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Things of your day



  • My thing of the day. (Or yesterday to be exact).
    Rolling around in snow, naked.
    What the fuck? Wasn't your body just screaming "WOMANNNNNNNNN!!!!!"?
    It's a really popular thing to do when you have hot water springs/hot tub next to the snow.
  • My thing of the day. (Or yesterday to be exact).
    Rolling around in snow, naked.
    What the fuck? Wasn't your body just screaming "WOMANNNNNNNNN!!!!!"?
    It's a really popular thing to do when you have hot water springs/hot tub next to the snow.
    Ahh...that makes a whole lot more sense now.
  • My thing of the day. (Or yesterday to be exact).
    Rolling around in snow, naked.
    MMmmmmnnnn sauna-snow-sauna. You are Finnish, yes?
  • My thing of the day. (Or yesterday to be exact).
    Rolling around in snow, naked.
    MMmmmmnnnn sauna-snow-sauna. You are Finnish, yes?
    Right you are. That was my first time of this winter and first time of the year is always the scariest, especially when your hand sticks to the doors handle because it's so cold.
    My thing of the day. (Or yesterday to be exact).
    Rolling around in snow, naked.
    What the fuck? Wasn't your body just screaming "WOMANNNNNNNNN!!!!!"?
    My body was screaming "FUCKFUCKFUCKCOLD!". But when you have the amazing power of sauna to warm you up after that, it isn't so bad.
  • AZO Showreel 2009

    This guy has a seriously wide range of skills, and a great sense of humor to match them. The trick at 2:34, how he gets dressed, is really cool. In fact, the tricks that aren't cool are stupid enough to be worth watching too. AZO is my new hero.
  • Genetic Opera much?
  • Genetic Opera much?
    I see it more action less music but pretty much the same thing all the title need is "The Genetic Opera".
  • This is something I made today after a conversation over facebook. That errant asterisk means multiply.
    I call it the Girl Issues Drake Equation because, Like the drake equation, it assumes a lot, has a large margin, and is meant really as an entertaining thought experiment.
  • This is something I made today after a conversation over facebook.
  • I was at Chili's today and they played a Fleet Foxes song. It was really surreal.
  • edited December 2009
    I was at Chili's today and they played a Fleet Foxes song. It was really surreal.
    Which one?

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • White Winter Hymnal, which I guess is the song of theirs that I'd expect to get popular. It was still really weird and surprising.
  • edited December 2009
    White Winter Hymnal, which I guess is the song of theirs that I'd expect to get popular. It was still really weird and surprising.
    White Winter Hymnal is such a downer. If anything, they should have played Ragged Wood.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited December 2009
    If anything, they should have played Woodpecker No. 2.
    Post edited by whatever on
  • My friend showed me this great web series called Hey Ash, Whatcha Playing?.

  • Hey Ash, Whatcha Playing?.
    Seeing that girl literally go OM NOM NOM with those cookies was seriously one of the most adorable things I've ever seen a person do. Ever.
  • My friend's girlfriend actually has a class with her. Needless to say, we're all scrambling to be introduced.
  • My friend's girlfriend actually has a class with her. Needless to say, we're all scrambling to be introduced.
    Try and get her to go to ALA, I'd like to meet her also. If not, Invite her to the forum or to a geekchat; she seems funny.
  • The windows 7 Nanami Madobe theme makes every fanboy bone in my body squee with joy on two counts:
    1. Microsoft has formally established that OS-tans are how it should be.
    2. When I do stuff, my computer talks to me. When I log in, my computer greets me with "Okairi"...^_^!!!!!!!

    Download Voice Pack
  • However, it will drive you slowly insane.
  • Grow Your Teeth Back!
    Oh Jesus. Me are a set of muscle-grafting techs away from William Gibson's sharkboy enforcers from Neuromancer.
  • Knitting + Cthulu + Skiing = Awesome
  • Grow Your Teeth Back!
    So... British people really do have horrible dental hygiene? How are you missing 12 teeth by age 50 ON AVERAGE?
  • How are you missing 12 teeth by age 50 ON AVERAGE?
    Anomalous outliers skewing the average, perhaps? Whatever, I just want my fucking shark teeth.
  • How are you missing 12 teeth by age 50 ON AVERAGE?
    Anomalous outliers skewing the average, perhaps? Whatever, I just want my fucking shark teeth.
    Amen to that.
  • However, it will drive you slowly insane.
    How could that ever occur? OS-tans+RL=AWESOME
  • Ode to Minions: A musical comic.

    Seriously, this is awesome. I think this is my thing of the week.
  • So... British people really do have horrible dental hygiene? How are you missing 12 teeth by age 50 ON AVERAGE?
    According to my housemate, a practicing dentist, the English people have bad teeth thing is largely a myth - the statistics say that English people in fact have better teeth on average than Americans. I can't corroborate it at all, and it's purely anecdotal, but that's the extent of my knowledge on the issue.
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