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Things of your day



  • edited March 2013
    It's not out of the question for it to be some kind of fan fiction - after all, there are people who hold those views.

    That said, I think the probability of this is rather low.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on

  • Ive had whats new pussycat stuck in my head for a week
  • image

    I'm sure I've pissed off my religious friends with other stuff from Atheists and Rational Thinkers, but I won't openly insult them. Still an excellent point.
  • 8 player eclipse in 2 hours.
  • Why Being Straight is Wrong
    I actually do wish there were less straight people, but its for population control reasons, and I don't tell straight people to stop being straight unironically.
  • Why Being Straight is Wrong
    I actually do wish there were less straight people, but its for population control reasons, and I don't tell straight people to stop being straight unironically.
    How about we start spaying and neutering the children of religious individuals? We could make it a free program like for pets!
  • 8 player eclipse in 2 hours.

    Are you a wizard?

  • How about we start spaying and neutering the children of religious individuals? We could make it a free program like for pets!
    Yeah, because applying the concepts of eugenics to theology works out great...
  • edited March 2013
    This is so damn clever, I'm surprised I haven't seen cosplayers doing this before. Actually, I take that back: I'm not surprised. It's that clever.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • that is clever and goddamn terrifying.
  • Looks to me like she's saying Nanoo nanoo. Clearly an Alien.
  • that is clever and goddamn terrifying.
    Yep. Also, you'd have to walk around the convention in four-eye mode if you plan on actually being able to see.
  • Here's where the German "anti-capitalist" party's support is located:
  • You can take the people away from the DDR, but you can't take the DDR away from the people.
  • Well, that didn't end as I expected.
  • edited March 2013
    8 player eclipse in 2 hours.

    Are you a wizard?

    Sorry, I meant it started two hours from then. Game took from 2:30 to 9:00 with a half hour dinner. So six hours... and only seven players showed up. It was still amazing fun, and new frickin organizers are mad useful.

    Also my alliance of two won. Overwhelming everything with missile boats was kinda key.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on

  • Round 7 when shit hit the fan.

    Round 9 when all was said and done.
  • 8 player eclipse in 2 hours.

    Are you a wizard?

    Sorry, I meant it started two hours from then. Game took from 2:30 to 9:00 with a half hour dinner. So six hours... and only seven players showed up. It was still amazing fun, and new frickin organizers are mad useful.

    Also my alliance of two won. Overwhelming everything with missile boats was kinda key.
    Significantly less impressed. >:\

  • Maps of what people search for porn of. Peru #4 made me laugh out loud. Also, Japan is surprisingly normal.
  • Significantly less impressed. >:\

    Absolutely justified.
  • #2 Finland is cringe-worthy.
  • Maps of what people search for porn of. Peru #4 made me laugh out loud. Also, Japan is surprisingly normal.
    Czech Republic takes the prize in fucked up.

  • #2 Finland is cringe-worthy.
    I found it funny how most European countries just want something local but for Finns it has to be old.

  • My girlfriend's father works for Die Linke party, so I hope they get lots of votes this coming election! If they don't stay in the government, he'll be out of a job.
  • The southern US likes ebony more than the north, France likes hentai more than Japan does, Portugal is really gay, gay fake vagina porn is a thing in Kenya, and I guess Syria is into poop. Fun map.
    Also, Japan is surprisingly normal.
    Search for "Japanese" or "Hentai" on a porn site and you might change your mind.
  • A couple states like "compilation". There's a joke there but I havn't figured it out yet.
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