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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • edited June 2013
    Chihayafuru Season 2 just ended. My desire for more of that show only confirms how much of a sucker I am for sports anime.

    EDIT: Also, Trigger just released the initial teaser for their first full anime, Kill la Kill:
    Unfortunately, Wikipedia says it looks like shonen in a fantasy high school setting (i.e. super generic), but it's written/directed by Gurren Lagann people so I'll probably give it a fair shot anyways.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Sword Art Online. I like it more then .hack//sign.
    I liked the first world of SAO more than .hack, not that I watched a lot of .hack, really.
  • edited June 2013
    Now watching the Yamato remake, because I'm a nerd and love anime history/space operas. Just got blindsided in the third episode by a reference to The Prisoner.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • edited June 2013
    Glad to see the battle of Trost storyline has come to and end!

    Been watching some Ranma 1/2 lately. More nostalgia than anything else.
    Post edited by HMTKSteve on
  • Finished Gargantia. Pretty good ending; Urobuchi writing the script makes a big difference. Overall, I'm glad I watched it, but I wouldn't tell everyone to run out and watch it right away. On the positive side, It had plenty of good ideas, I mostly liked and respected what it was trying to do, and it had a pretty cool and unique setting. Unfortunately there were a lot of moments sprinkled throughout that were kinda dumb or just didn't quite manage to create the intended effect.

    Really liked this episode of Titan as well. Strong conclusion to the long battle and next episode's description sounds interesting.
  • Going to watch Flowers of Evil tomorrow on ANNcast's SuperNerds' recommendation.
  • Glad to see the battle of Trost storyline has come to and end!
    It seriously dragged on for far too long. I'm still interested where they're taking it, but it seems like a straight path now whereas at the start of the anime I had no idea where we were going to be taken.

  • edited July 2013
    Now watching the Yamato remake, because I'm a nerd and love anime history/space operas. Just got blindsided in the third episode by a reference to The Prisoner.
    More enjoyment to come if your early on in the remake. Really liking what they have done so far.
    Glad to see the battle of Trost storyline has come to and end!
    Been watching some Ranma 1/2 lately. More nostalgia than anything else.
    I think Ranma was the first manga I read tempted to go back and read a bit for nostalgia stake now too.

    Watched the first new episode of the new Gits ova. They could take it a few directions waiting to see but the animation is superb.
    Post edited by Alan on
  • Giant Robo, for prep to watch Pacific Rim. I'm digging it. Love that it's over the top with the fighting.
  • Hmmm I may have to look into this for additional Pacific Rim prep.
  • It's seven 40-60 minutes episodes. It's an OVA. I love the art style along with the lack of sexual type female characters.
  • Giant Robo is amazing.
  • along with the lack of sexual type female characters.
    Uh. Don't watch the Ginrei Special.
  • along with the lack of sexual type female characters.
    Uh. Don't watch the Ginrei Special.
  • Kinda stopped watching Attack on Titan and Gargantia. Might come back of bored, but too busy.
  • Oh ok. :( I've only seen the first episode, so that's all I'm basing it off of. I really enjoyed the fight seen between Tiasou and the bad dood.
  • Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, coming this sunday to an IRC bot/torrent near you:

    Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~ more delicious and wordy smut!
  • Watched episode 13 of Flowers of Evil last night, which is quite likely the last episode. I enjoyed every bit of it. I might just have to read the manga to learn how the story ends; there's more there, but AFAIK there won't be another season.

    Also watched episode 13 of Attack on Titan last night. I'm not enjoying these later episodes as much as I did the first 4, but I'm hooked enough on the story to keep watching. I just wish they'd spend less time on exposition and recap, and more time moving forward.

    Word is that Sparrow's Hotel is the new hotness. I might just give that a try tonight.
  • I'm caught up to episode 18 of Yamato 2199.
  • I watched all the Sparrow's Hotel on Crunchyroll last night. It was okay. It's silly and cute, and three minutes per episode. A bunch of the humor revolves around the notion that it's funny to have big boobs and also be good at fighting, which got a bit stale for me. But I might watch more at some point.
  • edited July 2013
    So it got better? Because I gotta be honest, I thought the first episode was wretched. Putting aside the subtle sexism, none of the jokes were set up properly, nor was there any coherence to the characters or narrative. Possibly the biggest comedy misfire (from professionals) I've seen in a few years.
    Post edited by Nissl on
  • I'm not sure whether it got better, or I just have lower standards or a different sense of humor. The first episode wasn't one of the better ones IMHO, but I wouldn't say.the others were better by a wide margin.
  • Sparrow's Hotel. Eww. My problems with it (other than not being funny to me) was how amateur it was. Looked like rookie animators were put on it with no budget, and I couldn't stick around past 1 episode to see if they got better.
  • edited July 2013
    Just finished episode one of Free, the super controversial (for some reason) moe-moe-kyun swimming anime featuring FABULOUS MAX high-school boys.


    It's KyoAni, so the animation is really solid (especially the water, holy crap that water looks sexy). The opening is metal, and the ending is hilarious. The nominal lead ha a tendency to strip down to his swimming trunks at any opportunity, or wear only them.


    Does an apron count as additional clothes? Whatever.

    Also, all the rock hard abs you could ever want. Who needs some grated cheese?


    I gues there are some boring female characters around too, but honestly who cares when FABULOUS ABS!!!


    Yeah, the one on the left is naked.

    Overall, watch an episode just for the funny bits and ridiculous bits. If you don't like it by the end of episode one, then it's probably not for you.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • I just watched this not an hour ago. I think this has killed many a homophobe. Their brains exploded like scanners.

    Not a hint if there's going to be gay relationships in this show, but I think that dudes taking their clothes off constantly to display their super toned bodies is more than enough for the viewers, right?
  • July 3 will forever be the most holy day of the year for the Fujoshi clan.
  • I sure got that one wrong I was expecting Free to be some kind of sports shonen type of series.
  • edited July 2013
    Finished Hataraku Maou-Sama. I really liked the first couple of episodes, and could probably recommend the first arc overall (first 5 episodes) but it pretty much ran out of gas after that. Second arc had lots of slow episodes where barely anything happened and there were only a couple of effective jokes, but I kept watching for whatever reason. Wish the author had been willing to go a little deeper into the various emotional scars left from the war on the fantasy world, or at least not resolved every conflict so incredibly easily.
    Post edited by Nissl on
  • I sure got that one wrong I was expecting Free to be some kind of sports shonen type of series.
    You are a for real person?

  • I sure got that one wrong I was expecting Free to be some kind of sports shonen type of series.
    You are a for real person?

    Nah. He's just an account a few of us use to post Cleverbot reactions with.

    That's actually not a Godawful idea...
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