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So, what does everyone here look like???



  • Second of all, I... have so much love for you right now for saying I'm "pretty" instead of "cute" or "adorable". Because yeah, being adorable and cute is nice, and it's a compliment, and I appreciate it...
    But when it's what you get 95% of the time, you just sometimes hope for something a little different. So being called "pretty" means a lot. Thank you.
    No thanks necessary; I'd like to think that I call them as I see them, even if it means risking some awkwardness.

    Thanks in turn for making me smile; I've been working for over 12 hours and I'm more than a bit burnt out, with another three hours to go before I can sleep. I'm basically running on your comment, Churba's jokes, and a liter of energy drink.
  • I don't think it's that weird, I think it's just one of those things that people don't really talk about. Because we're all perfect human beings who can participate in all social interactions flawlessly and naturally without any effort, right!?
    I don't know...are you? People seem to get it right the majority of the time, I suppose, but I don't know how they do it, only how I try to manage that. To my credit, it only seems creepy or weird when I explain it, it's hard to notice when it's happening, unless you learn to read minds.
    I'm basically running on your comment, Churba's jokes, and a liter of energy drink.
    Oh god, it's not Red Rooster is it? That shit tastes like chemicals and sadness. Cheap, though, and I suppose it'd be hard to tell which is worse for you, the drink or my jokes.

  • edited December 2011
    Whenever I call a woman anything but cute, I usually get slapped and/or looked at oddly. o_O
    Hahaha, yeah. I feel like cute/adorable is the just the "safe" compliment that guys default to when they're afraid of coming off too strong. Which probably just contributes it to becoming an overly weak compliment in the end.
    I think it's because, as a whole, I know I can be cutesy. But "cute" as a college student, as nice as it is to be able to pull off effectively, can almost get demeaning and unattractive.
    In related news, Anrild, you look positively divine.
    Hahaha I wasn't intending to fish for compliments, but I'll take it. Also, I think unique/interesting compliments are endearing, so your creative solution would work well on girls like me.
    I put way too much thought into social interactions. Weird. Allows me to keep a bit of distance, though, which is kinda nice, I like a bit of distance. Polite, gentlemanly, Arm's length.
    Damn that's intricate. Also, I've gotten used to blunt guys over the years. Theater + cosplay will do that to you. Now, I think I prefer people that are outright, because the whole coy on-off, hot-cold thing just leads to intense, way-too-lengthy frustration.
    No thanks necessary; I'd like to think that I call them as I see them, even if it means risking some awkwardness.

    Thanks in turn for making me smile; I've been working for over 12 hours and I'm more than a bit burnt out, with another three hours to go before I can sleep. I'm basically running on your comment, Churba's jokes, and a liter of energy drink.
    Yay for a mutually happy interaction! Smiles and inspiration all around!
    Seriously though, I hope you get some sleep soon.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • Solution being man up and say what we think?
    Solution, get a larger vocabulary.
  • That, and look for the safer words. Not every woman will appreciate compliments like the others.
  • The only Crocs I've seen worn publicly and outside the home are on grossly obese families of Walmartians. They look hideous and I hope they all get sucked into the void.
    ...well, the Crocs I mean. Although Walmartians probably wouldn't be missed.
  • Makes me glad I live down here, where crocs aren't that popular!
  • edited December 2011
    Damn that's intricate. Also, I've gotten used to blunt guys over the years. Theater + cosplay will do that to you. Now, I think I prefer people that are outright, because the whole coy on-off, hot-cold thing just leads to intense, way-too-lengthy frustration.
    I overthink these things. Also, do keep in mind that while we're somewhat familiar, we don't particularly know each other. Things change as I/we get more or less friendly or know each other better, since naturally, once I know you better I don't need to think about it, I just know.
    Makes me glad I live down here, where crocs aren't that popular!
    Same here. They were a bit popular for a little while, but a combination of public derision and the simple fact that they make your feet sweat horribly and stink like an open sewer kind of discouraged people.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • This may come off as abrasive, but it's not cuz I'm mad at you guys.

    You guys pay WAY too much attention to people's shoes. I wear shoes for a variety of reasons, but none of those reasons is to make you happy. Except occasionally for Pete, but he gets his share of seeing me in ugly shoes. Whatever. They are shoes. He knows that if he is bothered by how ugly my shoes are, he is welcome to buy me a pair of comfortable and stylish shoes to replace them. Otherwise he can keep his mouth shut and deal with it.

    Also, date people who can communicate and don't get stupidly worked up about unimportant shit. To that end, say what is on your mind. If the person freaks out at you and won't talk about why, then that person is not good dating material. Do you really want to date someone who you have to constantly police yourself around to make sure you don't accidentally offend them? If someone isn't willing to take the time to talk to you about something that bothers them to make sure you both understand why and what not to do in the future, then they have some serious growing up to do.
  • Solution being man up and say what we think?
    Solution, get a larger vocabulary.
    What makes you think my vocabulary is lacking?
    You win, Scott. I don't belong in this ivory tower with its fancy words and people who don't breathe from their mouth-holes.
  • This may come off as abrasive, but it's not cuz I'm mad at you guys.

    You guys pay WAY too much attention to people's shoes. I wear shoes for a variety of reasons, but none of those reasons is to make you happy. Except occasionally for Pete, but he gets his share of seeing me in ugly shoes. Whatever. They are shoes. He knows that if he is bothered by how ugly my shoes are, he is welcome to buy me a pair of comfortable and stylish shoes to replace them. Otherwise he can keep his mouth shut and deal with it.
    Actually, I tend to not care about how someone dresses or what kind of shoes he or she wears. All I care about in a person is how he or she is in terms of personality. Also, I mostly wear tennis shoes because my feet are big for Colombian standards.

  • GTM: Walmartian is the best word I've heard all day.
  • Yesterday, setting up my school's "Wacky Winter Volleyball" game.
  • Somewhat relevant to our recent discussion about Uggs and Crocs:

  • Somewhat relevant to our recent discussion about Uggs and Crocs:
    I wish I could set your post on fire.
  • Finally a half decent photo of me on stage!

  • Are you juggling notes?
  • I'm just about to start singing this song with this video playing on a screen behind me:

  • Luke, you are awesome.
  • Luke, you are awesome.
    Stop encouraging him.
  • My family's holiday card:

  • That is a great holiday card. I may have to make the one for my family next year instead of letting my wife do it again.
  • Me as a small child. It was the 70's!


    Me recently at a wedding.


    Yes it's blurry. No I didn't take it (obviously). It's the only one without a woman draped over my arm.
  • My family's holiday card:

    How come I recognize two people from this image? Is there something really obvious to everyone else on the forum that I'm missing?

  • Those are ponies, Luke.
  • The family that FRCs together...
  • You called?
  • Those are ponies, Luke.
    They do tend to travel in herds. Pinkie Pie and Rarity were especially inseparable on that trip, perhaps because of their shared love for fancy iced chocolates.
    That is a great holiday card. I may have to make the one for my family next year instead of letting my wife do it again.
    Thanks! It was darn simple to make. I kinda wish it didn't have the Shutterfly logo, but this time around I was too busy to deal with doing the layout design myself, and just took the 30-minute-grab-some-pictures-from-summer-vacation route. Plus, we all know that Shutterfly is actually just a typo. It's actually a Fluttershy design.
  • I didn't know there was a family here :)
  • A pretty awesome family at that. They're ConnectiCon standbys for good panel content. ^_~
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