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Things of your day



  • I wouldn't buy one for $20, but I would certainly build on for $4 if I could.
  • EDIT: Are there any other film buffs/enthusiasts/geeks/nuts out there on the forums? I sorta feel like I'm alone in that sense.
    Um, yeah. Me? Like I said before, I know a lot of people who are really knowledgeable about film, but they don't bring it up at every opportunity. If it comes up, they will wax poetic about the way such and such scene inThe Godfatherwas shot, or talk about the societal critiques contained within François Truffaut'sThe 400 Blows, but they are laid back about their knowledge. Think of anime fans. Some anime fans wear shirts plastered with garish anime art and have this sense of fanboy one-upmanship; they are always trying to best each other in who has watched the greatest number of shows or who can name the most voice actors. Then you have anime fans who are completely normal, maybe they have little cellphone charms of Konata or a tachikoma, but meeting them for the first time you wouldn't think "Wow, that's a weeaboo." You have to get them talking and then HEY, you find out that they love Cowboy Bebop, or Ghost in the Shell, or are totally addicted to Yotsuba. This was something that I had to grow out of. When I was a teenager I was like "I LOVE ANIME! I LOVE MOVIES! I SPEAK JAPANESE!" and then I realized that that was annoying and I should only bring it up if it is appropriate. Any geekery is the same way. Of course you should talk about film here. You like it. I like it. However, try not to be a film school version of a weeaboo. You already heard my rant - There are more than enough pretentious know-it-all film school freshman in the world, the kind who go on and on at parties trying to name the most obscure art films, or name dropping cinematographers for no other reason than that they can. Please oh please, don't be one of them.
    I am honestly stumped and surprised as I never knew I was like this. I find it odd that my personality inexplicably changes when film is mentioned around me. I guess it's because I'm not surrounded by like-minded people in real life everyday and I became this way due to frustration and longing for a companion or friend who had similar tastes and interests, that's just my theory so I might be wrong. But thank god you guys are here to kick me into shape, because I need it. In all seriousness, this forum is pretty much a surrogate family to me (excluding the FRC because you guys have an monolithic something that I have no understanding of just yet, but it's there) as they are (in some way or another) like-minded). But how do I prevent this snobbish-ness from continuing any further, as I'm totally at a loss here and I don't know how to go about it?
  • "You gotta know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em" is basically the advice I can give. Think before you speak. If the people that you're talking with don't seem that interested, then stop.

    IIRC, GeekNights made a "How to not be a fanboy" episode. Maybe listen to that.
  • If your statement begins with "It's the best", "Most Amazing", "You probably haven't heard of it", "It's not as good as" or "You HAVE TO see", odds are you sound like a douche.
  • If your statement begins with "It's the best", "Most Amazing", "You probably haven't heard of it", "It's not as good as" or "You HAVE TO see", odds are you sound like a douche.
    Also, "high-concept," "obscure," and the creation of hybrid genres is a tip that you are heading for the danger zone.
  • You probably haven't heard this before but just fuck the haters. You HAVE to follow this advice because it is the most amazing feeling. It's the best.
  • But how do I prevent this snobbish-ness from continuing any further, as I'm totally at a loss here and I don't know how to go about it?
    Keep a subtly phallic-shaped image of my, or anyone's, clenched digits in your moleskin. Then, every time you observe breathing beings mentioning phrases about silver screen productions, or cinematography in general, take that picture out of your ass-crack and hold it in front of your crotch. A note with "PUNCH ME" on it would also work, but verbose kick-me-notes are so passé, don't you agree? Then just fear that your image will become reality the moment you become too big an annoying and pretentious snob, and punch you in the groin.

    That, or grow up, both methods should take about the same amount of time before they start taking effect.
  • You cannot possibly be prepared to learn the truth...the truth of the Fruit Mystery.

  • Because it's Hanukkah, of course.
  • My friend showed me this last night, it makes me regret not getting RE5:

  • My friend showed me this last night, it makes me regret not getting RE5
    The funny thing is that it feels totally feasible by the time you reach that point in the game. After the near-infinite amount of crazy stuff RE5 throws at you (that boss battle on top of the cargo ship's roof, for one), a normal person uppercutting a boulder into an active volcano feels like it would just be a day-to-day occurrence.
  • a normal person uppercutting a boulder into an active volcano feels like it would just be a day-to-day occurrence.
    Holy fuck. Chris Redfield is apparently a magna cum laude student of the University of Churbawesome.
  • Coupling!
  • So evil and tempting, but oh so delicious. I image
  • Will Arnett and David Cross have a new show on the way... but its going to be on BBC 4 in the UK.
  • Will Arnett and David Cross have a new show on the way... but its going to be on BBC 4 in the UK.
  • edited December 2009
    So evil and tempting, but oh so delicious. I image

    (Respectable) Woman! Must you temp me so? T~T
    Post edited by La Petit Mort on
  • edited December 2009
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited December 2009
    Big 'ol version here.
    That picture is freaking epic, I love it!
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • edited December 2009
    Post edited by Churba on

    Just killing time reading this.
    The second post I read was about child abuse by homophobic parents, in comparison to love relations in Eclipse. WTF?
  • Rage Against The Machine want to haveKilling In The Name Ofbe the UK Christmas No. 1 and stop the X-Factor guy.
    If they are going to do that, they should at least get back together and put out a new album or single.
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