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Your account name



  • I used to have a myspace or something that was I_eat_kitties. from then on I decided kittens were delicious and thus i created Katsoup. However its not entirely original because there was an anime movie called Cat Soup. So i'm not special at all.
  • edited August 2007
    Sloth originated because I used the 7 deadly sins for character names on Ragnarok online, Sloth being the one I used the most. From there is just kind of became my name on the internets.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I'm named after a Star Destroyer. I have no creativity.
    I'm not crazily into Star Wars, I read the X-Wing series and really liked the name.

    ...but it's a SUPER Star Destroyer, so it's badass.
  • cosmicenema = cosmic + enema

    A cosmic enema is a specific type of creation myth (think Noah's flood) in archetypal literary analysis. That, and it makes me giggle.
  • Sparky's a nickname from my undergrad days and Buzzed was added after joining the Georgia Tech Yellow Jacket Marching Band.
  • Pro - video game "pro" at my school. I could learn a new multiplayer game in no time, then beat your ass. Or so I was told. (crowds o' kids cheered for me and told me these things)
    X- Fav. letter
    20 - Fav. number

    But, I didn't write down the name "The Pro X 20" until 5th grade when I got super bored and wrote it next to a dancing robot. When thinking of a name for my first "real" e-mail account, I flipped randomly through the journal and found my SN.

    Long story for a stupid name.
  • edited February 2009
    I got my name from a sneakernet. I first heard it in an intro to PC class and I thought it would make a good internet moniker. Also, I love the cyberpunks, e.g., Snow Crash, SE:L, and GitS. I've always wanted to redefine sneakernet. This would involve a super ultra portable laptop (something like 10-11"), in which I would remove the monitor part, make some sort of strap so it could be worn like a necklace (it would hang around my crotch so I could type while sitting/standing/walking), plug in one of those monitor glasses, and get a 3G card so I could always be connected. Since it's a rather generic name, I sometimes have to spell it with numbers (yeah, I know, leet is so cool), which I don't mind since I like the irony.
    Post edited by snookernet on
  • Because I realized Kendra was a girl's name. It's supposed to be pronounced the same, according to Japanese logic, but that's not how American eyes read it. I never did find any convincing Kanji to assign to it. It could be something about a sword. It stuck because I like having a globally unique name.
  • Well I started out with Lordyupa12 at the time I created my account, I thought that Lord Yupa from Nausicaa was the coolest character ever (before I saw other anime characters that were betters). Then I changed my name to Giygas, 'cause it was around the time that the Mother 3 Translation Patch first came out so I was hooked on Earthbound for a short while. Currently though, I changed my name to Checkers/Rallys, because two places are the only fast food places that I can go to (when I'm on vacation in southern areas) and have a good meal because I like the design of the restaurants themselves, I like how they work independently of each other yet are owned by the same company, and the only fast food that I think is good (it's a psychological thing I guess).
  • I started out using destrucci which was an old gamer tag I used. I use Alan now because its my name and I got that name when my parents named me after Alan Alda.
  • Alan Alda is a superb namesake.
  • I had originally used Ninjarabbit as my user name for a while but one time I was playing a game with a friend and the name space didn't have enough spaces so it was cut off to Ninjarabbi. I decided this was 100 times better and it has stuck ever since.
  • My name arose from an intentional misspelling from back when I liked Naruto; the "ka" from Kankuro's name sounded cool to me and I integrated it with another cool word. kanqueror is pretty much my internet handle, though I've tried to step out in the past.
  • Alan Alda is a superb namesake.
    I agree with that statement.
    Because my parents favorite show was M.A.S.H. we also have the whole show on dvd.
  • Loganator is a nickname that some people gave me in middle school. I used that because I couldn't think of anything else. 456 is just there because I like to have all of my names the same everywhere and YouTube didn't have Loganator123 open.
  • I'm just a young punk, and this is the internet, and my sarcasm detector broke down, so I have no choice to ask: Wait, are you serious?
    Back in Mah day, long before the war, we were always serious.

    As for my forum name, it's the name I use almost everywhere. When I was a punk kid, in the deep, dark, dialup ages of the internet, my friend had a dialup connection, and I went and got myself a hotmail account - chilidog99 - but after it lapsed from inactivity, I went for a yahoo account, but the name was already taken. So, I picked another name out of the air - Churba - which was already taken, so I picked churba2000. A few years later, I dropped the numbers, and a few years after that, I got sick of making up last names on a frequent basis for online forms, so I picked the last name "Silvertongue" since I was mad about The "His Dark Materials" trilogy.

    The only places I don't go by that pseudonym are Nationstates (PaPaPatagonia - after a line from a theater production I was in, though the name often got shortened to "Atag") and Facebook, where I go by my real name like most people.
  • My forum name comes from the fact that my friends do like to tease me about being "the irascible old man" of the group. They do this since I like to complain, rant and rave about many, many things but especially about politics, people doing stupid things and those damn punk kids. I shortened it to just Irascible because I'm lazy.
  • I have no clue how or when I came up with "chaosof99" but I retro-analyzed it. I think the chaos part comes from that I like disarray and unless something has a clearly designated order, I don't really care how it is "configured" or put together and I always just leave stuff where I want.

    The of is just in there to separate the name and the number. I really dislike the names which are "name##", most often with the number being the year of birth or even worse: age. It seems to me like a barcode and barcodes strip off individuality and make you seem replaceable. The "of" in my names combines this and gives a meaning to the number and makes it an essential part of the name.

    And so the number: 99 is simply my favorite number. Although I'm not sure how I chose it, I know one thing for certain: Even though I'm a hockey fan it is not a tribute to Wayne Gretzky. If there is a sports person or rather character I'd be able to trace it back to I'd attribute it to Charlie Sheen's character in Major League, one of my favorite movies. I'm also the guy who is happy as long as he isn't at the bottom of the barrel so I think that has something to do with it. I'm happy as long as I'm not the 100th of 100. I'll 99th place and be happy but of course I strive for higher.
  • I... lost count.
  • edited February 2009
    I... lost count.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • I... lost count.

    Damnit, now my mind rings with "Nineless-dan!"... I might be in double digit nickname counts on this forum alone.
  • When I was in high school, I joined a writing project that my best friend had started. The first character I came up with had a split personality (yes, it was kinda lame). When I first started needing a screen name, I tried to use only one of her names, but they were both always taken, and I don't care for usernames like unoriginal####. When I combined both names, it was always available.
  • The didgeridoo is a really cool instrument. When I was younger I didn't know how to spell it, so when I was trying to come up with a name for a character in a story I was writing I went with "Diddgery" and removed the doo part.
  • My username is derived from my real name... They might call me crazy... but they would be right.
  • Because Candide by Voltaire is fucking awesome.
  • Okay.
    Zombies Ate My Neighbors. You see that baby? He attacks you, and when you shoot him, he bursts into flames and tries to set you on fire. Can you read what it says on those boxes, over on the left? "Fun Baby". So when I first got on the BBSes, back in the mid-90s, I picked that as my handle. It's kinda weird and creepy in the context of that game. But a lot of guys assumed I was a girl and tried to cyber me, so I changed it to this one, which is kinda weird and creepy without context.
  • Zombies Ate My Neighbors. You see that baby? He attacks you, and when you shoot him, he bursts into flames and tries to set you on fire. Can you read what it says on those boxes, over on the left? "Fun Baby". So when I first got on the BBSes, back in the mid-90s, I picked that as my handle. It's kinda weird and creepy in the context of that game. But a lot of guys assumed I was a girl and tried to cyber me, so I changed it to this one, which is kinda weird and creepy without context.
    You get mega plus points for having such an awesome name origin.
  • edited February 2009
    When I first discovered the internet I used Squalmerlin and then moved onto squallmerlin when I discovered I couldn't spell worth a damn. I still use Squallmerlin but I prefer to use Xenoc(pronounced Zee-nok). After checking on the name I noticed several other are using the name, so I'm changing it to Xandro.

    Xenoc actually comes from my first D&D campaign that I began going on 5 years ago. I had started with Xanatos, because I was on Gargoyles at the time. The next week when we got together to play, my DM gave me the name an it has stuck as one of my aliases.

    Xandro I got off a baby naming page, linking from Xander. I like it, it's really uncommon and has ties to linux; sounds perfect
    Post edited by Sir_Xander on
  • I love explaining my Online name to people. Well it's sibnova, Sib comes from my last name Sibly which is welsh for young-ling remove the ly and it is just young, and apparently I look like a member of a band called Supernova, so remove the super and replace Sib and there you have it Sibnova, very unique and no one else on the Internet has it, except this one Russian person but they never bother me.
  • edited February 2009
    Because I realized Kendra was a girl's name. It's supposed to be pronounced the same, according to Japanese logic, but that's not how American eyes read it. I never did find any convincing Kanji to assign to it. It could be something about a sword. It stuck because I like having a globally unique name.
    It is a cool name. I like it. :) Just to point out, though: wouldn't the Japanese pronunciation of Kendra be Kendora (????)?

    As for me, Eryn is just my name. On most sites now, I sign up as either that or ErynCerise, which is my first name combined with a slight play on my middle name (my middle name is Ceris, and since I sometimes have included "strawberry" in my online handles before, I liked having a fruit reference there again).

    Other names I've prominently used:

    Tenchi Kaze - The first long-time handle I ever had, originally picked for FanFiction.Net when I was 14. It resulted from a misspelled attempt to get "Angel Wind" in Japanese (no, I still have not seen Tenchi Muyo). I finally gave that name up in the middle of last year, since there's a lot of immature baggage attached to that name that I'd like to leave behind, and the name sounds otaku-ish and immature in and of itself.

    Strawberry Key - The name I use on Comes from a slash RPG I was in a few years back, where half the characters had a title that followed the pattern [Insert-Word-Here] Key.

    numbersixmiria - My current AIM name (feel free to message me!). One of my favourite characters in Claymore is Miria/Phantom Miria, and nearly every version of her name was already taken, so I took her position number and added it into the name instead.
    Post edited by Eryn on
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