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What anime are you watching? v2.0



  • I could watch Cowboy Bebop again. It's time.
    Doubly for me since my girlfriend hasn't seen it.
  • I could watch Cowboy Bebop again. It's time.
    Doubly for me since my girlfriend hasn't seen it.
    Watching a person experience Cowboy Bebop for the first time. That's a whole new experience in itself.

  • edited February 2012
    I could watch Cowboy Bebop again. It's time.
    Nuri and I have been re-watching Trigun, because she's never seen it all the way through.

    We just finished the episode with Brad. Still gets me.

    Cowboy Bebop could be next on my list - I have a friend who's seen like the first 3 episodes of all kinds of good stuff. She very recently watched all of FMA, and thought it was the bomb-diggity-shit. I was like, "Oh god, just wait. I'll give you some good shit."

    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Trigun is good. Really good. It's not Bebop good, though.
  • Trigun is good. Really good. It's not Bebop good, though.
    I'm pretty sure nothing else is Bebop good. It's my favorite anime ever, and I think it's also probably the best.

  • Bebop is better on the second viewing. Not say it's bad on the first viewing but watching it again? Awesome!
  • For me, Bebop was just the same on the second viewing. There's nothing to gain from watching it again. That being said, it's also pretty impressive that I never got irritated wishing something would progress more quickly. Eva had that bad.
  • Guess what. Bebop started planning production 20 years ago, and aired 14 years ago. Wow.
  • Guess what. Bebop started planning production 20 years ago, and aired 14 years ago. Wow.
    That show is timeless and refreshing. It feels like a new experience every time I re-watch it.
  • Moretsu Pirates has turned out to be a really nice surprise this season for me. I'm up to episode 5 and the series is just starting to get into the space pirate portion.
  • Broken Blade... It's a bit of Trigun and a bit of Escaflowne. Better then expected and worth a watch.
  • My girlfriend needs to see all of Bebop, but we have no time. I also need to watch my Blu-ray of the movie...On my roommate's HDTV...With people...Behhhhhhhhh
  • Broken Blade... It's a bit of Trigun and a bit of Escaflowne. Better then expected and worth a watch.
    I liked it.

  • I remember watching this cartoon/anime when I was very young. It was a fading memory. It had a monkey battling something to save a princess monkey with some humans and demons in it.

    Over the years I thought it was a fake memory or dream and that it wasn't real.

    I recently discovered it is real. It's probably one of the first anime I've ever seen.

    It was Alakazam The Great, based off Tezuka's My Son Goku.

    I found a copy and plan to watch it sometime.
  • It's also on Netflix streaming, iirc.
  • I don't know why the hell I didn't start watching Toriko sooner.
  • Broken Blade... It's a bit of Trigun and a bit of Escaflowne. Better then expected and worth a watch.
    I liked it.
    Good sir, I concur -_o
    Plus, I discovered KOKIA. Add one for anime that revealed to me female singers with wonderful voices.
  • Rewatched Baccano. Still an awesome series. However, why did nobody ever tell me there were three more episodes which weren't in the TV run?

  • High school of the Dead: A case of the curiosity killed the cat. I got half-way through the first episode and then had to shut it off. The power of boobs and psuedo-pornography is what is keeping the anime industry alive at present, which makes me very sad.
    I actually enjoyed this show as a guilty pleasure. It was SOOO over the top with it's fan-service that it was amusing to watch just how they would pull off the next one.
  • Watching Black Rock Shooter now and this is interesting. I like to watch highly stylized and awesomely animated fight scenes. I can watch a highschool drama of sorts so long as once every ten minutes or so there's an explosion... what does that say about me?

    Also watching "Another". I'm genuinely enjoying it... even if it's a little hard to figure out why.
  • My mother just said to me that Sailor Moon is kiddie porn for 12 year old's with a straight face, saying that they dress like harlots.


    I just sang "Trollolololo" in response. I really don't understand how she got that opinion, I mean, I watched that show when it was on Toonami and loved it when I was younger... Can someone explain to me how someone could arrive to this conclusion?
  • edited February 2012
    Can someone explain to me how someone could arrive to this conclusion?
    Yes, I can. She's talking out of her arse and has no fucking idea what she's on about.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Yes, I can. She's talking out of her arse and has no fucking idea what she's on about.
  • Currently watching: Monster
  • Apparently there's a Stein's Gate season 2? I kinda was fine with the way things ended... but alright, I'll try it.
  • edited February 2012
    Too much anime I'm enjoying this season. And I had nothing to watch last season...

    Black Rock Shooter is totally awesome AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT'S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • I saw Secret World of Arriety over the weekend. It was enjoyable, but like others have said, it's not my favorite Ghibli movie.

    I went with a huge group of friends and we went to a theater that was recently remodeled and with smaller theater capacities. This was because they installed pleather reclining seats that had so much room and were so comfy. I'm definitely going to be going to this theater more often, even though it's out of my way.
  • Ok guys - netflix just sent me the first two discs of Cowboy Bebop.

    Now, I've never considered myself an anime fan, and so far my anime resume only includes Fushigi Yuugi and Monster. But hearing Rym and Scott talk about this show in the most glowing of terms has made me curious.

    Bear in mind that I'm a little skeptical that this is the greatest thing that has ever happened to motion picture media, but that's what the GeekNights have told me, so their challenge has been accepted.

    Episode 1 begins tonight.
  • Ok guys - netflix just sent me the first two discs of Cowboy Bebop.

    Now, I've never considered myself an anime fan, and so far my anime resume only includes Fushigi Yuugi and Monster. But hearing Rym and Scott talk about this show in the most glowing of terms has made me curious.

    Bear in mind that I'm a little skeptical that this is the greatest thing that has ever happened to motion picture media, but that's what the GeekNights have told me, so their challenge has been accepted.

    Episode 1 begins tonight.
    You're riding the tallest roller coaster there is. Once it's over, no other will ever be quite as good.
  • It's been a long time since I've watched Cowboy Bebop. Maybe it's time to watch it again.
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