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Identify Yourself



  • edited April 2008
    Hey people.

    Real name's Tom Dancer. My current internet connection determines that I live in a flat in Newcastle, UK. I'm 27 year of age, shoe size of 10 (British - 10.5 American - 44.5 European - 28.5 Japanese), height of 5'10" and a 19" neck.

    I enjoy video games that I like, movies that appeal to me, web design/development and men who aren't afraid to cry.
    Post edited by evilhuman on
  • My name is Jordan. I live in southern California. I am interested in all things geek. I am still stuck in high school but it is my last year. The detective story is my favorite type of story, hence the handle.
  • edited July 2008
    My turn. ^_^

    My name is Dani (though I preferred to be addressed as ayameiris on the web). My age is irrelevant seeing as how I'm forever 19 in my head. That and the fact that no one really believes me when they see me and I tell them my real age. I pretty much dabble into everything that's nerd or geek but my main stomping grounds is anime/manga/video games. I am and will always be working on my novel that never stays the same while I hold down an average joe job of small wages.

    Oh, I came across GeekNights while browsing through iTunes and met the boys in the flesh at Kinokuniya at the T.M.Revolution radio interview.
    Post edited by ayameiris on
  • Hi Dani! It's Jessica from NJ!
    If you are from the Otakon region then I believe that I met you at the TMR panel and again at his appearance at Kinokuniya.

    I'm glad that you joined the group.
  • Hi Jessica! I remember you! Yeah, I've been listening to the show for a while. Never really occurred to me to join the forums.
  • Hi. My name is Mark. I am one of the owners of The Tesla Cafe cyber cafe / music venue in Danville Virginia. I'm one of the friends / partners of Bearded Guy (aka Jawa) who was mentioned in the Katsucon episode. I am into basically all things considered geek, but primarily electronics, technology, and video games.
  • Hi. My name is Mark. I am one of the owners of The Tesla Cafe cyber cafe / music venue in Danville Virginia. I'm one of the friends / partners of Bearded Guy (aka Jawa) who was mentioned in the Katsucon episode. I am into basically all things considered geek, but primarily electronics, technology, and video games.
    Wow. I didn't know there was anything interesting in Danville. Last time I was there it was so boring but then again it was a family gathering there. T_T
  • I am Emily, Goddess of Rabbits.

    I was born on a Friday the 13 in October under a full moon. It gave me POWER. (I don't actually know if the full moon part is true, but it was on my 16th!)
    I grew up in LeRoy, the birthplace of Jello and not much else. It was a good childhood, but then I got kinda stir-crazy as a teenager in a small town and took off for the city, namely Tokyo, and then subsequently New York, for film school at NYU. (I graduated last year) I am an animator and comic artist, employed making 3D models for a small Taiwanese start up. If that ever fails, I'm going to learn how to bake bread and open a boulangerie.
  • I am an animator and comic artist
    Where are your comics? Lemme see!
  • I suppose I should introduce myself before I go and vote in all the polls, huh.

    My name is Patrick King, and I was born on March 17, 1985. My fiancée and I live together in Texas, and both of us work (in some capacity) in the health field. I don't really like my job, so I'm in the process of applying at the local junior college to get at least a half decent career. I like to read comics, manga and books though I don't get hardly enough time or inspiration to read them these days. I also draw a bit here and there, though nothing worth selling or showing off. I... guess that's all for now.
  • Wow, you have the same birthday as me. I too was born on St. Patricks Day, albeit 5 years later.
  • Hello everyone, I am here.
    I thought I should introduce myself, even though introduction threads usually aren't read with much conviction. My name is Matthew Sedbery, son of Michael Sedberry. I was born in an Air Force base hospital in, now closed, George Air Force Base, CA on October 19, 1984. Since then I have also lived in Phoenix, AZ and now reside her in west Texas. I graduated from high school back in 2003, and am finally in the pursuit of making my life better by enrolling at a local technical college. I enjoy watching anime, playing RPGs, reading Dragonlance novels, writing, reading comics and manga, and various other geek oriented activities. I am a collector of sorts. I have over one hundred Dragonlance books and around sixty Sonic the Hedgehog comics. Lastly I must say that I am a huge Gundam fan, and an even bigger giant robot fan.
  • edited May 2008
    Hi everyone.
    I though I'd introduce myself since I am new to this forum.Here's a bit about myself-
    I'm 14 years old was bornn in a post USSR country in central Asia but am now living in SIngapore.I study at AC school in secondary 3 with 2 years to go to Junior College.In the future I want to enroll in a programming course in Junior COlelge since I want to become a programmer.

    My geekerie's-
    GAming-I'm a pretty hardcore gamer.I dont only play the new games I also played most of the games from the 80's and 90's that were out for the pc.My favourite games are Half LIfe 1 and 2,Team Fortress 1 and 2,Unreal Tournament 2004 ,Tomb Raider's 1,2 ,3 and 7,Duke Nukem 1 and 3d,Doom 1 and 2,Heretic,Hexen,Dune,BIoshock,Portal,CnC series,Age of Empires 1 and 2,Neverwinter Nights,Baldurs GAte,GOlden Axe and Icewind DAle 2..I may have left out a few games.
    Book's-I'm mostly into fantasy and sci-fi my favourite authors being Tolkien,Frank Herbert,Timothy Zahn,Kevin J Anderson and Roger Zelazny.My favourite books are Dune,THe HObbit,Tale's of Bounty HUnters,The Amber Chronicles,LoTR:The two Towers and all the prelude's to Dune.
    Star Wars-I'm a pretty big Star Wars fan.Even though I don't own a tonne of collectibles I own many books,all of the films and games.
    Computers-I may not be a uber specialist when it comes to Computers but I know how to do most of the things that do not require a degree in computer science.I'm currently in the middle of building a new gaming rig here are the specs-
    Antec Nine Hundred Black Steel ATX Mid Tower Computer Case
    GIGABYTE ODIN PRO 800W, fan 15cm, Retail 210$
    Ice Hammer IH-NIAGARA (water cooling) 35$
    Intel Socket 775 Core 2 Quad Q9300 BOX <2.5GHz, 1333FSB, 6Mb L2, 45nm, EM64T> 300$
    Socket 775 EPOX EP-5NVAJ 1066 NForce4+SLi, 4DDRII 667,8CH,2PCI-E 16x,LAN Gb,SATAII RAID ATX Rtl 130$
    Video Card:
    Nvidia PCI-E 512 Mb XFX PCX9800GTX 675MHz
    DDRII4096Mb (2x2048Mb) PC2-6400 800MHz DDR2 DIMM Corsair XMS2 C4DHX (TWIN2X4096-6400C4DHX G) BOX 140$

    All this for 1235 US$,I've had to search a lot for prices as low as these.

    Dune-I'm a fan of the series and the games though I though that the 4th book in the original series was abit boring.The preludes,short stories and legends of Dune were amazing on the other hand.
    LoTR-I like the books,films and games but the books in particular even though the films are just perfect.

    My other intrests-
    Swimming-I only became intrested in it recently when I singed up for the school swimming team.
    Avatar-One of my favourite shows.Way better than a lot of the other crap that is on TV.
    History-I'm intrested in history since my country has a rich history.
    HArry Potter-I'm not tha big of a fan of it but I enjoy the books.
    Monty Python-I like the show and the movies.I got intrested in them fairly recently though.My favourite episode is full frontal nudity,favourite movie is of course The Holy Grail and favourite sketch is the Chemist sketch.Semprini sir?
    In music-I like to listen to Metal,Grunge,Drum and Bass,Industrial,Trance and a bit of nerdcore hip hop like Optimus Rhyme.The bands I listen to are SOAD,Blur,Nirvana,Celldweller,NIN and Pendulum.

    I hope I didn't rant.
    Post edited by Necro on

  • Computers-I may not be a uber specialist when it comes to Computers but I know how to do most of the things that do not require a degree in computer science.I'm currently in the middle of building a new gaming rig here are the specs-
    Antec Nine Hundred Black Steel ATX Mid Tower Computer Case
    GIGABYTE ODIN PRO 800W, fan 15cm, Retail 210$
    Ice Hammer IH-NIAGARA (water cooling) 35$
    Intel Socket 775 Core 2 Quad Q9300 BOX <2.5GHz, 1333FSB, 6Mb L2, 45nm, EM64T> 300$
    Socket 775 EPOX EP-5NVAJ 1066 NForce4+SLi, 4DDRII 667,8CH,2PCI-E 16x,LAN Gb,SATAII RAID ATX Rtl 130$
    Video Card:
    Nvidia PCI-E 512 Mb XFX PCX9800GTX 675MHz
    DDRII4096Mb (2x2048Mb) PC2-6400 800MHz DDR2 DIMM Corsair XMS2 C4DHX (TWIN2X4096-6400C4DHX G) BOX 140$

    All this for 1235 US$,I've had to search a lot for prices as low as these.
    Decent, but make a new thread and we can probably improve on it a bit.
  • Roger Zelazny is so good. Have you read Lord Of Light?

    Also, just wanted to say that I am reading this thread with conviction - indeed, with rock-solid faith and certitude.
  • @Rhinocero-I'm trying to get pst through his whole Amber series,now I'm on book 9.But he is a good fantasy author,his details are so rich and he describes the action packed sequences very well.He's somewhat like Tolkien.
  • I had a lengthy contribution but I lost it somehow during the preview stage of my post. Maybe I will redo it later, but for now it will remain short since I'm pissed that Microsoft's clipboard has such limited functionality.

    I have been listening to Geek Nights for 2 years. I was born in Geisson Germany in 1986 (22 years old for non-math people) I'm 22 and serving in the U.S. Air Force, I am responsible for ground transportation at Pope AFB, North Carolina. I like all days of geek nights, there is always something that interests me. Nice to post after hearing about forums at the end of every show.
  • Hey Gang,

    I figure since I'm likely driving Scott crazy at the moment, I may as well post here. My user name, Tuchulcha is an Etruscan death demon from the Tomb of Orcus at Tarquinia in Italy. My real name is Wayne, and I'm a teacher. I've been teaching at the college level for a few years now (I'm 33... feeling oldish) while working on the PhD, but I've just accepted a job teaching at a high school in my home town, New Orleans. My degree is in Classics with emphasis on Archaeology and Mythology (Etruscan and Roman in both categories), a different sort of Geekdom than what's talked about on the show.

    I've been into gaming in one form or another since 7th grade, and I'm a giant DnD fan. I haven't bought 4.0 as I don't have a stable group to play with at the moment, and I'm not sure it's really necessary anyways. I've played strategy games such as Shogun and Axis and Allies for nearly as long as I've played DnD, and I played Magic for a few years before moving and losing my gang of friends who played. I'm currently a big fan of World of Warcraft.

    My favorite book of all time is Dune (although I've not read the whole series), and my top 5 favorite movies (in no particular order) are Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Excalibur, Dune (David Lynch's version), Star Wars: A New Hope, and Reservoir Dogs. I'm a giant Rush fan with Led Zeppelin running a pretty close second; in general, Classic Rock is my genre.

    I'm also married and a father of 2 sons, a 6 and 4 yr old, so I have my hands full as a parent as well. I guess that's about all the pertinent info.
  • edited May 2008
    xyzzy joins the fray!

    My real name is Charles Bearss (rhymes with "fierce", counter-intuitively), born July 23, 1977. I'm a software developer for a small company in Tallahassee, working on various public safety applications.

    I am a big supporter of maximizing one's life, trying new things and appreciating quality. Life with a wife and kids of course is not always conducive to totally geeking out, but I do manage to dabble in robotics, gaming and game programming, LEGO, Magic, some anime, music, sci-fi/fantasy reading and even some writing. I tend to start more projects than I complete, but my hope is to improve on that front as well... and I greatly appreciate and respect people who do manage to create things.

    I'm always up for discussion of anything related to politics, philosophy, religion, Harry Potter, "The Future", genetic engineering, Apple, Microsoft, Nintendo, Office Space, education, medicine, or astronomy.

    I believe that technology is magic and that the universe is for our enjoyment.

    And, of course, I am a huge fan of the podcast. Found out about it ages ago from a comment Ananth made on Applegeeks, and have been listening ever since. Don't know the exact episode I started with, but it was about imminent domain, progress, and cellphone towers... and it was hysterical!
    Post edited by xyzzy on
  • Nothing happens.
  • Nothing happens.
    I prefer to think of it as never knowing what might happen.
  • Heh, question, are you the same xyzzy as the one that joins once in a while?
  • Heh, question, are you the same xyzzy as the one that joins once in a while?
    No, sorry. I've always liked the word (those text adventures were my first computing experience back in the day). Typically someone has beaten me to it, so I was surprised it wasn't already in use here. Usually I go with "zod" or "zod1025"... I'll have to set up the IDShare stuff now I guess.

    I just googled nexuswar, though, and it looks interesting... will have to check that out.
  • Magnum_Opus(Joe) finally decided to join and I have screwed myself over with regrettable missteps in giving a idiot's first impression.

    I will try the last to change this, though chances slim.
  • edited June 2008
    an idiot's first impression.
    I will try tothe last to change this, though chances are slim.
    Personally, I'd rather have you here, but picking on you is fun ;)
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • anidiot's first impression.
    I will trytothe last to change this, though chancesareslim.
    Personally, I'd rather have you here, but picking on you is fun ;)Now, now Cheese. Don't be a bully. :P
  • Hum... My name is Jillian. I grew up in Saltville, VA and I moved out to Brookings, SD to go to school in accounting. I am currently living in Hills, MN and going to school at DSU for computer science. I got the nick-name Jillybean from my father and the girls at college started calling me that.

    I am really into anime currently.. so much I started doing fan art. I love music and books. I have two cats named Danzig and Darth Sidious, who are outside pissing off the birds. Oh yeah, I love hello kitty (and the independents) so much I have a tattoo of her on my ankle.

    I started listing to Geeks Nights two weeks ago and decided to be social and joins the forums.
  • Welcome Jillybean! Read the rules, even though you seem to have done so already and enjoy your stay.

    Also, just to be sure, are you a guy or a girl? I'm leaning towards guy, but one can never be too sure. And I'm no Viga.
  • edited June 2008
    anidiot's first impression.
    I will trytothe last to change this, though chancesareslim.
    Personally, I'd rather have you here, but picking on you is fun ;)
    Meanie *sniffle*

    I won't change that post for posterity.

    Edit: My absence of 'to' in the beginning of the second line was not incorrect since it was a quote from Macbeth(V.8.32). But the other two are incorrect.
    Post edited by Magnum_Opus on
  • And I'm no Viga.
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