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Things of your day



  • Yeah, I was thinking omnutia's answer was a little weird, assuming you'd have a PS2 controller.
    I'd guess the majority of Geeks have at least one PS2 controller.
  • Yeah, I was thinking omnutia's answer was a little weird, assuming you'd have a PS2 controller.
    I'd guess the majorityabout half of video gamer Geeks have at least one PS2 controller.
    FTFY. We're not all video gamers. Many geeks are into other things, and even for the gamers there are other platforms that are good for gaming, so I think maybe that's not such a great guess.
  • Nuri, thank you for clarifying but, did anyone not guess that from the context? Do we need to be more verbose around here?
  • Nuri, thank you for clarifying but, did anyone not guess that from the context? Do we need to be more verbose around here?

    You make those of us who are geeks but not really into video games feel bad. ;_;
  • Do we need to be more verbose around here?
    You must be new.
  • Got a half day of school today thanks to a freak snowstorm. Time to finish watching Firefly.

    Also, I love Department of Eagles.
  • Funfetus, if you ask me you don't really need a controller. Mouse+keyboard was good enough when I played the demo a while back.
  • Funfetus, if you ask me you don't really need a controller. Mouse+keyboard was good enough when I played the demo a while back.
    The thing with Psychonauts, though, is that later on it has some really tricky platforming bits- especially in the last two worlds- that I can't imagine attempting without a controller. Hell, even with a PS2 controller I had a lot of trouble.

    Of course, I don't PC game very often, so my skills with a keyboard and mouse are abysmal... but I still think it might be easier with a gamepad rather than with the keyboard.
  • edited January 2010
    I picked up the game too, I've got a Logitech gamepad, but it's only got a D-pad and not a thumbstick. Is that good enough?
    I have a Logitech Precision gamepad with just a D-pad, and I thought it didn't work when I tried it yesterday, but I just tried it again, and apparently it does. I'm thinking this is a game where you want an analog stick, though.
    Funfetus, if you ask me you don't really need a controller. Mouse+keyboard was good enough when I played the demo a while back.
    Yeah, like I said before, it's been okay so far -- but my understanding is that it gets hard, and the mouse/keyboard is a bit awkward. I looked up some reviews, and they all recommended using a 360 controller. Either way, I went ahead and ordered one.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Yeah, like I said before, it's been okay so far -- but my understanding is that it gets hard, and the mouse/keyboard is a bit awkward. I looked up some reviews, and they all recommended using a 360 controller. Either way, I went ahead and ordered one.
    Psychonauts refuses to recognize my 360 wired.
  • Got a half day of school today thanks to a freak snowstorm. Time to finish watching Firefly.

    Also, I love Department of Eagles.

    What a small frickin' world, I'm finishing Firefly right now as well. Better call Randi...
  • Oh please. Anyone who isn't finishing Firefly at any given moment is doing it wrong.
  • Oh please. Anyone who isn't finishing Firefly at any given moment is doing it wrong.
    I've never seen a single episode.
  • Oh please. Anyone who isn't finishing Firefly at any given moment is doing it wrong.
    I've never seen a single episode.
    It's one of those shows that comes around once every 5-10 years. It's on Hulu for free and I highly, highly recommend you see it as soon as possible.
  • Psychonauts refuses to recognize my 360 wired.
    Oop! Well, I'll report back when I get it. I did order the wireless.
  • Oh please. Anyone who isn't finishing Firefly at any given moment is doing it wrong.
    Yeah, like I said before, it's been okay so far -- but my understanding is that it gets hard, and the mouse/keyboard is a bit awkward. I looked up some reviews, and they all recommended using a 360 controller. Either way, I went ahead and ordered one.
    I never really got the controller-for-platforming. I've always been fine with mouse+keyboard on the PC.
  • I picked up the game too, I've got a Logitech gamepad, but it's only got a D-pad and not a thumbstick. Is that good enough?
    I have a Logitech Precision gamepad with just a D-pad, and I thought it didn't work when I tried it yesterday, but I just tried it again, and apparently it does. I'm thinking this is a game where you want an analog stick, though.
    Yeah, that's the same gamepad I have. I just couldn't really test it out because my PC is borked. I have a friend who beat the game with 100% completion with a mouse and keyboard, so who knows. It's probably just whichever you're more comfortable with.
  • Oh please. Anyone who isn't finishing Firefly at any given moment is doing it wrong.
    Ah, but if you're starting, you're also finishing.
  • Ah, but if you're starting, you're also finishing.
  • edited January 2010
    It's one of those shows that comes around once every 5-10 years. It's on Hulu for free and I highly, highly recommend you see it as soon as possible.
    Hulu sucks (read: "I live in a third world country so hulu doesn't work")
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • Ah, but if you're starting, you're also finishing.
    You cannot start and finish at the same time. When you're starting you cannot be finishing. After you've started you can finish though, I do recognize that.
  • I live in a third world country so hulu doesn't work
    Is Costa Rica a 3rd World Country? Sure it's not as rich as some other countries but it has decent infrastructure and civil systems from what I can tell. Kids are vaccinated, the water is mostly good, etc.
  • edited January 2010
    Is Costa Rica a 3rd World Country? Sure it's not as rich as some other countries but it has decent infrastructure and civil systems from what I can tell. Kids are vaccinated, the water is mostly good, etc.
    Not United States = third world*

    *according to americans

    pic unrelated, but amusing.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Axe Cop. The guy who made Chumble Spuzz draws a comic written by his five-year-old brother.
  • edited January 2010
    I live in a third world country so hulu doesn't work
    Is Costa Rica a 3rd World Country? Sure it's not as rich as some other countries but it has decent infrastructure and civil systems from what I can tell. Kids are vaccinated, the water is mostly good, etc.
    It is a second tier country on the UN's HDI, so not really a 3rd world country.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited January 2010
    Axe Cop.
    Whoa. I just saw that like 3 minutes ago.
    EDIT: Goddamn that site is annoying.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • Axe Cop.
    Whoa. I just saw that like 3 minutes ago.
    EDIT: Goddamn that site is annoying.
    Yeah, just browse from and increment the number.
  • edited January 2010
    I live in a third world country so hulu doesn't work
    Is Costa Rica a 3rd World Country? Sure it's not as rich as some other countries but it has decent infrastructure and civil systems from what I can tell. Kids are vaccinated, the water is mostly good, etc.
    Not United States = third world*

    *according to americans

    We actually have better literacy ratings that the US (Wikipedia states:Many high-income countries, having attained high levels of literacy, no longer collect basic literacy statistics and thus are not included in the UIS data. In calculating the Human Development Index (HDI), a literacy rate of 99.0% is assumed for high-income countries that do not report adult literacy information. As far as I knew, we had, but now I can't really be sure.) and wider spread of health care, our doctors are really good to the point that a lot of tourism is medical tourism.
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
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