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Identify Yourself



  • I`m Claire, 17-year-old high schooler (oh the joy). I live in Alberta, Canada, which is generally an enjoyable experience despite the horrendous weather.
    I enjoy spending my time and money on Japanese comic books.
  • edited May 2008
    Post edited by laik on
  • Howdy
    My name is Jason, but all my students call me jei-sensei. I'm 29 and am currently working as an English teacher in Japan. This is my 6th year in Japan and I am loving living here. My hobbies are aikido, playing shamisen, and translating for fansub groups. It is all good fun. As they say in Japan: Yoroshiku onegai shimasu!
  • I'm Dimitri. I was born in Russia, and live in Australia.

    I'm studying Mechatronics Engineering and Mathematics at a university, with a focus on programming; I'm not sure if it's exactly what I want, I might just go all-out on programming, or on maths, or ....

    Consequently, I'm a technology geek by nature.
    I've been a gaming geek for some time, but a serious one only for a few years.
    I also got into anime less than a year ago.

    Up until now, I wasn't a role-playing geek, but a friend and I just ordered Burning Wheel Revised + the Monster Burner from key20, with the cost shared between us. International shipping sucks.

    Who knows, I may even become a german board game geek after I listen to you guys some more; It's only been a couple of weeks so far, with a fair few back-episodes on the more interesting topics.
  • I am male, married and live in a city on the other side of the world. I love lego and architecture. I have a 1 year old son who is great. I have had little interest in anime but will watch if I have time. I will try to attach a few pic of myself and my wife.
  • Oh! So cute! I love baby pics! He's so cute.
  • Hello all. This is Eeeper otherwise known as Phillip from the Republic of Ireland. I'm currently a community artist and have a passing interest in fine art. When I'm not watching anime and manga, I'm trying to host my podcast Eeeper's Choice. I'm signed up to too many forums as it is but I'll try to respond to any questions anyone puts to me. I'm permanently glued to my laptop so it shouldn't be too long before I repost.

  • Apparently I have failed to identify myself. This cannot stand.

    Hello all, wryterra is Simon and Simon is wryterra. I'm a photographer, student of photography, frequent GM, less frequent player, media consumer and more. Born and raised in Albion.

    I'm currently listening to 080320. There's some random information that's only relevant for a brief period of time.

    So, I have been identified.

  • I'm Jama , a fairly unassuming 18 year old representing the "college freshman" demographic. I'm currently taking classes at Georgia State University in Atlanta and throughly enjoying it.

    Since I'm taking a little more time out from gaming to focus on other types of geekery, its awesome that I have a reliable source to take suggestions from. I actually first heard of Baccano! from the episode previewing it, and it turned out to be my favorite show of the last year. So I guess that's a bit of anecdotal evidence proving that your suggestions do help.
  • edited March 2008
    Hello, I am Grey, an 18 year old high school student with Asperger's Syndrome living out in Utah, I am currently enrolled in The Academy of Math Engineering and Science, and have been accepted to the University of Utah for the Fall semester. I am exceptionally good at mathematics and science, though I lack confidence in the areas of writing, verbal, and social skills.
    I am interested primarily in gaming, though I also like anime, manga, and technology. The Games I like are typically of the Computer or Video variety, although I engage in tabletop games as well. I enjoy most types of anime, and personally own the boxed set of Neon Genesis Evangelion. My other hobbies include the reading of books, the riding of bikes (I participate in the MS 150), and the watching of televisions.
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • edited March 2008
    My name is Christopher Orr. I was born on April 26, 1980 and have lived pretty much my entire life in Ohio. I spent some time in the US Army as an interrogator and a MP Unit Armorer before going back to college. I am finishing up my BS in Computer Engineering, but currently work in the IT dept. of a materials engineering company.

    I am an alpha geek, being versed in almost every flavor of geek I have encountered. Primarily, I am a role-playing geek (D&D, L5R, others) and a video game geek (all platforms back to the Atari 2600). I used to be a huge anime geek, but that has curtailed since getting married. The last series I watched was Haibane Renmei, which I enjoyed tremendously.
    Post edited by Daedalus on
  • My name is Christopher Orr
    Would you be the Chris Orr that Dave and Joel keep talking about, or is that a coincidence?
  • My name is Christopher Orr
    Would you be the Chris Orr that Dave and Joel keep talking about, or is that a coincidence?
    I have to imagine it is a coincidence.
  • Jeez, I can't believe I haven't done this yet. I've been here for months.

    My name is Thiel. Many people don't believe me when I say that's my name, but I assure you, it really is. It's pronounced like the color teal. I'm eighteen and am so freaking close to graduating high school. I will be attending UT Arlington this fall for art and after than I plan on going to culinary school to indulge in the life of pastry chefery.
    If there are any other swimmers out there, I swam for my high school doing the 500fr and the 200fr.
    I am the middle of three daughters. My older sister is in mechanical engineering and after one more year will be going into patent law. My little sister
    I was born in Iowa, but have since moved four times. I am now living in north Texas, and since I learned to talk when I was in Iowa my friends make fun of me. I say pop. =D

    I explained my origins of geekery in that thread, so go there to read about it. Long story short, my dad wanted sons and got three daughters.

    I love love love to write and am working on a couple novels.

    I also like the animes. They are my entertainment when my brain is fried from homework and I can't watch a movie with dad.

    So basically, when I'm not doing something artsy or school related, I'm blowing up aliens and stuff with my friends. I'm a pretty diverse person and get along with most everyone.
  • If there are any other swimmers out there, I swam for my high school doing the 500fr and the 200fr.
    Awesome, I did the 100 and 200 Breaststroke.
  • If there are any other swimmers out there, I swam for my high school doing the 500fr and the 200fr.
    Awesome, I did the 100 and 200 Breaststroke.
    Rock on! I'm going to miss it when I go to college.
  • I'm Klemen KoÅ¡ir, born 20th March 1993 and I live in Slovenia. I'm just finishing the last year of primary school. Some of you maybe know me, because I'm a p1r4t3 (torrents). Aargh.
  • I am Male,16, and currently reside in Brooklyn, NY. today is my birthday.
  • My name is Karl Custer. I graduated from SUNY Purchase in 2007 as a playwright, and since then have lived the highest caliber that a playwright can, living at home in the suburbs of Philly as an Executive Domestic Coordinator - I feed the cat.

    For the past year, I have been doing stand-up comedy at conventions as Uncle Yo, the geek-specific stand-up comedian. I do anime, role-playing games, dabble in video games, and graphic novels. As a writer, I try to break into these fields.
  • I live and attend community college in California. Four years ago, I underwent a successful kidney transplant operation, and have been in great health ever since.
  • edited April 2008
    My name is Corey Shepherd and I graduated from High School last year and I'm spending another year upgrading course marks and taking new marks. I live in Hamilton, Ontario and plan on attending Mcmaster University next year for mathematics. I'm a geek and I enjoy video games, quoting movies and TV shows and computers. I'm very shy and I have a few social problems that my girl friend considers cute.
    Post edited by m16 elitest on
  • Alright, I wanna get in on this thing. I don't have that much time to post on forums, but I miss being part of an online community.

    My name's Brandon Palas. I'm 28. I actually feel a bit inadequately geeky for this place, but eh. I'm an "artist", and I think I'm getting close to drawing comics professionally -- check my profile to see what I do. I've been into comics since I was a kid (but no underwear perverts these days), and anime and manga to some extent since the mid-90s. Unless you count watching Robotech, Voltron and Tranzor Z in like first grade. I was never DEEPLY into anime or manga, though, and I'm going deeper now, largely due to Geeknights.

    Other things: I'm vegan. I'm an atheist (not unusual around here, of course). I'm a big fan of Mixed Martial Arts, and I used to train (muay thai, Brazilian jiu jitsu, some judo), but had to give it up for the time being to concentrate on art. I was a screwoff in high school and I never went to college and I regret it, but oh well.

    Alright, I gotta get back to drawing.

  • Other things: I'm vegan.
    Are you a vegan because of some moral issue or are you a vegan because you just don't like meat/animal products? I'm just curious on why you would make such a decision.
  • Other things: I'm vegan.
    Are you a vegan because of some moral issue or are you a vegan because you just don't like meat/animal products? I'm just curious on why you would make such a decision.
    I've decided that I want to take part in the exploitation of animals as little as is reasonably possible. I don't need to eat or wear animal products to have a good life, so I don't.
  • edited April 2008
    Other things: I'm vegan.
    Dude. That means you have super powers. Unless Scott Pilgrim has lied to me, which I don't think it has.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Other things: I'm vegan.
    Dude. That means you have super powers. UnlessScott Pilgrimhas lied to me, which I don't think it has.
    I haven't gotten around to Scott Pilgrim yet (too broke to buy many comics right now), but I'm definitely going to. So I don't know what you're referring to. But I don't actually have superpowers. I'm at more of a Batman level.
  • Dude. That means you have super powers. UnlessScott Pilgrimhas lied to me, which I don't think it has.
    To get vegan super powers, don't the other vegans have to grant him that power?
    I'm at more of a Batman level.
    How so? Describe.
  • I'm at more of a Batman level.
    How so? Describe.
    That was a silly joke. I apologize.

    So now I'm extra-curious about Scott Pilgrim.

    And now I think I'm hijacking this thread...
  • And now I think I'm hijacking this thread...
    Don't worry, it happens, and go get Scott Pilgrim! Good stuff.
  • Agreed on the Scott Pilgrim. I'm so fucking excited for the next issue! This comic is so win!
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