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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • On Scott's recommendation I gave a listen to AWO's review on Nadia. Even after their warning to skip over the islands episodes I'm still going to skim through them. My curiosity must be sated.
  • Fist of the North Star √
    Madoka Magica √
    Durarara √

    What next? Black Lagoon? Captain Tyler? Baccano?
  • Fist of the North Star √
    Madoka Magica √
    Durarara √

    What next? Black Lagoon? Captain Tyler? Baccano?
    If those are your only three choices, Tylor it is.
  • Fist of the North Star √
    Madoka Magica √
    Durarara √

    What next? Black Lagoon? Captain Tyler? Baccano?
    If those are your only three choices, Tylor it is.
    I would also accept Baccano, but maybe Tyler is a nice change of pace after Durararara!!

  • Assuming I've seen everything worth seeing from the early 90's to the mid noughties, is there anything I'm missing out on?
  • Assuming I've seen everything worth seeing from the early 90's to the mid noughties, is there anything I'm missing out on?
    Legend of the Galactic Heroes.


  • edited March 2012
    Assuming I've seen everything worth seeing from the early 90's to the mid noughties, is there anything I'm missing out on?
    Last year, I really got a lot out of Bunny Drop. I think the direction taken with the second half of the manga - which is not in the anime - may be what killed some of the chatter about that show.

    Also last year, Stein's Gate was a really fun B+/A- time travel story that compelled me to marathon it. I kinda think Scott and Rym would like it a lot based on their taste for strong characters and good but jerky main characters (nudge, nudge).

    Post edited by Nissl on
  • Assuming I've seen everything worth seeing from the early 90's to the mid noughties, is there anything I'm missing out on?
    Check out Dennou Coil. It's set in the not so distant future were augmented reality is common. The lead character even has a pet dog that only exist in AR.
  • Have you watched Seirei No Moribito?
  • edited March 2012
    Seirei No Moribito and Dennou Coil are things that I have recommended to the guys, but I have found that recommending things to Scott will make him not watch it, because he thinks I have terrible taste. He thinks everyone has terrible taste and only likes giving recommendations and not receiving them. I am not going to give recommendations any more.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Scott has said on the podcast that he doesn't want his time wasted. We just have to hope that by 2045, he'll think something like Denno or Moribito is worth his time.
  • Sweet. Time to fill my hard drive up with [l e g i t i m a t e l y p r o c u r e d] anime.
  • Seirei No Moribito is awesome and it is on Netflix instant streaming :D
  • I went through New Challenger in less than two days, so now I am officially out of animated Hajime No Ippo. ;_;
  • I have a really hard time watching anime but I started watching Cowboy Bebop and goddamn its good. I know that probably sounds really cliche but it's true.
  • but I have found that recommending things to Scott will make him not watch it, because he thinks I have terrible taste.
    But of course you have terrible taste. You're not Apreche. Even I, ehcerpA, are not legit enough to not have terrible taste.

    Doesn't mean much in the grand picture though. You know Dennou Coil's awesome, I know Dennou Coil's awesome. (same for Moribito, but I still gotta watch the rest of that).
  • Marathoned a whole bunch of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood today. It's good, and more consistent than the original, however I think the first series was much stronger. Granted, they are explaining the mechanics of alchemy a bit better, but some of the "big" events like NIna, Hughs, Scar, Greed...all not as powerful. Also, I'm not sure I dig the "Chinese" faction being introduced.
  • Marathoned a whole bunch of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood today. It's good, and more consistent than the original, however I think the first series was much stronger. Granted, they are explaining the mechanics of alchemy a bit better, but some of the "big" events like NIna, Hughs, Scar, Greed...all not as powerful. Also, I'm not sure I dig the "Chinese" faction being introduced.
    Haven't watched Brotherhood, but that "Chinese faction" is from the original manga. I have all the volumes now. Plan to read it all from the beginning sometime soon.
  • Marathoned a whole bunch of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood today. It's good, and more consistent than the original, however I think the first series was much stronger. Granted, they are explaining the mechanics of alchemy a bit better, but some of the "big" events like NIna, Hughs, Scar, Greed...all not as powerful. Also, I'm not sure I dig the "Chinese" faction being introduced.
    So is Brotherhood a reboot, a sequal or what?
  • Brotherhood follows the original story from the manga a lot closer than the first series. Also, it is way better.
  • edited April 2012
    Sweet. Time to fill my hard drive up with [l e g i t i m a t e l y p r o c u r e d] anime.
    Once I got my 1 terabyte external hard drive last week, this has been all I've been doing.

    I'm currently watching the first episode of Blue Submarine Number 6. It's a cool concept, and I could watch an anime about post apocalyptic water filled world with Navy battles and alien fish people. My biggest turn off about this show is the crappy CG ships, planes, explosions, and robots. I usually don't complain about the artistic style of an anime, but I prefer my anime to be animated 2d. Now, this is not to say that I think that "all CG things/effects are horrible", however they tend to be more easily cheesy than real 2d animation.

    I've also seen the first episode of Big O, and all I have to say is that this is so far up my alley, I can not believe I didn't pick up this show sooner. Thank god for the one night stand real/fake Toonami for showing me this!

    edit:Also, Outlaw Star looks pretty cool, but this is also coming from a person watching it half ass-edly on low volume.
    Post edited by Clockian on
  • I'm currently watching the first episode of Blue Submarine Number 6. It's a cool concept, and I could watch an anime about post apocalyptic water filled world with Navy battles and alien fish people. My biggest turn off about this show is the crappy CG ships, planes, explosions, and robots. I usually don't complain about the artistic style of an anime, but I prefer my anime to be animated 2d. Now, this is not to say that I think that "all CG things/effects are horrible", however they tend to be more easily cheesy than real 2d animation.
    You figure, with how old that show is, it's no surprise that the ships look a little weak. Compare that to Stand Alone Complex (which is also almost 10 years old) and you can see how they integrated the cars and tanks much more subtly. It has to do with both the cell shading they used in GitS:SAC and the time they spent to match the animation timing properly. I have no problem with whatever combination of animation techniques people use, as long as it looks good, which Blue Sub 6 admittedly does not. 3D is mainly used as a cost saving measure. It is a heck of a lot quicker to animate a mechanical thing in 3D than it is hand draw everything in perspective. If you do it to save time and money and then do not integrate it properly, it will always look cheap.
  • I like "Another" but the calm reactions of the main cast in episode 11 are unbelieveable to me.
  • I'm not watching any right now, but I have firm intentions of watchign STAINS;GATE coming monday (except if I manage to run the Visual novel in Wine, in which case I'l be reading that before I watch the anime.


    Damn! haven't been to the forums for ages! I think it even was before my daughter was born!!
  • I popped open the first episode of Ouran High School Host Club on Netflix last night. I think I'll just go ahead and keep watching that.
  • Boku No Pico. This anime is quality.
  • Watch the first episode of Uchuu Kyoudai. Impressed I am at the first episode. My understanding is there was a live action also following this series and a manga.

  • I showed one of my friends the first episode of Stand Alone Complex the other night. That turned out to be a mistake, because now I'm watching through the series instead of homeworking.
  • Kinda want to watch that one. One guy brother becomes an Astronaut and one guy is fail, but wants to unfail.
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