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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • Nice I will give that a listen.
  • edited March 2012
    What the fuck is going on in this Black Rock Shooter series? Episode 5...

    Insert not-yet-justified Madoka comparisons here.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • edited March 2012
    Finished the first series of Fist of the North Star.

    All I can say is:


    edit: do'ah
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • ...Roah...
    Who is Roah?
  • Radical Edward is a really annoying character. I'm talking Jar Jar Binks levels of annoying at times.

    Also Jupiter Jazz was a fantastic pair of episodes and is currently the one to beat.

    That is all.
  • Radical Edward is a really annoying character. I'm talking Jar Jar Binks levels of annoying at times.
    You son of a bitch.

    I think you may change your mind about Ed with the next episode of Bohemian Rhapsody, if not Mushroom Samba.
  • I actually just finished Mushroom Samba, and I don't know, I just really don't like that general character archetype, the "Over the top crazy and wacky childish character talks really strangely and is largely there for comic relief" in any media that I encounter them.

    At this point she is my only problem with the show though, otherwise I'm having a lot of fun with it. Black Dog Serenade was pretty awesome.

    3, 2, 1, let's jam.
  • Radical Edward is a really annoying character. I'm talking Jar Jar Binks levels of annoying at times.
    We must sacrifice him to the Internet Hate Machine!
  • So after all this Cowboy Bebop talk I decided to toss in the first disc....and 8 hours later finished the show, again.

    HOW does it do that? I can't not just finish watching the entire show if it's on...
  • edited March 2012
    We must sacrifice him to the Internet Hate Machine!
    Hi there. Fuck you.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • We must sacrifice him to the Internet Hate Machine!
    Hi there. Fuck you.
    Orc, before you start a fight you cannot possibly emerge victorious from, know that this isn't the worst note he's begun an online introduction with. I urge you to be grateful for this, and know when you're bested.

  • Ed is not even in the same solar system of annoying that Jar Jar is. Ed is actually USEFUL!
  • We must sacrifice him to the Internet Hate Machine!
    Hi there. Fuck you.
    Orc, before you start a fight you cannot possibly emerge victorious from, know that this isn't the worst note he's begun an online introduction with. I urge you to be grateful for this, and know when you're bested.
    Hey now! I didn't introduce myself to him there. He better know me already or there's gonna be multiple sacrifices.

    Happy to oblige. :)
  • We must sacrifice him to the Internet Hate Machine!
    Hi there. Fuck you.
    Orc, before you start a fight you cannot possibly emerge victorious from, know that this isn't the worst note he's begun an online introduction with. I urge you to be grateful for this, and know when you're bested.
    No joke. Picking a pointless fight with anyone else around here is like walking into the O.K Corral. Picking a fight with nine is like walking into the O.K Corral armed only with a small jar of mildly tangy salsa before insulting the mothers of the Earp and McLaury brothers, before telling billy that old man Clanton was a coward and telling Doc Holliday that not only is he a terberculosis-ridden whoremonger, he's a terberculosis-ridder whoremonger that cheats at cards.
  • We must sacrifice him to the Internet Hate Machine!
    Hi there. Fuck you.
    Orc, before you start a fight you cannot possibly emerge victorious from, know that this isn't the worst note he's begun an online introduction with. I urge you to be grateful for this, and know when you're bested.
    No joke. Picking a pointless fight with anyone else around here is like walking into the O.K Corral. Picking a fight with nine is like walking into the O.K Corral armed only with a small jar of mildly tangy salsa before insulting the mothers of the Earp and McLaury brothers, before telling billy that old man Clanton was a coward and telling Doc Holliday that not only is he a terberculosis-ridden whoremonger, he's a terberculosis-ridder whoremonger that cheats at cards.
    You take that back! YOU TAKE THAT BACK! You, you AUSTRALIAN!
  • We must sacrifice him to the Internet Hate Machine!
    Hi there. Fuck you.
    Orc, before you start a fight you cannot possibly emerge victorious from, know that this isn't the worst note he's begun an online introduction with. I urge you to be grateful for this, and know when you're bested.
    No joke. Picking a pointless fight with anyone else around here is like walking into the O.K Corral. Picking a fight with nine is like walking into the O.K Corral armed only with a small jar of mildly tangy salsa before insulting the mothers of the Earp and McLaury brothers, before telling billy that old man Clanton was a coward and telling Doc Holliday that not only is he a terberculosis-ridden whoremonger, he's a terberculosis-ridder whoremonger that cheats at cards.
    You take that back! YOU TAKE THAT BACK! You, you AUSTRALIAN!
    Oh, alright. It's a Big jar of Salsa.

  • Hey guy's, check out my new Tumblr! I said it should be made, so I made it. Turns out this is only the fourth time this has happened.
  • What a great idea for a blog.
  • edited March 2012
    Hey guy's, check out my new Tumblr! I said it should be made, so I made it. Turns out this is only the fourth time this has happened.
    I would say I was worse when I was your age, but there are two big differences - First, I wasn't passive aggressive. I was just aggressive. Second, I knew the difference between sarcasm, and just saying something was sarcasm as a cheap defense mechanism to salve my fragile teenage ego whenever it took an unexpected knock.

    On the upside, it's not shitty, angsty teen poetry, so I suppose that's something in your favor. On the downside, way too much effort for the final result. I look forward to your next attempt, when you have a little more practice and a little less angst over literally nothing.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I think that blog both demonstrates what you wanted it to demonstrate, but also somewhat justifies the whole green text thing. Reading your comments with nothing preceding them pretty-much tells me nothing of the conversation.
  • edited March 2012
    Guys, what the hell. You didn't train the kid? How am I supposed to run a forum hate machine here without you guys putting up the freaking signs. I thought I saw you guys still working diligently, but apparently now, now there's a dumbfuck being a dumbfuck.

    There's also a post of a mirror missing on that tumblr.
    Post edited by Not nine on
  • I have heard opinions of Cowboy Bebop for a LOOOONG time, and I seriously have never heard anyone slag the show. No one has ever said they hated it. The lowest opinion I've heard is that it's really good. Maybe Dave Riley said that.
    If I recall correctly, Gerald Rathkolb said the show was merely mediocre. To that I say "Cool story, bro". I don't ever trust his opinion on media anyway seeing as how he has a track record of hating anime which has been widely agreed upon as good or awesome (e.g. Princess Tutu, Summer Wars, Planetes, etc)
  • I dunno. I thought it was just a general FRCF misunderstandings Tumblr, which might be pretty amusing. I guess it wasn't. How disappointing.
  • I dunno. I thought it was just a general FRCF misunderstandings Tumblr, which might be pretty amusing. I guess it wasn't. How disappointing.
    Looks more like a "Woe is me, someone replied to a thread AFTER me, so offending!" tumblr. It's still hilarious though that he cannot even get his own joke.
  • After a slight delay when Netflix sent me a disc that was cracked in half, it is done. The Real Folk Blues Part II.

    Since I can't figure out the spoiler tag for Vanilla 2, this will be completely spoiler-free.

    Final verdict: I really really liked it. The themes came together perfectly and the last two episodes were a fantastic end. The music was spot-on, and they really created an entire believable world. I was very cautiously optimistic going into it because I was afraid that it was over-hyped, and while I'm still hesitant to agree that it's the best TV show ever, I don't fault anyone for saying best anime ever. I would have liked to see a few fewer slice-of-life episodes and more main story-arc episodes, but that's just what I'm used to. Also I still can't get on board the Ed love-train :P

    I know a lot of people said they were considering going back to re-watch the show, and if you haven't done it yet, this should probably convince you:

  • How the hell could something be over-hyped when it's already been out for over a decade.
  • edited March 2012
    I'm slowly working my way through the Nadia Secret of Blue Water series. So far I can't help but feel that the series would be so much better with out Nadia. She can be such an asshole. Pook kid Claus has only saved her ass more than once and I'm barely into episode 3. Her protest in favor of sea monster animal rights. Made me lol though.
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • edited March 2012
    Continuing the theme, I'm watching Cowboy Bebop for the second time. I loved it the first time, but it definitely improves on the re-watch. I'm picking up several subtle themes I didn't notice, offhanded facial expressions that give more character insight, and small bits of foreshadowing all over the place (e.g. end of Sympathy for the Devil). Faye seems less evil, Ed doesn't bother me as much.

    The one thing that threw me for a loop was going digging for commentary on the show and discovering the ending is supposed to be ambiguous. I thought the light, doves, star, etc. were all pointing clearly in one direction. I was also spoiled that there was a specific conclusion. However, on further review the stories the characters tell on the Bebop, as well as Spike's comment at the end of SftD, all point in the opposite direction. The editing is uncertain, too. I thought maybe they were soft-pedaling things, but I guess not.
    Post edited by Nissl on
  • I'm slowly working my way through the Nadia Secret of Blue Water series. So far I can't help but feel that the series would be so much better with out Nadia. She can be such an asshole. Pook kid Claus has only saved her ass more than once and I'm barely into episode 3. Her protest in favor of sea monster animal rights. Made me lol though.
    JUST SKIP THE ISLAND EPS! WARNING. (this is one of my favorite shows)

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