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Hurricane Sandy



  • edited October 2012
    Yep No work tomorrow.

    Post edited by Alan on
  • Hope everyone made it through last last night with minimal property and personal damage! We got nothing but some drizzle and light winds in the capital region of NY.
  • It's just continuing to rain a lot. Still have classes.
  • SC is clear skies, for once. It looks like you guys got nailed with the worst part of it all, which really sucks. Thankfully the death toll has been low so far, though.
  • We got nothing but some drizzle and light winds in the capital region of NY.
  • The rain's stopped in NYC, looks like. Winds are still high, and the clouds are threatening what will probably be a continuous drizzle for the rest of the day.
  • Situation normal down here in Manassas. Nothing to report.
  • Our town somehow got almost entirely spared in this storm. We got trashed in both prior storms, so it's nice to have a respite. The shore is in seriously bad shape. The governor is pissed off about people and town officials ridiculing his evacuation orders.
  • edited October 2012
    Everything was calm here in Brooklyn. Got to spend the whole day reading and eating a delicious bean salad my roommate prepared that I have christened Hurricane Chow.

    My only gripe is that we were going to play InSpectres if we lost electricity. But, if that's the worst problem I had in the storm then I really shouldn't complain, should I?
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • edited October 2012
    I'm going to go ahead and call it: The Geeknights are gone. Who will step up and replace them? I nominate Churba as the new Rym.

    Jack can be the new Scott.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • edited October 2012
    Transformer blowing at a ConEd plant (skip to 3:00).
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • .
    I'm going to go ahead and call it: The Geeknights are gone. Who will step up and replace them? I nominate Churba as the new Rym.

    Jack can be the new Scott.
    But who is going to be the new Churba? And who is going to be the new Jack?

  • I was really hoping that, as soon as the transformer blows, all the lights on the skyline behind would go dark.
  • edited October 2012
    I'm going to go ahead and call it: The Geeknights are gone. Who will step up and replace them? I nominate Churba as the new Rym.

    Jack can be the new Scott.
    But who is going to be the new Churba? And who is going to be the new Jack?

    I nominate Sonic as the new Churba.

    Post edited by Axel on
  • I'm going to go ahead and call it: The Geeknights are gone. Who will step up and replace them? I nominate Churba as the new Rym.

    Jack can be the new Scott.
    This will not be necessary, all contingencies have been planned for! Do not panic! As soon as I have revived Broboscott from the cryovault we'll do some pony shows.

  • Axel, sorry bud. You've gotta be the new Jack.
  • Emergency holographic pod-casters. What will they think of next?
  • This hurricane has had less rain than any I have experienced. Crazy winds though, but they are starting to die down a bit. Gusts are less frequent, but I'm still not going outside.

    Still have power and interests. My UPS buzzed a few times. My rent is totally worth what I pay.
  • Emergency holographic pod-casters. What will they think of next?
    Supplying liquor to the undead to make them easier targets?

  • I'm at work after an order to stay home from our director came through last night followed by an overriding order from our CIO to belay the first order. Gotta love the management here.

    I had my hospital ID in case I was pulled over but apparently the travel ban wasn't even enforced anyway and it was lifted as I came in.
  • This hurricane has had less rain than any I have experienced. Crazy winds though, but they are starting to die down a bit. Gusts are less frequent, but I'm still not going outside.

    Still have power and interests. My UPS buzzed a few times. My rent is totally worth what I pay.
    Ah, standing down Broboscott resurrection protocol...

  • Dad called wanting to borrow our generator for my aged grandparents who are without power in southern CT. They've criticized, shunned, ignored, and refused to acknowledge me due to my political views, religious views, etc for over two decades, and if it were me without power and desperate for help, they'd tell me to go fuck myself and tell the rest of my family not to help, either (in fact, they demonstrated this in both prior storms when my kids were sick and the lights were out for a week).

    So, naturally I told him to come on up and pick it up and they're welcome to it.

    I guess it doesn't count as being the better person if I'm super pissed off and bitter about it.
  • No it still counts, way to be the better person. ~_^
  • yea, pretty much if you don't help FAMILY and friends in need during a disaster you're a super douche, if you don't help everyone else in need your a douche. You are allowed to feel smugly self-righteous.
  • No reason for your grandparents to suffer because your parents are shitheads. Of course, I would totally rub it in when they came down to pick it up.
  • You're a good or bad person because of your actions, not because of your emotions. Anyone would be upset in that situation, as it is down to your animal reactions, but only a good person would do the right thing despite their initial reaction. It's easy to do the right thing when everyone is happy, not so easy when it does against your instincts.
  • No reason for your grandparents to suffer because your parents are shitheads. Of course, I would totally rub it in when they came down to pick it up.
    No, no, my parents (well, my dad) are fine. It's my grandparents who are right assholes. :-)
  • Oh. Let the free market sort them out. (no, seriously you're a good person and I'd help out then although I'd let my dad do the talking to the grandparents)
  • Also, relevant Billy Joel song:
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