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Things of your day



  • I found my missing DSi hidden inside the couch.
    Schweet. DSi's are fun times.
  • World Science Festival clip demonstrating just how universal music and notes really are:
    How can I watch the full lecture?

  • I am in love with this video.
  • "Do you remember anything about the day of...The Incident?"
  • I had a very strange and epic dream, brought on by my chaotic bioclock. A 12 hour epic, wrought with giant bionic peacocks carrying people, traveling in a very odd swamp with an airboat, climbing a very large tower in space filled with my classmates, playing HL2 in real life while simultaneously having awareness of the house I'm in, learning french with an Australian teacher I had in 5th grade, and meeting my dead dog in my dreams.

    Sadly, as I open my eyes, every memory of my dream gets sucked into a maelstrom of nothingness. Only the vaguest general memories remain, but damn, I just know I've experienced something epic.

    Slight fail: A couple of minutes before going to sleep, I appear to be somewhat delusional. This is especially true when I'm on the verge of falling asleep from tiredness and I take an involuntary nap. I guess I can experience what it will be like waking up after a long night of drinking and seeing my idiocy in the morning before meeting the drinking age.

    [4:26:38 AM] Joe boomer: iujkhjgh
    [4:28:31 AM] Joe boomer: sleep feprivrf/
    [5:11:18 AM] Joe boomer: I 3wn d,rrlk
    [5:39:32 AM] Joe boomer: It seems like I wrote that while I was aslpee.
    [5:39:42 AM] Joe boomer: But now I will sleep again because I"ve been awake for a really long time.
    [5:39:49 AM] Joe boomer: WHER ETHE FUCK AM I i can't see my shoes

    By they way, does anyone here dream in both first and third person at the same time like me?
  • By they way, does anyone here dream in both first and third person at the same time like me?
    Like when you can see yourself doing stuff, but experience it at the same time? When that happens to me I usually wake up wondering "Was I just watching a Sailor Moon episode, or was I an actual sailor scout?" or something similar.
  • edited August 2009
    I am in love with this video.
    As once said by Terry Pratchett: "I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it.".
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited August 2009
    I did a search and I didn't see this posted here before, so I hope I'm not repeating someone else's thing of the day. Here's a video of Kirby's Theme being done with the Death Note anime. (No, this isn't a typical AMV, this is much more awesome!) You'll see what I mean by watching the video, but the video does kinda spoil the ending of Death Note, so you've been warned.

    Post edited by edifolco25 on
  • My thing of the day was mentioned in Saturday night's XKCD/ panel by Randall Munroe. makes ASCII charts in 8====D form. Read the comments for a fuller description.
  • Robo-Ramen
  • Robo-Ramen

    I want that robot.
  • edited August 2009
    If you are prone to passive embarrassment, do not watch the following video.
    Suffice it to say, 10,000 Harry Potter fans in Japan competed and the winner got flown to interview the cast.

    [via The Planet Japan Podcast]
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • My game that I ordered came in Monday, but I couldn't pick it up until today. I'm so excited, and I wasn't expecting to get the CD (I assumed it was only in the Limited Edition version), so that was a wonderful surprise.


    Off to mod my PS2, anyone have some advice on how I can mod it to play NTSC J/games from Japan?
  • edited August 2009
    @Loganator: If you Skype me I can explain how to softmod your PS2 to load games off the hard drive without region coding. You could also probably get a region removing boot disc which would probably be easier if you don't want to get your hack on.

    Also, what's the game called? The font effects make the kana hard to read (That and the fact I'm hopeless at katakana). How are you planning on playing it in Japanese?

    Another thing from this long day: Wondering what Pidgin's "Psychic Mode" plugin does and looking on Google. Turns out, this plugin will pop open the window the moment someone starts typing a message to you, allowing you to respond/greet them before they even start the conversation, thus the name "Psychic Mode".

    Important edit: Ok, tell me if I'm mad but I''m thinking.. parody. I'm thinking.. Takarazuka Revue pretty much strait up cross drawing. I'm thinking:
    Back row left to right: Omnutia (little adjustment, possibly bogu), Viga (Add big, sexy eyebrows), Nineless (Add cat ears).
    Front row: Neito (add maid outfit) and..?
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Off to mod my PS2, anyone have some advice on how I can mod it to play NTSC J/games from Japan?
    I have a modded PS2, but only by the grace and talents of my hardware engineer father. We bought a mod chip online that lets the PS2 play any region game or any copied game, and now that it's in, it works fairly well. Putting the mod chip in is really tedious, there's a lot of really small wires and really delicate welding. I'm pretty sure there are non-welding options, but I honestly don't know how they work.
    The thing is, my PS2 is really moody post-mod. Sometimes it decides it just won't play a particular game, for no reason at all. It also refuses to play 20th Century Fox DVDs, although I'm not sure it's a recurring problem with modding in general.
  • Region removing boot disc is probably your best option to begin with.
  • edited August 2009
    Thanks, I would absolutely Skype you had my headset (along with my only mic) broke last week. I'm working on getting a new one, but I'll see what happens. I was thinking of buying a AR or Gameshark-like thing I've heard that is the region removing boot disc, but I have to do a little more research to find out what exactly to buy. I've heard about the tediousness of modding with a chip, and I don't know anyone skilled enough to do it, so the disc is the safer and more cost-effective way.

    The straight-up katakana translation is "Rozario to Banpaia: Koi to Yume no Kyousoukyoku (Rapusodia in the)", but you'll never see that, you'll see it as "Rosario + Vampire: Koi to Yume no Kyousoukyoku". Which if I can remember right means "The Rhapsody of Love & Dreams", although Emily and anyone else should correct me if I'm wrong
    Post edited by Loganator456 on
  • edited August 2009
    Actual solder modding is pretty hard. That said, I did pick to start with a Gamecube which is very tightly packed. I got it working but it wouldn't read discs. In the end, it was only £20 for the Gamecube and £30 for the modchip and I learned a lot.

    Once I get the desk cleared, I'll probably open it back up and have a tinker around.

    You remembered well, after looking up rhapsody, I think you're pretty much spot on unless someone wants to Cogswell you.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • edited August 2009
    I'm curious. With the action replay here, it says the it can turn it into a region free DVD player. Does this include games? I don't know whether they still make the Region X, or not.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I'm an idiot. It clearly says that Region X is built into this AR. Though DVD's still count as games right? I don't want to buy this and just be a region-free DVD player, not both DVD and PS2 games. Wait, they are DVDs.

    Post edited by Loganator456 on
  • From the website:
    Just the thing for those Japanese anime films youÂ’ve always wanted to watch.
    Damn, my Scandinavian anime films won't work then..
  • Well, there are French anime films.
    That's where the word comes from.
  • Well, there are French anime films.
    That's where the word comes from.
    Joke may have come across more sarcastic than intended. Must use more science.
  • Today has been a very good day. I went to Best Buy to have them look at my crapped out external hard drive (I bought it there) and found out that I could use the warranty there, so they would replace my hard drive. I went into the external hard drive section only to find that they didn't have the one that died on me, but they had one that was both smaller, and had a larger hard drive for 40 dollars less. They gave me the drive for free and the rest on a gift card that I used to get the Legendary Starfy and Professor Layton.

    Then I went home and found out that the doctors made a mistake and there is nothing wrong with my mom.

    Today was awesome.
  • GeoGeo
    edited August 2009
    Today I went to my local comic shop which I rarely often do (due to distance and lack of a car that is always available to myself) and I looked in the small manga section and was in awe of it. They had only tasteful and good manga and almost no ecchi or cheesecake manga. I'm talking about stuff that is out of print or really hard to find in the wild.

    Such things included a multitude of Tezuka manga, a lot of Kazuo Koike, lots of Shiro(w?)tasm, a couple of Akira volumes, and more. I was very surprised to see they also actually had the out of print, giant album sized, version of Phoenix: Future (called Phoenix: A Tale of the Future) when Viz released that as a standalone comic before releasing the rest. Needless to say, I'll be making more frequent stops there from now on when I get my cash. Plus they have 10% off comics that are older than 2007 because the dude running it is really nice.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Awesome, Li_Akahi. Sounds like a great day.
  • Today has been a very good day. I went to Best Buy to have them look at my crapped out external hard drive (I bought it there) and found out that I could use the warranty there, so they would replace my hard drive. I went into the external hard drive section only to find that they didn't have the one that died on me, but they had one that was both smaller, and had a larger hard drive for 40 dollars less. They gave me the drive for free and the rest on a gift card that I used to get the Legendary Starfy and Professor Layton.

    Then I went home and found out that the doctors made a mistake and there is nothing wrong with my mom.

    Today was awesome.
    I'm glad to know your mom is alright!
    And all the other cool stuff sounds fun too.
  • Then I went home and found out that the doctors made a mistake and there is nothing wrong with my mom.
    That's really great to hear!
  • I'm so happy for you, Li_Akahi!
  • I don't know what everyone else did tonight, but I promise you:
    My night was better.
  • edited August 2009
    That's really not fair.
    edit: Somehow, the picture didn't load before. Leaving us in the dark was what I thought was not fair. :)
    Post edited by Funfetus on
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