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Identify Yourself



  • edited June 2008
    And I'm no Viga.
    Were you under the assumption he was Viga? That aside, was he Nineless the catgirl that wasn't a cat nor a girl?
    Post edited by Anastius on
  • And I'm no Viga.
    were you under the assumption he was Viga? That aside, was he Nineless the catgirl that wasn't a cat nor a girl?
    Yep, I thought Nineless/Myself was a girl for so long. :P
  • And I'm no Viga.
    were you under the assumption he was Viga? That aside, was he Nineless the catgirl that wasn't a cat nor a girl?
    GAH! EVIL! Turning my bad joke against me! Darn it, if it wasn't me who was the victim of posts past it would've worked flawlessly.
  • And I'm no Viga.
    were you under the assumption he was Viga? That aside, was he Nineless the catgirl that wasn't a cat nor a girl?
    GAH! EVIL! Turning my bad joke against me! Darn it, if it wasn't me who was the victim of posts past it would've worked flawlessly.
    It's alright catgirl. :P

    ^+_+^ <-- you.
  • who furry?

  • And I'm no Viga.
    were you under the assumption he was Viga? That aside, was he Nineless the catgirl that wasn't a cat nor a girl?
    Yep, I thought Nineless/Myself was a girl for so long. :P
    Before he told us otherwise, so did I.
  • Its alright Myself, I can understand why you would think that. I mean since I was diagnosed with endometriosis and had surgery twice to remove the implants, I can no longer have children. So I can't be a woman, if I can't do the only thing I was born to do. Though, I am not a man... more like an it.
  • I haven't posted anything in this thread yet as I prefer to let people get to know me via posts rather than me saying what they should find interesting about me. But I just had a weird exchange on skype which cleared up for me one reason why I've enjoyed these forums since I recently started reading and posting...
    simo el andaloussi:
    hi luke
    how are you doing

    Luke Burrage:

    simo el andaloussi:
    how are you
    im simo from canada

    Luke Burrage:
    I'm just fine. Who are you?
    Have we met before?

    simo el andaloussi:
    no haha i dont think so i live far from you man
    how is berlin
    well listen luke
    i wanted to talk to you about something im doing over there in berlin
    a multinational i am expanding
    can we talk for about 5 minutes cause im busy atmy office right now ?

    Luke Burrage:
    Oh, spam.

    simo el andaloussi:
    what ?
    check what e do then be more open in life my friend
    we work with donald trump

    Luke Burrage:
    I work with myself.

    simo el andaloussi:
    im a business man either
    go see what i do
    if you wanna do business with us in germany

    Luke Burrage:
    Also, I have standards. Therefor I'll only do business with people who demonstrate a decent grasp and use of the English language.
    You fail.

    simo el andaloussi:
    you have no idea who you are talking to but i understand you
    cause i am talking to you on the net
    go check our website and if you have a sens of business you will contact me to have more info in our office in berlin

    Luke Burrage:
    I consider the internet part of my real world.

    simo el andaloussi:
    take care luke im only looking forward to meet serious people in germany if its not you it will be somebody else
    then check the website
    we are in telecom , biggest industry ever
    dont be soo narrow minded
    be curious

    Luke Burrage:
    I am a professional juggler. What the hell are you contacting me about?

    simo el andaloussi:
    what are we talking about honestly ?
    you dont even have an idea about what i do
    and you start talking to me about starndards and all that stuff
    im business man thats all ,developping in you country

    Luke Burrage:
    You are a spammer. If you weren't and are contacting me directly you would have looked at my website and called my home phone number, sent me an email or posted a letter.

    simo el andaloussi:
    luke think whatever you want call the consumer affairs and adk about my comagny
    all communications network
    endorsed and backed up by donaldtrump
    im not here to argue
    but you are rude by saying SPAMMER
    now you have a nice day and take care

    Luke Burrage:
    No, you are trying to get me to spend time on you. Getting me to look at websites doesn't help your cause. Using correct English does. Try it on your next victim, if you are able.

    simo el andaloussi:
    bye mr narrow minded imnot a rude person
    i dio business
  • So I can't be a woman, if I can't do the only thing I was born to do.
    Not if you ask me. n_n If your genes still say 'XX' and your self image is not that of a man, you're a woman.
    Yep, I thought Nineless/Myself was a girl for so long. :P
    Before he told us otherwise, so did I.

    @ Lukeburrage, awesome.

    The catgirl part probably came from your name. A cat has nine lives.
    ..then again, ⑨ is an idiot. So idiot-less?

    The catgirl part probably came from your name. A cat has nine lives.
    ..then again, ⑨ is an idiot. So idiot-less?
    I got the cat idea from the anime Loveless. Nineless reminded me of that.
  • Hi there. I thought I should do that whole introducing me stuff.
    I'm Jamie, a 31 year old bloke living in Edinburgh. I like most of the typical "geeky" stuff, such as comics, gaming, movies, and other stuff. I'm also into rock and metal music. My user name comes from an old ZX Spectrum game, Sweevos World.
    These forums were recommended to me by Dutopia, a friend of mine. I must confess that I haven't listened to Geeknights yet, but I plan to rectify that ASAP!
  • Sweevos
    Remember the apostrophes, we're strict about that.
  • Welcome sweevo! Welcome to the Front Row Crew Forums. Follow the rules and be a happy forumite. Also, help me bleach Viga's brain, her crazy ideas about me being a cat must be destroyed forever.

    And Edinburgh is a nice looking city. Been there once during vacation. And since it's in Scotland, a question, are you a true Scotsman?

    As for episodes you should check out... Should we recommend the Masturbation episode, forums?
  • As for episodes you should check out... Should we recommend the Masturbation episode, forums?
    I'm still to scared of that episode to listen to it.
  • As for episodes you should check out... Should we recommend the Masturbation episode, forums?
    I'm still to scared of that episode to listen to it.
    Don't be scared. It's educational....

  • Thanks for the kind welcome. Unfortunately I'm not a Scot, I am however Welsh, so it's not all that bad!
    Sorry about the punctuation malarkey, I'm usually a stickler for it.
    Masturbation episode?
  • edited June 2008
    For episode recommendations:
    Just type something that interests you into the search box on the main site. They probably have a good show on it :)
    Alternatively subscribe to the main feed and scroll through the episode titles and pick one that interests you.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Masturbation episode?
    Masturbation episode.
  • Also, help me bleach Viga's brain, her crazy ideas about me being a cat must be destroyed forever.
    You'd have to bleach my brain as well. However, you'll never find me!
  • edited June 2008
    Hello, my name is Jordan and I'm from East Longmeadow Mass. I'm 18 and going to go to URI at the end of summer for a engineering degree (hopefuly). Anyway I first became a big fan of Geeknights when I went to their anime match game at Connecticon last year and became an instant fan. Right now I'm really digging their book club episodes because now I actually know of good books to read now.
    Post edited by Jordan O. on
  • Hello, my name is Jordan and I'm from East Longmeadow Mass
    Hey, cool. Another massho- Oh, wait. You live in WESTERN Mass.
  • Hey, name's David. I started listening to Geeknights from the Initial D episode and have only recently got into the forums (especially about TF2). I was born in China, lived for 12 years in New Zealand and now I am in Australia for Uni (University of Melbourne) taking a BS in mechanical systems then a ME in either Mech or Mechatronic engineering. Got into Geeknight because I was looking for a show/radio that was on the same subjects and interests I am into and with none of that commercialisation bullshit.
    Its a shame that net/podcasts still isn't that well known down under when I speak to people about geeknight or other show they are always instantly dismissive of it or think that it is like commercial radio for your mp3 device.
    Geeknights = awesome shit and I can't wait for the t'shirt (probably not the best place to post this but can anyone tell me, or direct me to where I can find out, if there is gonna be international shipping? I had a look around on the forums and haven't found an answer).
  • Its a shame that net/podcasts still isn't that well known down under
    It isn't well known anywhere. ^_~
  • edited June 2008
    I just realized that I haven't written in here myself!

    "kiwi_bird", then "kiwi" and now "makushimirian"

    So, I started listening to GeekNights about mid ´06 and joined the forum in September. I remember looking on iTunes for "geek" and then finding Scryms podcast. It was a lot better than a show I listened to for a short time back then called "Nerdblurb". I thought they were entertaining, but after listening to GeekNights they paled in comparison.

    I'm a high school student in Germany at the moment but grew up in SA going to a British School, thus explaining why I'm able to speak the English language on an adequate level.
    During the next 1 to 2 years I'm planning on taking Japanese courses at a local college parallel to school and job. Once my draft has finished I'm planning on becoming a German/ English teacher in language schools (i.e. Japan), or studying something along the lines of media informatics/ computer linguistic. My third option is studying something in the field of music, though that depends on how much I can increase my skills up to university.

    I would define myself as a Manga, Anime, Computer, Art, Literature and Music geek. Though Music is the one I really live for, since I find a great joy in playing instruments and creating music.
    Post edited by kiwi_bird on
  • Hi everybody! I'm Ariel. My friend Joe---Prof. Pangloss to all of you---showed me this site and introduced me to GeekNights, and insisted I start an account. I may or may not be very active because I'm usually incredibly busy.

    I just finished my junior year of high school. I have a natural talent for language and writing but my passion lies in the sciences. Physics, chemistry, and engineering are my favorite subjects, and my first college choice is MIT. I am addicted to music (my iPod is an extra appendage), I sing but don't play any instruments, and I love manga, sushi, and all things Japanese. While I identify with geeks, I'm not as outright geeky as I'd like to be. I am, however, a little paranoid, so that's all the information you'll get about me for now ;)
  • I love ... all things Japanese.
    No you don't. Example number one, tentacle monsters.

    Welcome to the forums.

    P.s. if you do love tentacle monsters, stay away from me, okay? Thanks :D
  • I love ... all things Japanese.
    No you don't. Example number one, tentacle monsters.

    Welcome to the forums.

    P.s. if you do love tentacle monsters, stay away from me, okay? Thanks :D
    Hey! You're discriminating against me and my people! So what if I have eight appendages! I'm still a thing. :P
  • Hey! You're discriminating against me and my people! So what if I have eight appendages! I'm still a thing. :P
    Didn't that comic girl only had 2 tentacles?
  • thanks myself :) may you have 8 tentacles!
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