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So, what does everyone here look like???



  • I'm not hairy, and I'm perfectly okay with that.
  • Nuri has discovered the the hair on my chest is quite springy. Shirts don't actually rest on my skin; they "hover" above the surface, riding atop a cushion of springy chest hair.
    I'm pretty sure I add a inch of volume to my body due to the hair :-p
    I'm not hairy, and I'm perfectly okay with that.
    It's good that you don't like being a real man.
  • GeoGeo
    edited June 2010
    I'm not hairy, and I'm perfectly okay with that.
    It's good that you don't like being a real man.
    Wot 'e said. You're just jealous.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I'm not hairy, and I'm perfectly okay with that.
    It's good that you don't like being a real man.
    Wot 'e said. You're just jealous.
    Hardly, not having a shirt I can't take off on my chest makes the summer weather much more tolerable.
  • I'm not hairy, and I'm perfectly okay with that.
    It's good that you don't like being a real man.
    Wot 'e said. You're just jealous.
    Hardly, not having a shirt I can't take off on my chest makes the summer weather much more tolerable.
    Yeah. Also, it's much easier to wash and such. It's just easier to not be a real man. I completely approve of that message.
  • It's just easier to not be a real man.
    I already use girly shampoo and conditioner...
  • Hardly, not having a shirt I can't take off on my chest makes the summer weather much more tolerable.
    Actually, I don't get bitten by insects as often and the hair helps protect me from the sun and added bonus is in the winter I am always warm ;-p
  • Also, something I just realized...Simon from Part II of Gurren Lagann has no chest hair. Neither does Kamina for that matter. Are you going to tell me they're not real men? Didn't think so.
  • Also, something I just realized...Simon from Part II of Gurren Lagann has no chest hair. Neither does Kamina for that matter. Are you going to tell me they're not real men? Didn't think so.
    They're also Japanese (and cartoons). You don't have that excuse.
  • Also, something I just realized...Simon from Part II of Gurren Lagann has no chest hair. Neither does Kamina for that matter. Are you going to tell me they're not real men? Didn't think so.
    They're also Japanese (and cartoons). You don't have that excuse.
    Still. The point is, it doesn't take hair to make a character manly. They aren't any less believable as manly characters because they are hairless. Manliness comes from one's actions, not chest hair.
  • Still. The point is, it doesn't take hair to make a character manly. They aren't any less believable as manly characters because they are hairless. Manliness comes from one's actions, not chest hair.
    Only in Japan... Where if you notice they idolize girly looking men and they currently have a population that is not reproducing and will in fact shrink :-p It's the lack of testosterone :-p
  • edited June 2010
    On a side note: From what I can gather, Japan's declining population is primarily due to a mix of low wages, rising (If not already high.) living costs and companies treating their employees (Especially temp staff.) pretty badly in respect to things like equality and job security.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • They're also Japanese
    Dakara munege nai!
    Only in Japan... Where if you notice they idolize girly looking men and they currently have a population that is not reproducing and will in fact shrink :-p It's the lack of testosterone :-p
    I like the smooth chests of Japanese guys! Hot girly Asian men=Glee! Of course, you know I like my guys slightly effeminate (See Rym, who, while he has a little tuft of chest hair, is very slender and debonair. Athletic and Strong + Pretty and Genteel = Best of both worlds!)
    On a side note: From what I can gather, Japan's declining population is primarily due to a mix of low wages, rising (If not already high.) living costs and companies treating their employees (Especially temp staff.) pretty badly in respect to things like equality and job security.
    And also because the women don't want to be forced into being housewives. Fewer people from our age group are having kids too, Baka ScoJo!
  • Fewer people from our age group are having kids too, Baka ScoJo!
    No joke. I'd say a good quarter to a third of the girls in my grade say they won't ever want to have kids. That could change, but for some of them it's just their personality.
  • edited June 2010
    It may be that they look at their own mothers and are like: "Damn, don't want to end up like that.".
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • It may be that they look at their own mothers and are like: "Damn, don't want to end up like that.".
    I don't think so. Most of the girls who say that are independent thinker types, usually (not to stereotype) very liberal and open-minded about a lot of things, and would not want to be tied down to children.
  • edited June 2010
    That's kinda what I meant. Few of those people's parents are taking them to Lego conventions.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Also, something I just realized...Simon from Part II of Gurren Lagann has no chest hair. Neither does Kamina for that matter. Are you going to tell me they're not real men? Didn't think so.
    I'll absolutely say they're not real men, being fictional and all.
  • Also, something I just realized...Simon from Part II of Gurren Lagann has no chest hair. Neither does Kamina for that matter. Are you going to tell me they're not real men? Didn't think so.
    I'll absolutely say they're not real men, being fictional and all.
    Good point.
  • edited June 2010
    Shaving took me forever. Lost my single blade so had to use a combination of electric and multi-blade.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • What a mountain of replies all of a sudden, and all about hair? Okay, let me get this straight for all o' ya. We all know that men with a lot of chest hair are insecure, and claim a lot of hair is manly while it is fact that real men do not have time to grow a lot of hair. End of discussion.
  • We all know that men with a lot of chest hair are insecure, and claim a lot of hair is manly while it is fact that real men do not have time to grow a lot of hair.
    Sean Connery is unamused.
  • edited July 2010
    And also because the women don't want to be forced into being housewives. Fewer people from our age group are having kids too, Baka ScoJo!
    Yea but we are no where near as bad off as the Japanese are in this area.

    And to troll further, obviously there is a connection between girly men and women who don't want to have kids, so ergo soon we will all be hairy again when my line outbreeds the girly men lines :-p
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Sean Connery is unamused.
    That's not a lot of chest hair bro. Also, he's an actor, they're told to mess with their physique all the time to fit in a film.
  • @
    We all know that men with a lot of chest hair are insecure, and claim a lot of hair is manly while it is fact that real men do not have time to grow a lot of hair.
    Sean Connery is unamused.
    I quote Sean Connery from You Only Live Twice. "Japanese proberb once say 'bird never make nest in bare tree'."
  • edited July 2010
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Sean Connery is unamused.
    That's not a lot of chest hair bro. Also, he's an actor, they're told to mess with their physique all the time to fit in a film.
    I have 10 times that much chest chair, and it sucks. Barely any girls like it, and it's annoying to deal with. Ughh.
  • It's weird because my boyfriend has some pretty damn hairy arms, hands, legs, and feet,but when it comes to the back and chest, barely anything.

    Also, what a pretty apron. It compliments his eyes.
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