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  • I think that crunch was the sound of us murdering skype.
  • MrRoboto, aka papionda, is now attempting to host
  • Skype tries to call a number starting with +99000111 It stays connected for a second then calls off.
  • Im quite a bit late, but if this is still going on, I can't join the Skypecast. The Skype window pops up and then nothing else happens.
  • Im quite a bit late, but if this is still going on, I can't join the Skypecast. The Skype window pops up and then nothing else happens.
    This is my problem, too. :(
  • edited July 2008
    Odd. I have no idea what the problem is, I think we'll have to find someone with decent bandwidth for next week to do a conference call.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Uglyfred, Vhdblood was able to join when using IE7 instead of Firefox. Perhaps that will work for you too, otherwise, add me to your contacts list and I'll add you to the chatroom.
  • I used Internet Explorer and was able to log in and connect to the Skypecast fine.
  • We're two minutes off two and a half hours.
  • Great chat tonight guys and gals. I'll do the post production as soon as I can for those who couldn't make it. Unfortunately I won't be attending next week due to moving but I will do the post then too.
  • That was cool. I had fun.

  • As I've mentioned in the chat after the recording, perhaps we should pick a second, or change this, time to talk. It should be possible to allow everyone to join on a day in the week, no? If not, perhaps alternate every week between the days, say Thursday one week and then Saturday (or whatever day) the next week.

    Either way, it was awesome, lots of new contacts heard, and we got up to at least 14 people talking/listening.
  • Yay! That rocked!

    I'm kinda quiet when it comes to talking on Skype, but I think I talked enough to count. I didn't come in till about the two hour mark though. :P
  • Great chat tonight guys and gals. I'll do the post production as soon as I can for those who couldn't make it. Unfortunately I won't be attending next week due to moving but I will do the post then too.
    Where will we be able to download this?
  • I wish I talked more, but I was nervous, however it was still fun. ^_^
    As I've mentioned in the chat after the recording, perhaps we should pick a second, or change this, time to talk. It should be possible to allow everyone to join on a day in the week, no? If not, perhaps alternate every week between the days, say Thursday one week and then Saturday (or whatever day) the next week.
    Yes, this would be a good idea.
  • *snorts!*
    Snorts indeed! ^_^
  • It was really fun! None of you sounded like I imagined (or at least the ones that I recognized from the forum)
  • Great chat tonight guys and gals. I'll do the post production as soon as I can for those who couldn't make it. Unfortunately I won't be attending next week due to moving but I will do the post then too.
    Where will we be able to download this?
    I'll post a link to each download here, but I'm also making a blog so it can be subscribed to as an RSS feed.
  • Oh Noes! My husband will here me talking like saucy minx! The jig is up!
  • This thing is probably a blast to participate in but, I must admit, the recording is extremely boring to listen to.
  • It was fun to participate in. I would love to meet y'all! I really wish we weren't spread out all over creation like geeky peanuts in crunchy peanut-butter smeared on the sandwich that is Earth... Yeah, it is just that poetical!
  • edited August 2008
    Well I'll record and post it but I ain't editing it. I'm going to test connecting to Linkigi sometime to try working out why I couldn't connect to the second Skypecast. Timezones are a bitch, any chance of starting an hour earlier next time? Maybe we could start at 7:30 ET (12:30 GMT) and add people as they come online.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Don't worry about post production, I'll handle that. Just upload the exported mp3 to the internet archive and email me a link to the page.
  • Next time can we just use a standard conference call as it was holding up pretty well, it'll mean I can actually connect to it and I don't see why a Skypecast is an improvement.
  • Next time can we just use a standard conference call as it was holding up pretty well, it'll mean I can actually connect to it and I don't see why a Skypecast is an improvement.
    Actually, it held up poorly. Calls kept dropping once a certain (and small) number of people were incited to the call. Skypecast had fewer problems overall, once people could log in.
  • Next time can we just use a standard conference call as it was holding up pretty well, it'll mean I can actually connect to it and I don't see why a Skypecast is an improvement.
    As long as we can find someone with enough bandwidth, this is a much better option, because it's so much nicer to see who's talking, and you can only do that in a conference call.
  • Well, I just want to be able to connect so I'm not that fussed about the other things.
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