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Android: Netrunner



  • Sort of a dumb question but I didn't realize until I was looking through the cards today that some cards have like an alternate version of their faction logo. Does this have any bearing on the game or is that just cosmetic?
  • edited April 2013
    If anyone is down to play via G+ hangout, let me know. Tweet at me @RosakaM
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Sort of a dumb question but I didn't realize until I was looking through the cards today that some cards have like an alternate version of their faction logo. Does this have any bearing on the game or is that just cosmetic?
    Do you mean the Corp identity cards? Like the alternate HB and Jinteki ones?

  • Sort of a dumb question but I didn't realize until I was looking through the cards today that some cards have like an alternate version of their faction logo. Does this have any bearing on the game or is that just cosmetic?
    Do you mean the Corp identity cards? Like the alternate HB and Jinteki ones?

  • The logo may be a bit different stylistically but at the end of the day, it's all about the words on the card. ;-)
  • Played another tournament today. Got 10 points again...
  • Also, they gave out some prizes. Just for being one of the first to sign up I got a melange mining corp with alternate art. The back of the card doesn't match color-wise, so you need an opaque sleeve to actually use it. It seems to go for about $10 on eBay.
  • Why would they not match the back?

  • Why would they not match the back?

    It matches, but the color is off. Shitty alternate printer or something.

  • Why would they not match the back?

    It matches, but the color is off. Shitty alternate printer or something.
    Probably used a different printer for low volume prints. Color matching can be really challenging and they probably didn't care enough. I wouldn't be surprised if they had it digitally printed to cut costs, while having the originals process printed.
  • So, quick question. When making a run, you can upgrade your icebreaker's strength. Does this last for the run, or just that ICE? Additionally, only unbroken subroutines on the current ICE execute, right?
  • So, quick question. When making a run, you can upgrade your icebreaker's strength. Does this last for the run, or just that ICE? Additionally, only unbroken subroutines on the current ICE execute, right?
    Just that Ice, unless the Icebreaker specifically says so (like Battering Ram, for example).
  • Personal goal: win game in one run using Maker's Eye. I scored 5 points with it tonight. It is totally possible if the Corp deck shuffle is poop.
  • Personal goal #2: Score three Notorietys in the same turn using All Nighters and Doppleganger.
  • edited April 2013
    Personal goal #2: Score three Notorietys in the same turn using All Nighters and Doppleganger.
    I've seen it. Not as impossible or hard as you might think. The problem is if you make a deck aiming for that, it might be hard to get the other 4 points.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • edited April 2013
    Personal highlight from tonight: Running into an Edge of World at the bottom of four ice. I still won that game but... ow.
    Post edited by pence on
  • I realized the best use of edge of world and other asset traps, but edge of world specifically is better.

    The use is protecting upgrades! You want to install your Sansan now so that you can score an agenda out of hand later? But if the runner runs, they blow up the Sansan. Put an edge of world on it. Even if they expose, who cares? Now Sansan is very expensive to destroy. Also very good for protecting an amazon industrial zone. This game needs more upgrades.
  • I scored a Notoriety in my first Runner game, but it didn't help much. I think it might be good to have a single one in the deck just in case you're in a game-point situation, but it's definitely not a thing one should base a deck upon.
  • I scored a Notoriety in my first Runner game, but it didn't help much. I think it might be good to have a single one in the deck just in case you're in a game-point situation, but it's definitely not a thing one should base a deck upon.
    I have won a few games with Notoriety as the final point. Don't discount it. You can definitely make a deck that has 3x notoriety that is very powerful. The deck just has to have an actual way to score the other points, and not just be a notoriety machine. Make a 7 point deck, not a 3 pointer.

    I think there is definite merit in having a criminal deck with notoriety. Criminal has the power to steal many agendas in the early game with ease and luck. Then score the notorieties with doppleganger to finish it off.
  • edited April 2013
    I realized the best use of edge of world and other asset traps, but edge of world specifically is better.

    The use is protecting upgrades! You want to install your Sansan now so that you can score an agenda out of hand later? But if the runner runs, they blow up the Sansan. Put an edge of world on it. Even if they expose, who cares? Now Sansan is very expensive to destroy. Also very good for protecting an amazon industrial zone. This game needs more upgrades.
    The original Netrunner is LOADED with upgrades, sysops and regions. They will come eventually :)

    Here was one of my favourites:

    Edit: And yes, it's probably broken... A Melange that can only be run on the turn it was installed, and never again? Yeah....

    But that's how they rolled back then.

    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • Dat submarine. So cheating. I think that Jinteki Replicating perfection has replaced that submarine, so you will not likely see that card. Then again they put out Scrubber, which makes is redundant with Whizzard.
  • Dat submarine. So cheating. I think that Jinteki Replicating perfection has replaced that submarine, so you will not likely see that card. Then again they put out Scrubber, which makes is redundant with Whizzard.
    Scrubber vs Whizzard. Maybe. In that OCTGN online tournant some of the best players (Frizzler in particular) was running Whizzard over all other identities and kicking ass. He must know something we don't..

    But yeah, that Sub... So unfair!

    How about this?

    Double agenda, OMG, So intense...
  • Nice DIE HARD reference! Also the best card ever. Just put a Namatoki with an Edge of World and score all your agendas. Now what runners? Don't think we will see that card ever.
  • Finally participated in our tournament tonight. It wasn't the traditional Swiss format. The guy running it had us play 1 game rounds where he randomly selected us playing as Runner or Corp. Then it was whomever wins and they get a certain amount of points based off that.

    I won my first game playing as NBN vs. Criminal. The guy didn't realize he should have trashed Decoy to not take a tag. I then Scorched Earth him when he had 3 cards in his hand.

    The next game I played as Runner and lost handily against Weyland. The guy I played, ended up winning the whole thing. This guy was one of those guys that is totally into the game and can figure out what cards are more than likely there based upon credits I had in my pool and everything. I was stupid to not run on him in the first turn because all he did was score a Hostile Takeover his first turn. He had nothing protecting him.

    I then lost to a Criminal deck against another solid player. I was able to at least score 3 points out of that game. My NBN trace deck wasn't working so well.

    Then I had to play Jeremy as we were both 1-2. I played as Runner and defeated him when it was 5-6 with a few minutes to spare.

    Final game I played as Runner and lost to NBN.

    Jeremy and I ended up both getting the alternate art Melange Mining Corp cards and Jeremy also got some special plastic credits.

    There were at least 4 guys that were serious players that knew all the cards and talked about various strategies, while there were others who were casual, and some that were new to the game. It was fun. 2 of the guys that were serious are total Bronies. One was wearing a RD hat and we talked MLP during the down time.

    I don't know if I'll ever be as hardcore or as serious as those guys. I definitely want to improve, but I'm also don't want to invest most of my time doing so.
  • I hope that wasn't a regional tournament that was run so inappropriately.
  • No. It was for fun.
  • There are alternate Identity cards for
    I hope that wasn't a regional tournament that was run so inappropriately.
    It was a small local tournament. At least two of the experienced guys wanted to run things standard, but most of the rest were indifferent, so the TO chose to do single game matches for 3 Prestige. The TO also participated in the tourney to bring us to an even number, which isn't allowed in tourneys above the casual/local level.

    Overall, it was fun, I learned quite a bit strategy wise, and will be making some adjustments to my decks.

  • I'm starting to post some videos of my games I have taken. Here's the first one. Working on another one now.

  • Some advice for these videos would be to, if you can, add in a little overlay that tells us what each card is. They're pretty much impossible to tell, even when face-up, and limits the learnability of these videos.

    Also, how'd you play the two Scorched Earths? It didn't look like he was tagged.
  • Some advice for these videos would be to, if you can, add in a little overlay that tells us what each card is. They're pretty much impossible to tell, even when face-up, and limits the learnability of these videos.

    Also, how'd you play the two Scorched Earths? It didn't look like he was tagged.
    These videos aren't intended as tutorials. They are intended for people who already know how to play and know all the cards. You can see the cards about as well as you can see them in anyone else's Netrunner videos.

    Clearly you are not in the target audience, because you don't know the card SEA Source by name.
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