" like everyone agrees with you simply because they don't happen to argue particulars with you since you're on the same "side" in the end.
  • edited October 2012
    I'm done trying to debate politics. I'm just gonna smile and wave.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • edited October 2012
    I'm done trying to debate politics. I'm just gonna make malarky up.
    Post edited by no fun girl on
  • I'm done trying to debate politics. I'm just gonna smile and wave.
    When did you start?

  • burncream.jpg
  • I'm done trying to debate politics. I'm just gonna smile and wave.
    When did you start?
    This. You pretty much offered no distinct point to argue. Just a nebulous tinfoil hat "something seems off" that was terrible and offensive. Steve offered similar points but pushed an insightful opinion of why and to what end things might have been done. He also elaborated on his point and responded to criticism without getting butthurt.
  • lol.. muppet, you changed your icon and immediately became more sassy.
  • lol.. muppet, you changed your icon and immediately became more sassy.
    I don't know if he actually got sassier or if his posts just seem that much more biting when not accompanied by a picture of a cute dog.
  • Molly IS a cute dog isn't she? She's such a sweetie!!
  • She looks like a very good dog. Bernese mountain dogs are awesome.
  • She looks like a very good dog. Bernese mountain dogs are awesome.
    This is insanely true. They are the sweetest, most amazing dogs.
  • She's starting to feel her age at 5 but she's a very very good girl.
  • lol.. muppet, you changed your icon and immediately became more sassy.
    I don't know if he actually got sassier or if his posts just seem that much more biting when not accompanied by a picture of a cute dog.
    It's the avatar. For the first two weeks of my Daria avatar, all my posts were sarcastic.
  • lol.. muppet, you changed your icon and immediately became more sassy.
    I don't know if he actually got sassier or if his posts just seem that much more biting when not accompanied by a picture of a cute dog.
    It's the avatar. For the first two years of my Daria avatar, all my posts were sarcastic.
  • edited October 2012
    Am I still a towel?

    Yeah, I'm a towel.
    Post edited by Nine Boomer on
  • Am I still a towel?

    Yeah, I'm a towel.
    Salvia isn't supposed to last this long.
  • I have jumped on the Halloween bandwagon.
  • edited October 2012
    So has Rym always been like that? Like since day 0? Did anyone here know Rym before RIT?
    Oh, maybe a wee bit before.

    Here ya go:

    In short, not sure what the conversation was about, but, yes, Rym is a rather constant fellow.
    Post edited by kenjura on
  • I would have never guessed that Rym were such a poet.
  • Ah, it's poetry you seek.

    Rym wrote:
    > Unnoticed, a Dragon hops up onto a tree stump by the fire.
    > The lofted peaks of mountains high
    > Striving forth to pierce the sky.
    > Sheltered forests, sylvan green
    > Misted vales in between.
    > Wood-woven wonders to fill thyne eyes
    > For radiant heart thy soul belies.
    > Heart of the mountain, song of the sea
    > Thy spirit is one to forever be free.
    > Golden Sun on Silver lake
    > Luminous form thy soul betake.
    > Silver Moon and Golden Sun
    > Faery’s dawn has just begun.
    > Soaring spirit, fancy’s flight
    > Mortal bonds: forgotten blight.
    > For in the blood that runneth thee
    > Lies the spirit of the Sidhe.
    > All of this, I give to thee.
    > Cry no more, for thou art free.
    > And if thy Heart return to me,
    > Then I, mine own, I give to thee.
    > He quickly hops back down and resumes his Spring break nap.

    Rym, 4/14/1998.

    Where does this come from? Were, indeed.
  • I wrote that "sonnet" for a class high school. We had to write ten poems meeting various parameters over a weekend. Every poem we wrote beyond the tenth was extra credit (with no maximum).

    I will tell you that I wrote a large number of poems that weekend.

    The next year, we had to write a series of "very short stories" and vignettes. Guess who wrote a bunch of little stories that incorporated poems... ;^)
  • RymRym
    edited October 2012
    As for that wayback, we had to host a web site somewhere on the first day of some freshman IT class at RIT (to prove that we could perform basic web stuff). I copy/pasted a bunch of things I had from a bunch of even older websites and threw them up over my previous Geocities (which was mostly known for the translated Final Fantasy ROMs it hosted).

    I used the screennames "Metaphistopheles" and "origins" for the previous iterations of that site. Find those and we'll be cooking with fire. Fire from my late middle school days.

    As a measure of age... That ICQ account? I used it up until a couple of years into RIT. It was my second one (the first, 6 digits, being shared with my brother). I was basically forced to switch to AIM due to the prevalence of AOL at RIT at the time... -_-
    Post edited by Rym on
  • I remember 6 digit ICQ accounts. You knew you were the shit when you got that. Also AIM before it was independent of AOL.

    As for a wayback machine, what about VRML? I remember trying to play with that for quite some time.
  • I could swear my ICQ account was 5 digits, but I haven't had access to it in over a decade at this point, so I can't check.
  • Oh yeah? Prodigy. That stupid goddamn maze game on there. With the house that walked.
  • Oh God I was so excited when they started serving up photographs with the news on Prodigy. I think they were 16 color gifs, and they took about 2 minutes to fully download.

    Watching the vector graphics pop in a polygon at a time was really cool.

    I had some $700+ GEnie bills and some similar AOL bills back when internet access was $3/hr.
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