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Worst movies ever made.

edited November 2007 in Movies
Since Rym officially declares Clifford to be the worst movie ever made, that gave me the idea to bring this topic to the people.

What do you think is the worst movie ever made?

For me, it's Freddy Got Fingered. It was basically a 90-minute episode of The Tom Green Show, only much, much worse. It had godawful, disjointed writing and was filled with so many gross-out gags that it's literally unwatchable.


  • For me, it'sFreddy Got Fingered.It was basically a 90-minute episode ofThe Tom Green Show,only much, much worse. It had godawful, disjointed writing and was filled with so many gross-out gags that it's literally unwatchable.
    I never even knew Tom Green made a movie. However, I used to watch his show sometimes in the high school days, and I remember it being occasionally funny. I liked how he kept that public access vibe even though he had made the big time.
  • I've seen none of these, but I'm positive that it is impossible to make a movie worse than Surf Nazis Must Die.
  • edited November 2007
    Elizabethtown. The writing sucked. The actors sucked. The story was crappy. It made a very selfish millenium - generation type point that you have no obligations to anyone.

    Also, its geography was completely screwed up. The showed the characters leaving Louisville going north on I-65 towards Elizabethtown, when in reality that would send them towards Indianapolis. They had scenes you could tell where filmed in Lexington and Bardstown supposedly happening in Elizabethtown. Then they went to Memphis, which in the movie was just around the corner from Elizabethtown. In reality, it's about six hours away. I can't say enough bad things about this movie.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Future War wins by an easy land slide in my book. I didn't know it was on MST3K until just now when I read the wiki. It deserves the accolade.
  • Going Overboard starring Adam Sandler.
  • I'd toss out F/X 2 from 1991. At least, that's the worst movie I have ever sat through.
  • Battlefield: Earth.
    I was 14 and turned it off because it was so god damn stupid.
  • Because I Said So, I was forced to watch this movie and it killed some of my brain cells.
  • I never saw the movie, but I heard "Troll 2" is the worst movie ever made. They were having a showing of it in Salt Lake this fall and apparently, people go to the movie to boo, toss in their own lines and throw bologna sandwiches at the screen. Sounded like fun, but I couldn't make it.

    The story is about a boy and his parents go on vacation in the mountains to a city called Nilbog. To make a long story short, some people start disappearing and the boy figures out that Nilbog spelled backwards is Goblin, and that there are vegetarian goblins that take people and turn them into vegetables, then eat them.

  • For me, it'sFreddy Got Fingered.It was basically a 90-minute episode ofThe Tom Green Show,only much, much worse. It had godawful, disjointed writing and was filled with so many gross-out gags that it's literally unwatchable.
    As soon as I saw this discussion, I though Freddy Got Fingered! That is one the only movie that was so bad that I left the theatre and never looked back. What a piece of pewp!
  • Shallow Hal

    The first Dungeons and Dragons movie.
  • Biodome

  • Since Rym officially declaresCliffordto be the worst movie ever made, that gave me the idea to bring this topic to the people.

    What do you think is the worst movie ever made?

    For me, it'sFreddy Got Fingered.It was basically a 90-minute episode ofThe Tom Green Show,only much, much worse. It had godawful, disjointed writing and was filled with so many gross-out gags that it's literally unwatchable.
    I like Freddy Got Fingered, but I like Tom Green a lot and the movie is basically just an excuse for him to act like an idiot for 90 minutes on screen. The best part is when he gets the house dropped on him.

    My pick is still Manos: Hand Of Fate which is soul-crushingly boring in addition to being completely incompetently made, the only thing that makes it halfway watchable is the MST3K episode ("World's Slowest Car Chase")
  • I am not going for the worst movie ever made because I don't seek out terrible things, but the worst movie I ever saw was Hollow Man.
  • Worst movie ever: Man on Fire

    Runners up:

    Queen of the Damned

    Mystic River

    Dancer in the Dark

    Battlefield Earth


    Déjà Vu

    Million Dollar Baby
  • One of my favorite bad movies would have to be "Plan 9 From Outer Space."
    This is the MD Geist kind of bad. The plot is horrible, plot holes every few seconds, a budget the size of my paycheck, and actors who really don't care how the film looks. One of the actors didn't care so much he died in the middle of shooting. They had to fake that character's death by using his old home movies, and replace him with someone who looked nothing like him.

    The movie is hilarious, though, and is great for a group viewing.
  • edited November 2007
    Xenomouse: Oh come on. The new Transformers movie, while not a stellar piece of anything, was not one of the worst movies ever. It still had a bit of classic Transformers feel; it needed more robots and less humans, but it's not like Gigli or something like that.

    Now, if you said one of the most disappointing movies ever, I'd still disagree, but less so.

    EDIT: Holy shit, I completely forgot about Pathfinder. It's an abortion. Don't see it. Ever.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Xenomouse: Oh come on. The new Transformers movie, while not a stellar piece of anything, was not one of the worst movies ever. It still had a bit of classic Transformers feel; it needed more robots and less humans, but it's not likeGiglior something like that. Now, if you said one of the mostdisappointingmovies ever, I'd still disagree, but less so.I think that unmet expectations had a large amount to do with my poor opinion of the movie. However, most of my expectations were simple, like: characters should be more than single-dimensional; dialog should refrain from inordinate amounts of adolescent sex humor; transformation sequences should be visible and not blurry; story should not have shoe-horned token characters; and, per physics, mass should be maintained.
  • The worst movie i've seen is Speed 2.

    Relative to my expectations for a given movie, however, The Bourne Supremacy and the first Mr. Bean movie disappointed me the most.
  • The worst movie ever is Revenge Quest. It's impossible to buy alone, it only comes in packs of four or more movies.I will see if I can find some info tomorrow (I left my charger for my laptop at school so I am on my iTouch).
  • edited November 2007
    Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

    George Burns sings "Fixing a Hole". Unholy.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited November 2007
    I think the worst movie I have ever seen is Super Mario Brothers. 'Nuff Said.

    I think many people mistake bad movies for The Worst movie. Most modern movies have at least a few redeeming values, to be The Worst movie it has to have nothing at all that you liked about it. But obviously an opinion is an opinion.
    Post edited by blaman327 on
  • Worst movie ever:Man on Fire

    Runners up:
    Queen of the Damned
    Mystic River
    Dancer in the Dark
    Battlefield Earth
    Déjà Vu
    Million Dollar Baby
    You need to see more movies.
    transformation sequences should be visibleand not blurry;
    I would hazard to guess you saw the film on a digital projector. I did an experiment with this film and watched it on both digital and film projectors and the action scenes, especially while panning a shot, where amazingly blurry on the digital projector. Just my $0.02.
  • edited November 2007
    Alice's Restaurant was truly terrible. It's painfully obvious that people were abusing substances while they were filming, because most of it simply doesn't make sense. A large portion of it shows the characters going back and forth between Woody Guthrie's hospital room and different motocross races. At one point, they try to depict scenes from the song, but then they go right back to the motocross.

    Even though it's bad, it's worth watching, because you'll laugh trying to figure out what were they taking and what they must have been saying to themselves while filming - "Hey, this would be a good time to show more motocross!"
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • I might have to go with a more recent movie - The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising.

    It was a movie about a 14 year old boy who is (wait for it...) supposed to save to world, but he doesn't know this until a group of old heroes tell him. Apparently, this boy is supposed to be the seeker - the one whose job it is to find the "signs" before "The Dark" gains full power, and envelopes the world in darkness. The Dark is going to reach his full power in seven days (for no apparent reason), and only the power of the signs can stop him.

    First of all, the concept of the movie is exceedingly stupid, and there are way too many things that are left unexplained (how The Dark gains his powers, for example.) There is a "romantic" element to the movie, but the result of that can be guessed five minutes after the "plot" begins. Let's see...
    The most annoying thing about that is that they consider that to be a "big reveal" in the movie, so they throw in the epic "OH NOES" music and pump up the visual effects, which makes you want to squeeze your hamster until it explodes. Oh, and that reminds me! The visual effects were probably the WORST PART of this whole disaster!

    The visual effects were exceedingly jerky and frequently used, that I could imagine at least two people out of a full theater having an epileptic seizure. I nearly vomited myself, because the effects were just so, shall we say... "Spinny?" And good god, they just HAD to put at least four of those effects into every fucking scene! As my great grandpappy Joe used to tell me, "Special effects do not a good movie make."

    I'm sorry about the long post, but seriously, DON'T SEE THIS MOVIE! [/rant]
  • You need to see more movies.I've seen plenty of movies, and quite a few have been bad. The movies I listed were especially memorably bad because they were incredibly hyped up, but ultimately they failed.
  • Hmmmm, I liked Queen of the Damned. Then again, I expected barely anything about it and never heard about the hyping up. And Shallow Hal's not the worst movie ever, it's funny! It has a redeeming quality, cannot be the worst then.
  • Almost any romantic comedy that isn't Shaun of the Dead.
  • Almost any romantic comedy that isn'tShaun of the Dead.
    Shaun of the Dead is a romantic comedy?
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