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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • edited June 2013
    I would note in reality I say things will take a minute and they really take much more :-p I'm just confused because I've found the show to be pretty fast paced in terms of being entertaining, but I guess maybe I'm used to Game of Thrones pacing now :-p

    That and I get more out of watching the characters struggle with the situation than actually solving it.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I always assumed these slow episodes in an action anime are needed to give animators a break.
  • Pacing involves managing suspense. Admittedly I'm not up to date on episodes, so I can't comment. The manga has felt like it's on the same plot arc since... well, where I left off in the anime.
  • edited June 2013
    Currently catching up on good shows from the last year and change. Right now Psycho Pass is proving to be very entertaining. I know From the New World, A Woman Called Fujiko Mine, Another, and Polar Bear Cafe are worth at least checking out. Any other recommendations from you all?
    Not from me, but Bakacast, whose taste I generally respect, really liked Jormungand, the first half of Humanity Has Declined, and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Jojo's was not to my taste at all (over the top shonen, just not my thing), haven't seen the other two yet, but they might be worth checking out.

    Post edited by Nissl on
  • I would note in reality I say things will take a minute and they really take much more :-p
    But he's the smart one! He'd definitely be more on-the-nose about stuff like that! Internal clocks!!
  • Anyone watch Red Data Girl?
  • edited June 2013
    Anyone watch Red Data Girl?
    I've read two chapters of the manga, but it's gone nowhere so far, it's only up to that initial drowning-metaphor/hallucination scene from what I assume will be the first episode. Second chapter ends right as they fly off in the Helo.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm at the part where they're at Xavier's School for Gifted Anime Children, or whatever it's called. They meet the brother and sister and have to deal with their weird issues. I'm up to episode 8.
  • In episode 10, one of the characters says that it'll be 20 seconds until something is finished. It then takes 3 minutes and 10 seconds. I know that I'm being super nit-picky but it's hard not to be when I already thought the show was moving slowly and they throw a real number in my face!
    It all makes sense if you remember they are using the same clock used in the last two minutes of an American football game.

  • It all makes sense if you remember they are using the same clock used in the last two minutes of an American football game.
    Or European football for that matter...

  • edited June 2013
    Football time works out very simply. The actual time per individual football minute varies, but it averages out to 3 minutes real time per football minute, or 180 minutes per game.

    As for the giants, the pacing hasn't bothered me yet.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • The pacing bugged me a bit in episodes 9 & 10, but I didn't mind it so much in episode 11 even though it also didn't have anything huge happen. There was enough philosophizing, planning, character introduction, etc. to keep it entertaining, plus clearly shit be going down in the next episode, as a few manga readers mentioned.
  • Huh. Psycho Pass has its own version of Count Mecha. Nifty.
  • Finished up Psycho Pass, and I don't think I would ever recommend this show to anyone. It has its moments, but by and large this show was predictable and boring. The inspiration behind everything - from the color palate, to the characters, and even the individual cases - were taken from a long list of well-known science fiction novels and short stories. It's easy to ignore this in the first half because every episode seems to get better and better, but during the second half it is impossible to ignore just how much crimping is being done. Very disappointing, 2/5, will never watch again.
  • That's sad to hear. My friend has heavily recommended Psycho Pass and I've been meaning to watch it at some point.
  • It's a show that, to me, tried to be Ghost in the Shell, but couldn't even reach Darker Than Black in terms of quality.
  • Yep, it's Ikuhara.
  • Since GeekNights won't stop mentioning it, I'm watching Madoka Magica.
    Not a single show better than Madoka has come out since Madoka. There have been good shows, but not one better.
    Yeah, it was amazing. Listening to Final Thoughts now.
  • Well, time to rewatch Escaflowne.
  • edited June 2013
    Next to last week on this season's anime. Maou-sama pretty much repeated the stuff from the end of the first arc. Nothing very interesting although some good action. Show really feels like a cool idea that the author didn't have anywhere to go with after the first arc at this point. Gargantia had a lot of badass mecha action building up to the last fight and a few cool twists and several good artistic points as well, but there were at least a half dozen times where people did stuff that just didn't make sense, or at least wasn't well set up. Titan had a reasonably engaging episode with a lot of titan fighting and some good adrenaline moments. Although we're now on episode 8 of the same battle.
    Post edited by Nissl on
  • edited June 2013
    I watched a decent amount of anime back in high school, but I would never consider myself anything more than a causal fan. I saw pretty much whatever was on Cartoon Network through 2002, and whatever Saturday morning movies the Sci-Fi channel would show.

    Now whenever I get the itch to watch some anime I try to go straight to the classics that I never saw. Started up Eva for the first time last week and damn, that show really is good. Already done with the first 3 discs.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • Nozomi's streaming Hyakko on Youtube, for anyone (like me) who's interested.

    Besides the latest Spring anime (I hear Gargantia's only 13 episodes!?) I'm watching some Utena.

    Spoilers for half of the entire series

  • So, about to start the last few episodes of Eva. Discs I had ripped from Netflix have a regular version on a director's cut version. Which one is the one to watch? Director's cut?
  • edited June 2013
    So, about to start the last few episodes of Eva. Discs I had ripped from Netflix have a regular version on a director's cut version. Which one is the one to watch? Director's cut?
    Doesn't matter much. I say either go with the director's cut or watch the regular, then watch the missing pieces from the director's cut afterwards.

    The director's cut applies to episodes 21-24.

    After that watch episodes 25 and 26 from the TV series.

    Then watch the other episode 25/26. AKA end of evangelion. AKA "Air" and "A Pure Heart for You"

    Then you are done, and maybe you can watch the new movies if you want to?

    This image explains it.

    Post edited by Apreche on
  • DD Fist of the North Star, what would happen if in 1999 the world was normal but Kenshiro had to figure out what to do with himself.
  • DD Fist of the North Star, what would happen if in 1999 the world was normal but Kenshiro had to figure out what to do with himself.
    Show of the year.
  • So, about to start the last few episodes of Eva. Discs I had ripped from Netflix have a regular version on a director's cut version. Which one is the one to watch? Director's cut?
    I'd recommend the director's cut. It helps you not get hung up on the details, and is generally more accessible.
  • I finally got around to watching Madoka and I really enjoyed it. It reminded me that I need to watch more anime.
  • I'm up to episode 10 of Devil is a Part-timer. Before that, I peeped Teknolyze on Hulu, so I queued an episode up, so I can finally finish that. I hope the experience does not hurt me.

    Back to Part-timer. This was essentially the beach episode. By that, I mean that there was no beach, and yet the female cast was dressed in swimsuits to go to the Zoo. I figure that they wanted to be hack, but not completely hack, so they gave the drooling dudes some fanservice without having that beach scene that looks like every other beach scene in comedy anime. I can't blame them for coming up with an excuse to get their big boobed character into skimpy clothing.

    Overall, the show is really good, really funny. It's in my top 5 for the season, without a doubt. I'm so glad it's not a harem, and, in fact, our titular character has zero interest in any females.

    Speaking of funny, I'm glad Hyakko proved to be worth watching, just as hyped.
  • Sword Art Online. I like it more then .hack//sign.
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