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  • So, we're probably having a GeekChat on the night of Saturday the 24th. 8pm EDT (midnight UTC) is generally decent, though an hour or two earlier or later might be good for some people.
  • I'll be there! (...most likely)
  • Echo that.
  • Will be there. (Maybe)
  • though an hour or two earlier or later might be good for some people.
    In other words, come and go as you please on the night of Saturday the 24th, whenever that may be for you. Sounds good.
  • Saturday? Alrighty. Would've preferred Friday, but that's good too.
  • n other words, come and go as you please on the night of Saturday the 24th, whenever that may be for you. Around midnight UTC is probably your best bet, though.
  • Saturday is fine for me as well.
  • Chat should start in just under 6 hours (8pm EDT / midnight UTC). Cya all around; I had best get some sleep.
  • 3AM or 2AM English time, not sure, as tonight we go off Daylight Savings...... (not going to be chatting, got a convention to go to in the mornin!)
  • Alrighty, sounds like fun. I can't wait.
  • We're having our rugs cleaned today, so, maybe.
  • I'll be starting a chat two or three hours earlier than stated above.
  • edited October 2009
    I'm going to sleep for a while then get up when the Geekchat starts.
    Churba's been out of reach all day so I don't know if he'll be around.

    Edit: Damn, it's only 7:46.. this is what happens when you sleep funny.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • ......
    edited October 2009
    3AM or 2AM English time, not sure, as tonight we go off Daylight Savings...... (not going to be chatting, got a convention to go to in the mornin!)
    What are you smoking? 'English' time is currently UTC +1 (daylight savings) and will return to align with UTC when Daylights saving time is over. So you're two hours off, it starts 01:00 for you.
    Post edited by ... on
  • I might be in this.
  • I'll be in on this one - I need epic geekchattery to stay awake for the radio show tomorrow.
  • I will be here indeed.
  • Ok, here's the deal! I'm going to be recording an episode of my own podcast in five minutes, live streaming at

    It'll take thirty minutes or so, but you're welcome to come watch and hang out in the chatroom. Once I'm done there I'll post again here, and start a geekchat for any Europeans interested.
  • Right, message me luke.burrage or sonicdh and we'll add you to the chat.
  • Geekchat is happening right now.
  • Once I'm done there I'll post again here, and start a geekchat for any Europeans interested.
    Europeans only? ^_~
  • Once I'm done there I'll post again here, and start a geekchat for any Europeans interested.
    Europeans only? ^_~
    Nope. It's a real Geekchat. No Europeans only.
  • No Europeans only.
    Thank god I'm not European, or I'd be banned.
  • Is it just me or do I get the feeling that everyone forgot there was a Geekchat tonight?
  • I don't remember anyone agreeing to one.
  • Is it just me or do I get the feeling that everyone forgot there was a Geekchat tonight?
    Really? On Halloween? Why?
  • I didn't think anyone agreed upon it...I have work to do, despite it being Halloween, so I probably won't come if there is one. Seems unlikely though.
  • Is it just me or do I get the feeling that everyone forgot there was a Geekchat tonight?
    Really? On Halloween? Why?
    I didn't come up with the idea, cheese did. I guess he assumed a lot of the forumites were too old for Halloween?
  • Is it just me or do I get the feeling that everyone forgot there was a Geekchat tonight?
    What do you care? You gave a full 0 on a 1-5 scale for this weekend and then even inquired why somebody would put a 5 for this weekend. Good job Charles.
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