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So, what does everyone here look like???



  • You all are making me smile. :)

    Shadoworc and I started going to anime cons together when he was 6 years old, because I wanted to go to the first Anime Boston (2003) and couldn't find childcare that weekend (my spouse was at the Gathering of Friends that weekend, playing games). We're all lifelong polygeeks, with various overlaps in our geekeries. So to us it just kinda feels normal that my teenage son and I would be hanging out on the same internet forum, but I know it's not really your ordinary everyday family experience.
  • That is pretty awesome.
  • A pretty awesome family at that. They're ConnectiCon standbys for good panel content. ^_~
    Anime Boston standbys as well. :)
  • jtvh, why haven't you told us more embarrassing stories? The lack of them seems like a terrible oversight.
  • Please, don't tell them about the renegade baggage handlers in Guatemala, or the killer toddlers in Kosovo, or worst of all the feral pugs of Burma.
  • You have to tell us about the renegade baggage handlers in Guatemala, the killer toddlers in Kosovo, and the feral pugs of Burma.
  • I shall never speak of the renegade baggage handlers in Guatemala, the killer toddlers in Kosovo, or the feral pugs of Burma.
  • Mmm, tea and pie.


  • Finally, the grad pics made it here. You laugh, you die.
  • Masters in music? So, doing anything tonight? ;D

  • Finally, the grad pics made it here. You laugh, you die.
  • edited December 2011
    Congrats on the degree, but why is your skin so pale? I mean that's, well, ghostly.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Looks like they used very cold light for some reason, there is no reason for human skin to be grey tinted.
  • edited December 2011
    Masters in music? So, doing anything tonight? ;D
    Music masters are hot!

    Post edited by Viga on
  • @ Everyone: It's not so much a masters' degree, but my college degree. I'm a master in music, but I've yet to take any grad courses, and I don't think I'll be taking any for now.

    @ Kapitän: Gracias.
    @ La Petit: That was back in December 10.
    @ Dromaro: I'm glad you like it, but that face creeps the hell out of me.
    @ Sonic and Omnutia: I cover up most of the time and don't go out often because I live up in the Andes. Also, I'm a white Latina, but I can tan easily. Ask Viga.
    @ Vi: You flatter me.
  • Looks like they used very cold light for some reason, there is no reason for human skin to be grey tinted.
    Unless she's being assimilated by the Borg...
  • She is Locutus Reiya.
  • I find it odd that people comment on my ghostly pallor, when they usually come from countries where people are so white they don't tan (no offense intended). Is it because I'm from a "tropical" country? :)
  • edited December 2011
    I find it odd that people comment on my ghostly pallor, when they usually come from countries where people are so white they don't tan (no offense intended). Is it because I'm from a "tropical" country? :)
    While I didn't comment, I was just pretty sure they screwed up the white balance in the photos. While your skin color is indeed a little strange in that photo, it looked fine in previous photos, and I doubt in reality that your diploma is so white it practically glows.

    Also, you're not an unappealing young lady.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Well, I guess it must've been the scanner.

    And I don't have my diploma for now. I had to PS it to correct my name, but I'll get my real diploma later.
  • Is it because I'm from a "tropical" country? :)
    I don't know what country you're from...

    @churba That's probably it.
  • Ask WindUpBird or ColombianShadow ;)
  • edited December 2011
    Job interviews? Acquire fancy-ass business suit: Check!

    Post edited by ProfPangloss on
  • I decided a while ago to stop showing up to interviews in a suit. Nobody (around here at least) has programmers that show up in a suit. I will wear a suitably nice but nerdy shirt and be done with it.
  • Since I also work in the office of the president at RIT, the likelihood that I'll need to dress fancy for an event is significantly higher than the average student. Thus, doesn't really matter if I have the most casual of casual interviews, having a nice suit on-hand is a damn good thing.
  • image
    This is from my new years eve portrait marathon. It's very rare that I have a photo of myself taken with my camera by someone else. Normally there are either shit photos with someone else's camera, or me turning my camera around and snapping a closeup shot of myself.
  • Other than you being off center being a lil annoying (OCD, sue me), it's a solid pic. Cute ladies, too, even if one of them looks like she is trying to turn herself into a tomato via force of will. =D
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