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Identify Yourself



  • Another Animator! Welcome! I checked out your deviant art. Your backgrounds are sweeeet!
  • Another Animator! Welcome! I checked out your deviant art. Your backgrounds are sweeeet!
    Hey thanks, i presume you too are an animator? If so then brofist for the win as well!
  • I am! I do 3D at Muse Games, but I like to animate 2D stuff as well!
    Search for "Inle" in thread titles, and you can see some gifs from my current personal project.
  • Hello everyone! My name is Raphael, I'm just you're run of the mill geek. I'm getting an AS degree in computer networking, I play games, watch cartoons, read books etc. I've been a long time listener of the show and I finally decided to check out the forums. You guys seemed like a fun bunch, so here I am.
  • Welcome to the forum, Raphael! You'll get on here just fine. Where do you live at the moment?
  • Welcome to the forum, Raphael! You'll get on here just fine. Where do you live at the moment?
    I currently live in Orlando, Florida.
  • Hi there!
    My name is Originalme8, but you can call me Chris for short. :P
    Let's see where to begin, where to begin...OH LOOK AN IDENTIFY YOURSELF SECTION... Oh, right, already here.
    So I was born in a small minute miniscule (not on any map you have ever seen, I'm looking at you Google!) town in California. Born on a cattle ranch, I leave the door open because I was born in a barn... get over it!
    Anyways I went on to graduate from ITT Tech Clovis with my Associates Degree in Network Administration and Security, but really it's just a piece of shi... paper right? I now work for a software company that makes Medical software. Truly I dabble in everything from web/mobile development to Systems Administration. It has it's ups and down the up is I have worked with a lot of things that many don't even know exist and the down is I don't know anything really really well.
    In my spare time I prefer to ride bikes, hang out with friends, and until my server died recently tinker with my Voice/chat server. I am fairly laid back and am willing to help just about anyone who asks, so feel free! Just be warned, if I don't know I may give you a bogus answer that sounds right and watch you run in circles till I find the solution myself I may be blunt and tell you I don't know, but I will stick around to hurt help in anyway I can. :P

    I actually got turned onto GN via my buddy Skeith who lives in New York and have been stalking the forums silently for months...until now. So hit me up I am almost always willing to chat, and if you can find me on your favorite chat client more power to ya! I am always on Trillian or a Linux equivalent.

    Alright I'll be around!
  • Huzzah! Another west coast forumite to add to our merry gang of misfits! How do you do, Chris? I'm Sonic, a Los Angeles denizen. Welcome to the forum.
  • I was at 2010 PAX Prime & 2011 PAX East. At first I was pretty reluctant about the geeknights stuff, I liked the panel descriptions but didn't know who you guys were. I heard good things at Prime, and I picked up your pre-pax podcasts before East. I went to east, and saw your latter two panels. I kinda met Scott, in a very vague sense, before the ACTION CASTLE panel. I was pretty hung over at the time honestly, and wasn't really up to speed. Anyway, I've found myself coming back to the website randomly and even lurking these forums. At some point, I figured I'd have to admit to myself that I was at least a little entertained and wanted to add a comment here or there. There's an off-chance I met some of you at PAX, or know some people from other forums, or maybe somebody remembers when I tried to make a D20 conversion of FFT that was linked on 8-bit theater, but otherwise... pretty sure I don't know anybody. I've gone by creamsteak everywhere except when I played WoW. The name originated from me getting fed up with my friends nicknames that always included two words they thought were awesome, "Dragonsniper" for example. And I've just stuck with it, because nobody else has ever taken it.

    Also, I like the ponies.
  • Also, I like the ponies.
  • Also, I like the ponies.
  • Also, I like the ponies.
  • Hello, my name is Al. I like video games, beer, books on psychology, Russian novelists, golf and birding. im an office drone and part-time computer janitor. Some of you may have met me through cremlian; for that I profusely apologize.
  • Hello, my name is Al. I like video games, beer, books on psychology, Russian novelists, golf and birding. im an office drone and part-time computer janitor. Some of you may have met me through cremlian; for that I profusely apologize.
    Apology Accepted. Welcome to the forums!
  • Hullo! I think I met you at a ScoJo party!
  • ScoJo parties usually involve lots of 1) people and 2) alcohol. Who are you again?
  • ScoJo worked with my wife and I currently DM his weekly game. You and I talked about burning wheel some, Pete, and I brought a homebrew over at least once for you and Wyatt to try.
  • edited April 2011
    You and I talked about burning wheel some, Pete, and I brought a homebrew over at least once for you and Wyatt to try.
    YOU! The IIPA, right? OK, I remember. I thought your name was something else, not "Al."
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Hello, I've finally joined the forums :D

    <Personal Summary>
    My name is Derek Chappell, I've been listening to Geeknights since early 2006. I finally got around to signing up for the forum here because my current rational/geek discussion forum of choice,, has become something of an echo-chamber so I'm looking to branch out my online discussions. I'm an art student, a writer and amateur game developer/modder, at the moment I'm the lead designer of the Red Alert 3 mod Paradox and I'm currently trying to find a publisher for my first novel. I like old school anime, science fiction literature, retro gaming, alternate history, and rationalism. Politically, I'm a left wing pragmatic socialist and I identify as a profeminist; I occasionally write about feminism on blogs. I am also an atheist; my journey from hippy spiritualist to rational atheist actually began thanks to the Geeknight's episode on atheism, which caused me to reexamine my own beliefs after I noticed a dissonance in what I thought about what was being said and how I felt about it. I consider history, particularly general military history and the mid-20th century, my area of specialized knowledge. I obsessively consume older media in a quest to understand the origin of cultural tropes.
    </Personal Summary>
  • I think I like you, from reading the back of your cover.
    I work in the game industry too, as a modeler/3D artist and I like all the stuff you said you are in to!
  • edited April 2011
    Hello, guys.

    My Name is Omar Ramírez, I was born (1987) and still live in Mexico, I'm a freelance 3D artist and Educator, Atheist, Bisexual, Androgyn, kinda-misanthropic guy.

    My Geekery is anime, video and table-top gaming, Indie RPGs and GSN theory give me funny feelings in my pants.

    I also love Paper craft, cute stuff, My Little Pony (Rarity's my favorite aside from Rainbow Dash), I listen to a shit-ton of podcasts and find myself staying home and reading / researching / creating art most of the time.

    I'm the kind of guy who'll act strangely in front of big crowds, say awkward stuff in public and social situations just for the lols and explode and act maniacly at anything that annoys me just to be completely calm and quite the next second.

    I run a little non-profil called Animadores GDL in which we (I) try to strengthen whatever little community the Animation / Video Game industry in my city has. I'm a Linux user in love with open source and firm believer and user of the CC license.

    I've a girlfriend eleven years older than me with 3 kids and one little baby on the way (the first one whose stats I'm rolling)

    And I guess that's all.
    Post edited by Omar_Ramirez on
  • Good to see more people who can appreciate Rarity.
  • Took a look at your portfolio. Nice work, kid! Post in the 3D thread sometime!
  • Good to see more people who can appreciate Rarity.
    I know, It is strange how little people actually do like her. I fell inlove (as in a character design love) with her the very first moment I saw her, and I love her personality and the fact she's a designer. I guess I can identify XD.
    Took a look at your portfolio. Nice work, kid! Post in the 3D thread sometime!
    Thank you, I really appreciate that.

    A 3D thread? I'm loving this forum more and more every second I spend here.
  • We have a 3d Thread? I should also post something there.

    Come, Omar_Ramirez. Let us post there... together.
  • We have a 3d Thread? I should also post something there.

    Come, Omar_Ramirez. Let us post there... together.
    And together we shall post, my brother. Let us charge!!!

    (found the thread o_O 3D Thread)
  • The crowd this forum draws in is so weird.

    I love it.
  • The crowd this forum draws in is so weird.

    I love it.
    You guys collectively constitute the only online community I engage on any real level, and it's almost entirely due to the awesome weirdness you bring to the table. ;^)
  • You guys collectively constitute the only online community I engage on any real level, and it's almost entirely due to the awesome weirdness you bring to the table. ;^)
    I am, indeed, finding this comunity to be pretty awesome.

    Thanks for creating it, guys!
  • Hello.

    I am Zack Patate and I am here to balance all this HURF with my DURF. Pleasure to meet you all.

    -Zack Patate
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