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Identify Yourself



  • edited December 2007

    Grandia 1 and 2

    Whoa! It's been awhile since I've seen a Grandia fan.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited December 2007
    Hi. I am Ted Hartman, and go by the name toonmainet on the net. I come from the the center of the keystone state in state College. I have been listening to GeekNights for about a year, and now thought about joining the forums. I was also told I should join.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited December 2007
    for a Gaming Degree.
    A degree... in gaming!? O.o Does that mean y ou can call yourself a "professional gamer" once you got said degree?

    Welcome to the board Relena.
    Well, it's just a degree in game design and theory that they call a gaming degree. Here it is just in case you want to see it. It looks pretty fun and I'm going to start next quarter.

    Anyway, thanks for welcoming me.
    Post edited by LadyRelena on

  • Grandia 1 and 2

    Whoa! It's been awhile sinceI've seen a Grandia fan.
    Yeah, their both extremly rare games now! I thought RPG's of such good quality would have been more popular. It's a bit sad.
  • Well, it's just a degree in game design and theory that they call a gaming degree.Hereit is just in case you want to see it. It looks pretty fun and I'm going to start next quarter.

    Anyway, thanks for welcoming me.
    Aaaaaaaaah, it sounds awesome though. Great icebreaker and head turner: "Yeah, I got a degree in gaming." *audience stares*
  • edited December 2007
    Hey everyone, this is my first post! I figured this would be the best place to start.
    My name is Lyddi and I'm from Dallas, GA (yes there really is one, I swear). I go to Georgia Tech and my major is Computational Media. Most CM majors concentrate on making videogames, but I'm doing film. I want to work for Disney or Pixar, etc. Maybe I will get to work on Shrek 5, or whatever is out by then, and be the head hat modeling person or something weird like that, hah.

    Anyway, I play the flute in band and stuff. I kinda like it, since I'm minoring on it. I like to read and write, and I am just now getting back into videogame mode (the last time I had played anything was middle school). I have a pink DS, yay! I used to be in a lot of forums in high school, but then I lost touch with everyone. So now I am starting over, because someone convinced me to. I hope to find some interesting people to talk to here, since there just aren't enough geeks at Tech. ^_^
    Post edited by Lyddi on
  • edited January 2008
    TO save me time in introducing my self I will copy and paste my about me survey from my web site.

    Name: Will
    Nick names: Will the Thrill, Thrill, Chunk. Daddysaveme
    Top ten favorite movies: The Princess Bride, Return of the Jedi, Tombstone, Labyrinth, Army of Darkness, Clerks, Willow, Office space, Lord Of The Rings, *******************need one more
    Turn ons: my wife.
    Turn offs: males and people who are not my wife!
    Fashion do's: air walks.
    Fashion don'ts: conformity
    Favorite cartoons: Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Sea Lab, Home Movies, Family Guy SIMPSON'S, King of the Hill, Futurama, Scooby doo, Veggie Tales, Justice League Unlimited. The bat man, The Venture Brothers.
    My thoughts about starwars: I love this reality, get me a light saber and I AM SO THERE!!!!
    My thoughts about David Bowie: he rocketh, and the labyrinth rocketh!
    My thoughts about 9/11: Look out terrorists, America’s coming, and your gonna DIE
    My thoughts about denim: Jeans are cool.
    Why I choose to shave my legs: I don’t! Dumb question!
    Why girls always go for mean guys: not always just most of the time.
    Why my butt sticks out so much: Genetics and over eating, yet another dumb question!
    Why nice guys finish last: and the first shall be last and the last shall be first.
    My best feature: body wise my biceps, mind wise my sense of humor, spirit wise my creativity.
    My worst feature: body wise my gut, mind wise my laziness, spirit wise my corruptibility.
    Guys I find attractive: um, how bout no!
    Guys I find hideous: long list, (ok very funny giving me a survey for girls)
    Boxers or briefs: boxer briefs.
    Favorite color: Purple and or Black
    Favorite hand gun: Desert Eagle .50AE 6" titanium gold finish pistol MAN I WANT ONE!!!
    Favorite super hero: “good question how does one gauge his response, keen detection skills, ability to banter well with super villains” -Brody, Mallrats. But probably a toss up between Batman, Wolverine, Spiderman and Superman.
    Do you twirl your hair: No...ok a little but I am not gay!!!
    Can you do the splits: I used to be able to get real close but I haven’t stretched much in the last 2 years.
    Do you speak Swahili: Negative.
    Reasons I like kool-aid: Tastes good, dies hair, makes a mess.
    Do you bite your nails: yes, far to much.
    Why do you analyze things so much: What kind of a question is this, Do I analyze things to much, can you ever really analyze things to much? And what is to much? What does it really mane to analyze? In conclusion, yes
    Do you fart Don’t lie: I don’t think I like this question but it would be sort of impossible not to.
    Do you ever really go number two or always number one: Stupid.
    Toilet paper, fold or wad: FOLD!!! Fold or Fold Nor there is no wad.
    Pad or tampon: Stupid girl survey. I have nothing to gauge an answer with but for the sake of argument the concept of a pad seems much more comfortable to me personally.

    THe survey is done for a little more: I play magic the gathering, WOW, settlers of cattan, all on a regular basis, Iam 26 married, with a beautiful daughter, I am a Christian(and have no intention of preaching at you or being harrased for). I work at a College as an AV TECH.

    Mr. Period - Good god.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Mr. Period,

    I am sorry about my poor grammar and spelling. I have always been bad at the two. I do not mean to make your job any more difficult. Please forgive me? I will try to do better in the future. It is a weakness of mine I am slowly working on.
  • edited January 2008
    Wow, I didn't know that you could do that. I like it. It's like dunce-cap or something.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • You would not like it so much if you had to wear it!DOH!!!
  • I am Jared and am currently in my second year of college at Oregon State University. I am currently studying History, my goal is to earn a PhD, but that could change in a few months or so. My main interests include music, comic books, real books, manga, anime, and video games. The current main focus in my life is to recreate the OSU Anime Club and a passing interest in changing my current OS from Mac OSX to Linux.

    Nice to meet you all.
  • Hello internet people. I am Allison, 26 years old, born and raised in Southern California. I enjoy playing games of almost any type, whether it be a tabletop, PC, console, drinking or mind game. I tend to gravitate towards the PC gaming end of the spectrum (Orange Box, Call of Duty 4, etc). Other than gaming, I enjoy caffeine, computers, martial arts, anime, LEGO, reading, playing the guitar, and cake. I like watching anything with a space ship, sword fight, ninja or zombie in it. Guilty/degenerate pleasures: World of Warcraft & Naruto.

    I found GeekNights via aWo, iTunes surfing, and general word and mouth. I lurk here quiet often, figured that I might as well start posting!
  • Hello, I'm Diego!

    I was born in 1988. I haven't browsed around the forums much, but it seems like I'm a bit young compared to the rest of you... I might be wrong, though.

    I'm from Mexico. I've been listening to the show for the past few weeks and I finally decided to come over to the forums and see what it's like over here.

    I first heard of GeekNights from the mouth of Richard Smith over at Simply Syndicated. And that's pretty much all I have to say... Seems like I'm not nearly as geeky as some other people here, but I'll try my best to fit in :)

    Oh and I know you are really firm on your grammar and spelling rules... I'll try not to mess up but since English is not my first language I might have some problems with that... Sorry in advance for all the messing-up.
  • Hi, I'm Drew and I just realized that I never posted in the sticky thread. I'm a 17 year old from Columbus, Ohio. I play number 1st singles at my high school (tennis). I'm absolutely terrible at the grammar and English without the Firefox spell check and am pretty good at math. I play way too many video games and don't do enough school work. I've been lurking on the forum way too long and I plan on going to school for Computer Science.
    The only real manga that I read are Yakitate! Japan (don't read the English version) and Naruto. I, also plan on killing Masashi Kishimoto for making me not want to stop reading. My favorite anime are Eureka 7 and FLCL. Favorite games are Portal, .HACK, and any rhythm game I'm decent at.
    Things I wish I had: The determination to play guitar, a non F'ed up motherboard, and the ability to speak more than 5 words in Japanese.
  • Hi, I am Ed Age 14. I'm pretty new to this thing called the Internet. So if you can't guess I am not the most technologically savy person out there. Besides that I am a huge geek. I love anime (Genshiken, Trigun, Nadia and the Secret of the Blue water, Akira, FMA, Anything Miyazaki, and a huge soft spot for Pokemon) and video games (Portal, SSB, Tekken, Pokemon, AOE, Civ, and most fps). I have always like the latter more. If your wondering I am one of those punk kids who screamed about how Naruto was the best show ever and did not know anime existed out of cartoon network and fox . I feel embarrassed about the Naruto praising just because I realized how rude and idiotic I was when I would argue about how it was a great show. But now I have reformed into a less annoying anime fan. All thanks to Anime World Order which helped me learn more about anime. Finally I am horrible at grammar and spelling and this post took all my strength to try to spell everything right. So I hope I can be a accepted member of this forum.
  • Hi. I'm Matt, an eighteen-year-old male from San Francisco. As of now, I'm a second-semester senior in high school. I applied to RIT, Rose-Hulman, Harvey Mudd, and Cal Poly as I plan to complete an Electrical Engineering degree. I use a Macbook, but plan to build a mini-itx based linux box to handle my torrents, serve files, and, if I can find/make a GUI, playback on a TV. I'm learning Java through my school. I find building backend more interesting than building interfaces. Most of the TV that I watch, I torrent. I dig cultish movies (Repo Man, The Warriors, Attack the Gas Station!). My moniker comes from the 1,000,000th issue of Hitman.

    Yea... That's about it.
  • if I can find/make a GUI, playback on a TV.
  • I'm Ninjarabbi. I was the result of the dark ninja Zabuza and the white ninja Yumi making a pact with yahweh in order to join forces against the planet omicron persei eight. I was forced to become a man of the cloth in order to enhance my ninjutsu. I also enjoy short sprints in the night and slitting the necks of my enemies.
  • if I can find/make a GUI, playback on a TV.
    I was thinking about MythTV, but it seems kind of overkill/bloated for a strictly playback device. I wasn't planning on making it it a DVR.
  • edited February 2008
    Hello, I'm Graeme and I'm from Calgary, AB, tucked away up here in the Great White North of Canadia. I got into Geek Nights through my sister about half a year ago and haven't looked back since.

    My hobbies include art and longboarding largely, but also music, anime/manga, and also martial arts, but martial arts is something I do now a days to keep in shape; I'm getting bored by it though. Been going strong for 6 years in Hap Ki Do.

    That's about it though. Talk to you all later.
    Post edited by RothOHNOES on
  • Hello I'm Joseph William and I'm from Warren Ohio, I'm currently attending high school. I have Interests and hobbies in animation (both making and watching), cooking, comics and manga, trolling, computers and books I'm quit the bibliophile . I plain on trucking around the states and Canada to earn money for collage after High school, after all that and collage I want to get a job working with computers.
  • Hi. It's me!
    I'm Eduardo, I'm 28, and I live in Chicago. I like stuff like video games and board games and other games. I'm not such a big fan of comics, though I love the snooty "graphic novels" and I don't follow anime at all.
    I heard of GeekNights through Dwarf Fortress, and I've enjoyed the podcast quite a bit and finally figured it was time to join the forums.

    I work at a nonprofit organization doing "data analysis". I love writing poetry, walks on the beach, and a warm hug.
  • I am Darren, and I feel a bit old whenever I listen to the show. I am 40, and live in Columbus Ohio. I have been reading comics since the early 80's. I am always looking for new anime and manga, and eagerly hunt down everything Rym and Scott recommend. I love gaming, both video and board. I currently have a Wii, but I never enough time to play. My first computer was a Commodore 64, but I learned to program in basic on a TRS80. I am currently trying to switch all my computers to Linux I am extremely happy to find this podcast. I am usually a lurker, but I am inspired to actually participate here. Rym it right, this forum rocks!
  • I am Darren, and I feel a bit old whenever I listen to the show. I am 40...
    Welcome, and don't feel old. There are many regular forum go-ers that are around, if not older than you. I would say, they are quite the awesome old fogeys. ^_~
  • Yeah. I mean, Hungry Joe once met Roosevelt.
  • Hey all!

    My handle's Gabe, Gabrial, Fox, whatever. I don't know why exactly, but I'm always reluctant to throw my real name around the net...

    Anyway, I'm into more geeky bits than I could reasonably list here, so I'll try to summarize.

    -Gamer (console) - prefer action or RPG style games but I'm really all over the place.
    -Gamer (Pen-n-Paper) - I prefer some of the more off-the-beaten-path games, specifically JadeClaw or IronClaw, but again, play all over the place.
    -Job (tech) - I was, but am no longer, a sort of low-end IT support. I was the tech support for a grade school.
    -Job (now) - Now I'm working middle management for a trade-show production company.
    -Other (net) - I produce (write, draw, etc) a crappy web comic.
    -Other (art) - I am working on publishing, I write scifi, fantasy, noir, and other forms. I used to play bass, but need to get back into it...

    Um... yeah, that's enough random info in unnecessarily stringent formatting for now.


  • What's your webcomic?
  • Hello all, this is Coldguy located 17 miles outside of cheesesteak land. I am finishing up college to be a systems integrator but leaning toward the computer security end of things, at the moment looking for the job to kick start me on the right track and haven't found it yet. I am a blogger, and did blog on websites. The latest one, RetrowareTV just gave me the boot due to them going in a different direction, so if you need a writer with marginal acting skills, I am your man.

    I also am a member of various other sites including ScrewAttack, PBC Productions, RWTV, Digital Press (and NAVA attendee), Press Start, and now FRC. I could go on but as the staying goes, "Unless asked you will never answer the question of someone else."
  • edited March 2008
    What's your webcomic?
    Heh, sorry. It's "Hey Fox" over here.
    Post edited by Gabrial Fox on
  • Hey, I'm DKong1026. If you see a DKong or DKong1026 on any forums around the net, it's most likely me.

    I'm 17 and I'm a junior in HS. I live up in the Cleveland area.

    My geekeries are...
    Anime- been watching since I was like 10 or 11.
    Manga- been reading since my freshmen year in HS.
    Video Games- RPGs, rhythm games, 2d Mario games (never been a fan of the 3d ones), advance wars (yes it deserves it's own spot). Been playing since I was in about 3rd or 4th grade. I'm mainly a DS and GBA gamer. They just have all the games that appeal to me.
    Tech- I'm taking a bunch of programming classes in school now and I plan to major in Computer Science.

    Other things I'm into:
    - skiing
    - bowling
    - billiards/pool/whatever
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