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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • K-On I think is the worst out of the KyoAni stuff because it sets up one idea and goes in a different direction.
    Sounds like someone knows not KyoAni. If you actually expected anything in depth in the show you're a poor, poor innocent soul that is better off just watching the best stuff.
    I think halfway through, they completely drop the musician part of it which is such a shame because there's actual decent music and musical study put behind the series. Maybe it could work if I knew more of the context as Japanese High Schools are like colleges, but the girls do absolutely nothing to focus on their future. Something should actually happen within all this time frame. And none of their dialogue gives them more depth or an arc, it just reinforces the moe stereotypes each of the four are given.

    The talk more about cake than their music. It's not really a tearful goodbye compared to Azumanga Daioh, because the girls never have any conflict or drama or issues in their relationships. It's just. "Oh, you are graduating now and ...that's it."
    I think you might not have watched the second season at all? There's five girls at a point, and there's quite a bit of (melo-)drama regarding the graduating of the older characters. Though that is partially merged into the movie.
    As for Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin, it's chock full of emotional turmoil. I'm on episode 12 now, and the plot is just starting to get a bit repetitive. I don't know, maybe it'll surprise me again and come through in the end.
    Isn't that the prison school anime? Never really heard anyone talking about seeing it. Keep us updated!
  • Over the past few days, I've been watching Shingeki no Kyojin, Free!, and Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin. At first glance, the idea of Shingeki no Kyojin seemed comical, almost silly to me. But as I watched on, I learned that even the idea of giants can be made into a very serious show. It honestly took me all of the first four episodes to get into Free!. Yes, there is a ton of fanservice, and I personally laugh out loud whenever a shot of biceps or abs comes onto the screen. As for Rainbow: Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin, it's chock full of emotional turmoil. I'm on episode 12 now, and the plot is just starting to get a bit repetitive. I don't know, maybe it'll surprise me again and come through in the end.
    Ah yes, Rainbow. Not a tear left unshed.
  • The Big O remains super awesome.
  • Patlabor One, was an ok movie, that took way to long to get where it was going. Patlabor two, while pretty and paced way better than one, still had pacing issues. Overall I enjoyed both movies but the crowd I watched it with grew restless and at one point said "you sure this isn't called PatLa'bored'" Also Both movies were super heavy handed on their points and just hit you over the head with it's message over and over again. Cool messages but it would have been more interesting to not just have characters go on a 10 minute preaching fit to explain it. These are definitely movies to watch on your own when you are awake. Worth watching but not the best group movies.
  • Patlabor 2 is really the end of Patlabor. If you haven't seen the whole show, it isn't going to make a lot of sense.

    Patlabor 1 is an amazing movie. One of the best anime movies there is. It stands alone completely. No Patlabor knowledge required.

    If you think this stuff is slow and boring, I pity your short attention span. You probably don't like Akira, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Galaxy Express, Lawrence of Arabia, Sky Crawlers, etc. I read Internet all fucking day, and I still have enough attention span for long serious quiet movies. They are the best. Any time anyone says something is slow or boring, my first instinct is to blame viewer's flawed brain, and not the artwork. This assumption has an over 90% accuracy rate.
  • edited August 2013
    I am a Fan of Patlabor dude (I literally own the entire series), but if you can't acknowledge that both movies have issues (especially in pacing and how it imparts information) and are not movies to watch with a crowd (I.E Crowd pleasers) than you are blinded by your own fanboyish.

    Also it was a mistake to watch both movies back to back. Way too much Oshii for one night.
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Not being a crowd pleaser is a positive. It means it's an intelligent movie, not some trash for the masses. Satoshi Kon movies aren't crowd pleasers either.
  • Yea but Satoshi Kon movies have way more pay off.
  • If you think this stuff is slow and boring, I pity your short attention span. You probably don't like Akira, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Galaxy Express, Lawrence of Arabia, Sky Crawlers, etc.
    Akira is not slow. The problem that movie has is that it is too fast. At the beginning, it's decently slow trying to flesh out the world into some cyberpunk Jungleland, but once the main plot starts it never stops to explain what or why it's doing.
  • Some people don't like Oshii movies. They tend to be slow by design to set a certain mood. Case in point: Sky Crawlers. I love that movie. Most people I know hate it.

    Oshii movies ARE crowd pleasers, though, given the right crowd.
  • I figured out why people like Rubin and everyone at Rym about Avengers got bashed for writing a forum post about a movie people liked. They started their comment with criticism of the movie before saying "I enjoyed it". I assume that the reader is seeing red before they get to the part where you say you liked it despite it's flaws.
  • Heh..

    Though, in retrospect, I like Avengers less and less. Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol is almost the same movie, but in many ways better executed.
  • edited August 2013
    Must resist.......... Stop trolling :-p
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • There's also a fine line with Oshii.

    Sky Crawlers was OK, but Avalon? Intolerable.
  • Haven't seen an underwear pervert movie since Spider-Man 1. No wait. I did watch all the new Batmans on DVD, but they sucked.
  • Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol is almost the same movie as Avengers? Why, because the two involve teams in an action movie? What's the comparison? I would like to see Tom Cruise punch a space whale.

    Say something about anime, say something about anime-

    Eccentric Family (Uchoten Kazoku) continues to be a delightful anime.
  • Two teams. Similar intra-team dynamics. Super powers. Same pace of "plot escalation."

    The "big failure" almost drives the team apart. But then they stop fighting and apply their core strengths to work together and win in the end!

    Also drawn out action scenes that are longer as the movie goes on.
  • edited August 2013
    I think Rym (maybe also Scott) only see movies through the basic plot structure and skeleton and ignore most of the proper nouns.

    By that regards, I'm sure Mission Impossible is very similar to Avengers. Team starts getting assembled, initially disagrees, has to work together, sadness, come together as team for awesome final action scene.

    However, I have not seen said movie, so I couldn't say.

    Edit: Rym beat me to it.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • Both movies involve Humans communicating.....Molecules interacting.... Electrons and Protons doing their atomic stuff.... :-p
  • I've seen both movies, and the only one with super powers in MI Ghost Protocol is Tom Cruise, but Cruise has super powers in most movies these days.

    Why wouldn't Brad Bird's The Incredibles be compared to The Avengers instead of Mission Impossible?
  • Watching the original SDF Macross.
  • edited August 2013
    I finished Dennou Coil. The ending was such a letdown. I was really hoping for a clever reveal or explanation between illegals, Miss Michiko and 4423. I was so enamored with the rest of the series though; it had great directing, great music, great voice acting and top notch animation. But its world that held so much promise just didn't have the depth that they were suggesting that it had. Still a great series. 8/10
    Post edited by Fundefined on
  • Magic loses its luster when you know how the trick works. Same goes for movies, TV and board games.

    I'd rather be ignorant of some things and enjoy the magic...
  • Just finished the Doom Tree arc in Sailor Moon R. Shit got weird and cray, and the secret identity of Midnight Knight made a lot more sense in the manga.


    watch that 936 times and you'll essentially have watched the Doom Tree arc.
  • So... just to make sure, is nobody else here watching Eccentric Family? That's six 5/5 episodes in a row in my books. Just an incredibly surefooted show that makes everything look effortless. I'm still having a hard time coming up with a way to describe its tone. Perhaps I could fairly say it's like the somewhat more serious Ghibli works. It tells a fun, captivating, G-rated magical slice of life adventure story on the surface, yet it's also full of interesting symbolism and ideas, has super smart dialogue and strong characters and is capable of real emotional sting at times.
  • Just watched the first episode of Rose of Versailles and it was really good!
  • I've started watching Oreimo as a guilty pleasure. I'm unsure why, but i find the show very funny and horribly cute, which is most likely due to it's pandering scheme towards its audience. I mean, who doesn't love cute anime girls who like cute anime? Overall, I feel as if I'm falling prey to a bad show, but I don't care. It's so damn cute. I just hope that the relationship between them doesn't end up like an eroge. Then I'd just be ashamed....
  • Just had a completely ridiculous panty shot of a middle school girl. Never mind, I'm good thanks.
  • You started watching the anime where a girl that plays eroge lusts after her older brother, and you hoped their relationship doesn't end up like an eroge/highly suggestive? You crazy?
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