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  • Also, I believe that the limit is 5. But I'm not sure.
    We had 8 people total during the first Geek Talk, so 5's not a problem. I think the limit is the host's bandwidth, guessing based on the fact that the host acts very similar to a server, but you never know.
    That would be my burden then, Though I think my cable modem can handle it.
  • Yay! I installed Skype and tested it. I'm quite excited for tomorrow's Geek Chat! ^_^
  • I'll do my best to be on for the next one, I should be home from work and awake.
  • edited July 2008
    If I pack for vacation early, I should be joining you again, though I will probably just be sitting in the back laughing again.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • I need a new headset mic.
  • I need a new headset mic.
    I don't know if mine still works, I haven't touched it since I stopped playing WoW last year. If it does, I'm in for tonight.
  • T-Minus: 4 hours, 15 minutes

    Anyone who wants to join in, Don't forget to add SonicDH to your skyp contacts.
  • edited July 2008
    I get home around 4 PST, I have to run an errand however, I should be back in time. ^_^
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I'll be home at about 7:30pm ET
  • Uh oh, Something has come up and I might not be able to make it tonight. On the chance that I'm not doing it, I'm pretty sure Viga wouldnt mind hosting it. Please add Vigatheotagal into skype. Viga, is that okay?
  • edited July 2008
    Of course. Sad you wont be joining us, Sonic. ;_; Remember 8:30 eastern! See you there everyone! <3
    Post edited by Viga on
  • edited July 2008
    I'm interested, even if the logistics might be hard. What's ET in ±GMT?
    Ah, turns out it's GMT-5, joy. We can do this or have a game of Tribes 2, maybe one after the other?

    What is the earlies time this could happen as I have sworn not to stay up till 4AM any more.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I'm trying to finagle the bagel here and make it on time. To keep things from getting confusing, we should keep it at 8:30 EST GMT-5.
  • [M]aybe one after the other?
    You wish to play Tribes 2 starting 5 in the morning your time? I doubt it's feasible to play T2 after the GeekChat without cutting the GeekChat short.
  • I'm trying to finagle the bagel here and make it on time. To keep things from getting confusing, we should keep it at 8:30 EST GMT-5.
    Don't worry. It's not like it's going to happen for one minute. Join in after you are done.
  • edited July 2008
    You wish to play Tribes 2 starting 5 in the morning your time?
    8:30 + 5:00 = 12:30? We ain't running on metric time.
    FYI: I use Callgraph and it's set to auto record so I'll have a backup if things go wrong.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited July 2008
    I'm staying awake for this one, Count on some Australian accent flavoring the recording.
    Well, if You'll have me, of course.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • ......
    edited July 2008
    You wish to play Tribes 2 starting 5 in the morning your time?
    8:30 + 5:00 = 12:30? We ain't running on metric time.
    1. Summer time, 2. I'm 1 hour before you, 3. Previous GeekChat ended at about 6AM my time. That would thus make 4AM GMT.
    Post edited by ... on
  • edited July 2008
    Well, if I can get an hour or two in I should be fine.
    1sec, the chat is going to start in the hour following this post, right? [12:12 GMT, 8:30 ET]
    How can an Australian and a Brit be talking together? I'm confused.

    Ah, my Conky clock currently says the time in NY is 17:15 which I'm assume is eastern time. Else; Fail.
    [Update] Fail
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • ......
    edited July 2008
    Chat's starting 59 minutes after this post, or well, that's the planned time.
    How can an Australian and a Brit be talking together? I'm confused.
    It's passed midnight for the Brit, thus it's day for the Australian. If said Australian has vacation or no obligations, he can be online the entire day. There's a neat day/night map in the clock applet in gnome. Just let it show locations.
    Post edited by ... on
  • I think I'll skip this one or there goes sleeping normally for the next few weeks. Could you start the next one an hour earlier? I just can't stay up till 1:30 and only get an hour or two in.
  • It's passed midnight for the Brit, thus it's day for the Australian. If said Australian has vacation or no obligations, he can be online the entire day. There's a neat day/night map in the clock applet in gnome. Just let it show locations.
    When Its 12:00 Am in England, It is 9:00 Am Here, And I just work nights at the moment.
  • Looks like I'll be able to make it after all. Yayz!
  • Remember to add Vigatheotagal.
  • Remember to add Vigatheotagal.
    Added. I am my original username: islandergirlro
  • Five minutes to go, by my clock.

    I'm actually kind of nervous.
  • I'm actually kind of nervous.
    Heh, I had the same last week. 'Shaking' in fear in my chair for a minute or two while thinking "Holy crap, I am able to talk to a bunch of people I do not know at all really", then slowly relaxed, said hi, and laughed since shyness kept me from interrupting a bunch..
  • Heh, I had the same last week. 'Shaking' in fear in my chair for a minute or two while thinking "Holy crap, I am able to talk to a bunch of people I do not know at all really", then slowly relaxed, said hi, and laughed since shyness kept me from interrupting a bunch..
    Nice to know it's not just me then, aye.
  • Viga's connection is no good, so I'll be hosting the GeekTalk now. Add me as linkigi.
  • BEWARE! My wife now has access to GeekChat and is speaking in French and Dalek! I've no control over her!
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