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So, what does everyone here look like???



  • You have mad lipgloss on.
  • That is the look of a man I would not want to be facing across a courtroom. A bar, that's a different story.
  • edited February 2012
    I like to think he dressed like that specifically to cause jpeg resizing artifacts.
    I've only had this since Friday, and I've been wondering about exactly that effect. Is there any way to clean it up? It looks perfectly normal if it's the right size.

    It's meant to be posted on, my website, which is still under construction. I also used it for eHarmony, but I'm kinda wondering whether I should take it off that site until I can get those artifacts you talk about cleaned up.

    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • I like to think he dressed like that specifically to cause jpeg resizing artifacts.
    I've only had this since Friday, and I've been wondering about exactly that effect. Is there any way to clean it up? It looks perfectly normal if it's the right size.

    It's meant to be posted on, my website, which is still under construction. I also used it for eHarmony, but I'm kinda wondering whether I should take it off that site until I can get those artifacts you talk about cleaned up.

    I'm no expert, someone else can step in and correct me.

    Download gimp (or use photoshop if you have it) and try some of the other resizing methods. Essentially what some resizing does to shrink something is replace pixels with a pixel that blends the colors. Since everything in your pictures is black/white/gray and very tightly patterned... it's just kinda muddling the whole thing.

  • Email me along the original to [username] and I'll see what I can do.
  • Email me along the original to [username] and I'll see what I can do.
    Jeez . . . i just tried to do that, but gmail says that it can't deal with the address [username] for some reason.

  • edited February 2012
    Put Omnutia's username instead of [username].
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Put Omnutia's username instead of [username].
    Jesus, I can't believe I was so dense. I thought that "[username]" was just an ironically cool username.

  • It happens.
  • How's this? I resized it in paint and it seems to be less problematic.
    The old one for comparison:
  • Wow, I thought your suit was striped or patterned from the first provided picture.

  • image
    Did you hurt your back racking a dozen servers in one night? Did you get carpal tunnel syndrome from an overly long SWTOR quest? Did your boss fire you just because you spent all day on nerdish forums? We can help!

    Call 1-GEEK-LAW
  • edited February 2012
    This is me barely fitting in the catacombs under Paris.
    Halloween 2010. I'm Jay (if you couldn't tell).
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • I also used it for eHarmony, but I'm kinda wondering whether I should take it off that site until I can get those artifacts you talk about cleaned up.
    This photo is awesome, but do you have any pictures where you are smiling? Or perhaps just not making a "I am dissecting you piece by piece with my brain, and no one will ever find the pieces" face? Those might be better for a dating site.

  • I'm glad there's plenty of room at the bottom to insert "Back in my day, long before the war..".
  • Hungry Joe, your picture is nice, but it has something of the uncanny valley to it. Is it just the studio lighting, or did you do things to it in photoshop? It looks kind of matte and airbrushed. It's not a bad picture, but it doesn't really look like how I remember you.
  • edited February 2012

    I'll just say what I've been thinking.

    You look like a wax statue of yourself.

    Not that it wouldn't be cool to have a wax statue of yourself.
    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • edited February 2012



    Thank you, Omnutia.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • edited February 2012
    I also used it for eHarmony, but I'm kinda wondering whether I should take it off that site until I can get those artifacts you talk about cleaned up.
    This photo is awesome, but do you have any pictures where you are smiling? Or perhaps just not making a "I am dissecting you piece by piece with my brain, and no one will ever find the pieces" face? Those might be better for a dating site.

    Actually I also have these on the dating sites:



    as well as a couple of others. I really don't have that many photos of myself.

    How about these?



    Sorry about the sizes. I don't know how to do the re-sizing dance for these images yet.

    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • I like the second one for a dating site. OKCupid wrote some awesome stuff about profile pics here and here.
  • edited February 2012
    The second one and the last one are cool. The first one adds to the "I might murder you and put you somewhere no on will ever find you" look, and the library one looks like it's from before the war or something.

    P.S. the forum automatically resizes now.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • You actually think the last one is cool? It was from when I was a supernumerary in the Kentucky Opera's production of Rigoletto. I played a guard.

    Being a supernumerary is cool. You get to be at all the rehearsals, go to the cast party, not have to work very hard, and hear the opera enough times so that you almost memorize it. I have some other photos of that around somewhere . . .

    Here's another:


    Here's that one in front of the bookshelf before the fiddling that was done to it:

  • edited February 2012
    The one with the Enterprise is at a very poor angle, and looks like an accidental snap shot. (I advise not to use it.) I actually like the color one in the law library, I might suggest you add that one. (The doctored version is funny and cool too, but it might give the wrong impression as to your age.) I like the beard pic, you look very trustworthy and approachable. The Poe one is neat to those of us who know you on the internet, but you can't see your face very well, and it is spooky. I would go with ones that emphasize your features clearly, and bonus points if it shows you out doing neat stuff that is part of your life. The law library is nice because it is like "This is me at work" and the night one in D.C. is good because it is like "Here is a nice, smiley professional out on the town." One could imagine standing there with you, which is a good thing to evoke in a dating site picture, I would think.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • I like the beard picture for two reasons. 1) Beard. 2) Doesn't look like you're actively posing. But I'm just some guy on the internet with a pony avatar.

    All this feedback makes me curious how people would disect my own online profile, but there's not really an easy way to relay that information, and I'd rather get the feedback more privately.
  • Now that's a proud papa.
  • Oh my god, the ears!!!! I want to nom them.

  • Anyone else see it?
  • I was actually thinking this:
  • edited March 2012
    Post edited by Jason on
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