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Identify Yourself



  • edited February 2011
    Hei! Hauska tavata! Welcome!
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • What kind(s) of music?
    My taste is so diverse that and that's why I didn't list of my genres of choice. But now that you asked I like to listen to blues (a la Cream), jazz, folk and all sorts of metal. I do also occasionally dabble into electric music, mostly dubstep since it's so laid back.

    Thank you all for the warm welcome.
  • blues (a la Cream), jazz, folk and all sorts of metal
    I like you, new guy.

    Being from Finland, I assume you are well acquainted with folk metal? We have a metal thread. You should visit it.
  • I like you, new guy.

    Being from Finland, I assume you are well acquainted with folk metal? We have a metal thread. You should visit it.
    Well yes, I'm familiar with a lot of folk metal bands but I do not listen to a lot of them in a regular basis. But for example sake I do like Turisas a lot. It mixes it up with some viking influence, and I'm a big fan of Norse mythology and all that kind of stuff.
  • Norse mythology
    You want Amon Amarth. Like, all of it. Also, Ensiferum.
  • Norse mythology
    You want Amon Amarth. Like, all of it. Also, Ensiferum.
    And maybe Tyr. Also, Korpiklaani. They have nothing to do with vikings, but they are Finnish and awesome. They sing about nature and alcohol, mostly.
  • Solefald is a bit avant-garde, but they're good with the Viking stuff too. So is Helheim, now that I think about it. In fact, Helheim's latest album is super awesome.
  • Everything I know about Finland I learned from watching Duudsonit.
  • Everything I know about Finland I learned from watching Duudsonit.
    Oh no, I apologize on behalf of Finland and will inform you that Duudsonit isn't an accurate representation of our country.
  • That's really a shame because I like that show.
  • Oh no, I apologize on behalf of Finland and will inform you that Duudsonit isn't an accurate representation of our country.
    Yes, just like Jackass represents the USA.
  • Oh no, I apologize on behalf of Finland and will inform you that Duudsonit isn't an accurate representation of our country.
    Everything I know about Finland, I learned from listening to Turisas and Korpiklaani.

    Your mythology is strange, but I am under the impression that you are a fun people who enjoy the woods and drinking lots and lots of booze. Is this accurate? I really want it to be accurate.
  • Sitting on an anthill is a traditional Finnish sport.
  • edited February 2011
    I am under the impression that you are a fun people who enjoy the woods and drinking lots and lots of booze.
    I think what Finnish culture represents to me, in my American mind, is a very equal, fair, yet strong and tough populace, a friendly and warm culture shot through with a hint of melancholy and isolation. I think the Finns respect nature a lot, and there is a historical animistic-pagan spiritual tradition that still lingers slightly in the traditions. I think the weather and environment up north has had a lot to do with shaping Finnish culture, and you like the sauna because it is warm. This is what my stereotype of Suomi is.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I think what Finnish culture represents to me, in my American mind, is a very equal, fair, yet strong and tough populace, a friendly and warm culture shot through with a hint of melancholy and isolation. I think the Finns respect nature a lot, and there is a historical animistic-pagan spiritual tradition that still lingers slightly in the traditions. I think the weather and environment up north has had a lot to do with shaping Finnish culture, and you like the sauna because it is warm. This is what my stereotype of Suomi is.
    It's not too far away from the truth to be honest. I would put more weight on the melancholy and isolation, though. When people from culturally social countries come to visit Finland for the first time, they sometimes take Finns as being rude. It's purely a cultural difference thing, Finns don't usually talk to people they don't know unless they have to and that is the common consensus among the populous. For example, when travelling on public transportation, say a bus, people tend to be silent the whole time unless they are travelling with someone.

    Also, I'm glad to inform you WhaleShark that we have a rather heavy drinking culture. And not like Italy or France either, when we drink we usually do it to get wasted.
  • I went to Finland last year, and drinking was difficult and expensive. You might have a heavy drinking culture, but the laws and regulations means you have to work for it!
  • Hola all. I'm Jo and currently I'm a supervising adjunct instructor at Lamar University in Texas. I'm about 5 hours away from getting my dual masters degree in clinical/organizational Psychology. For awhile I've been a part of the Simply Syndicated forums and I still love the vibe there but I want to learn more about technology and coding in a fun and funny environment.

    I've been listening to Geeknights for about 2.5 years now and I've enjoyed the shows immensely. I thought I'd take the plunge and finally join another forum. I'm also curious to experience interactions on a different forum. I'm not a masochist so I think I'll avoid 4chan. I know I tend to ramble a bit and it's hard to follow my thought process from time to time so my apologies there. If you've made it this far I'd like to say thanks and sorry and I hope to hear from you again.
  • Finns don't usually talk to people they don't know unless they have to and that is the common consensus among the populous. For example, when travelling on public transportation, say a bus, people tend to be silent the whole time unless they are travelling with someone.
    Wow, maybe Finns and New Yorkers would get along! What I heard was that if you are outside a friend group, people are pretty distant, but once you are in, people are super nice.
  • Hello everybody,
    The names Rainbow Matress, Year long listener and an artist. I'm a big animation nut, comic geek, film snob, and all around bad person. After awhile I was convinced that joining the forum would be a good idea.
    I may try to pass my massively uninformed opinions off as truth on a daily basis and sing the praises of children's media.
    Thanks for inviting me in and I hope I fit in further.
  • edited February 2011
    Rainbow Mattress is an excellent screen name.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Rainbow Mattress is an excellent screen name.
    Rainbows: Greatest non tangible existence to form within the color spectrum of man's eyes.

    Matress: Trampoline/sleeping bag 2.0

    It took many years to build the perfect screen name.
  • Some use a mattress for more than jumping and sleeping.
  • How else are you going to steal human fat from a liposuction clinic?
  • How else are you going to steal human fat from a liposuction clinic?
    Bribery, I was figuring. Either that, or set up a fake medical waste disposal company.
  • Hi, my name is DevilUknow (hi, DevilUknow)

    I've been listening to the podcast ever I saw the Game Mechanism and Design panel at PAX Prime (the real PAX) because the GFWL Brodeo punked out of doing their reunion panel. It is refreshing to find people talking about actual games intelligently.

    I apologize for my melodramatic screen name (10 internet points if you can guess where it came from).
  • I apologize for my melodramatic screen name (10 internet points if you can guess where it came from).
  • I joined this forum in 2006 but didn't start being active until a few weeks ago.
  • I learned about Geek Nights at the two "Beyond" panels at PAX East last year and worked my way through the archives since then. I joined the forum to introduce myself to potential fellow gaming partners at PAX East 2011.
  • Welcome to the forum! Good goin working through the archives, not many listeners do. I'm Sonic, resident happy-go-lucky someone or another.

    Anyways, Have fun, Follow the rules, check yer spellin, and I'll catch you around the forums!
  • Hi everyone.

    I'm a first year Informatics student at the University of Oslo, Norway. I found the show at Anime World Order's site about a year ago, and have been listening ever since. Casual member of the local boardgame club, play RPGs with my friends (almost) weekly and crawl the internet for entertainment (a hunt which is often accompanied by some podcast or another).

    I tend to lurk on most forums, so I'm not going to appear in every single thread around here...
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