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Things of your day



  • Back in December, there was a debate in Albion over the motion "The Catholic Church is a force for good in the world". On one side was an Archbishop from Nigera and a Conservative MP. On the other was Christopher Hitchens and Stephen Fry.

    The whole thing is worth watching, but it got split into 13 parts on YouTube. It starts here, but gets epic with Stephen Fry's opening statement here.
  • An Art installation where When you send an appropriately coded tweet, it spits back an embroidery design, which, if you approve it, will be sent to an Tajima embroidery machine, and emboidered onto a shirt.

    Side note - I grew up, or at least, spent a good part of my time from an early age learning to digitize designs, hoop, lay out, and embroider shirts, and to clean by hand(though, in my teen years, I upgraded to an air compressor) and fix these machines, thanks to my parents business. I thought this video would give me a tinge of nostalga, but apparently, the video doesn't quite convey the incredible noise of these machines, which unlike the video's discreet "Kacha kacha kacha kacha" like an oversize sewing machine, sounds more like two typewriters high on ludicrous amounts of amphetamines fucking in a 44 gallon drum.
  • Back in December, there was a debate in Albion over the motion "The Catholic Church is a force for good in the world". On one side was an Archbishop from Nigera and a Conservative MP. On the other was Christopher Hitchens and Stephen Fry.

    The whole thing is worth watching, but it got split into 13 parts on YouTube. It startshere, but gets epic with Stephen Fry's opening statementhere.
    I'm really enjoying this set of videos the only issue is that one lady (pro-catholic) is really really annoying, I like the Archbishop though.(he even clapped from Stephen Fry)
  • I'm really enjoying this set of videos the only issue is that one lady (pro-catholic) is really really annoying, I like the Archbishop though.(he even clapped from Stephen Fry)
    Oh that is just Ann Widdecombe crazy anti-feminist and disapproval expert.
  • Rest in peace Doug Fieger, this is to you
  • edited February 2010
    Thing of my day: railroading the pax enforcer irc channel into a discussion of bread, with people posting pics.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Thing of my day: railroading the pax enforcer irc channel into a discussion of bread, with people posting pics.
    I love bread.
  • bread?
    Well, bread and hamburger restaurants.
  • Tonight the thing of my life happened.

    He proposed. I said, yes. I'm engaged.
  • Tonight the thing of my life happened.

    He proposed. I said, yes. I'm engaged.
    Oh my god Viga, congratulations!
  • edited February 2010
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    Congrats, Viga!!
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                        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄~
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited February 2010
    Tonight the thing of my life happened.

    He proposed. I said, yes. I'm engaged.
    I quite literally gasped and squealed when I read this. Emasculation aside, congratulations!
    Post edited by Walker on
  • Awesome Viga! I'm happy for you.
  • Tonight the thing of my life happened.

    He proposed. I said, yes. I'm engaged.
    Hell yeah, Go Viga!
  • edited February 2010

    Congrat's Viga! You're awesome. He's awesome. Have some awesome kids. Stream the wedding over UStream, okay?
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Viga! ^____^
  • Tonight the thing of my life happened.

    He proposed. I said, yes. I'm engaged.
    Fantastic! I wish you and your fiancé the best of luck.

    On an unrelated note:
  • Many conglaturations to you, Viga!!
    Stream the wedding over UStream, okay?
    Seconding this.
  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2010
    I'M VERY HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited February 2010
    I quite literally gasped and squealed when I read this. Emasculation aside, congratulations!

    Manly tears.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I quite literally gasped and squealed when I read this. Emasculation aside, congratulations!

    Manly tears.
    Crying Freeman? Really?
  • Crying Freeman? Really?
    I only ever knew it as manlytears.jpeg.
  • I thought it was Kenshiro.
  • I thought it was Kenshiro.
    That's who I thought it was. Kenshiro is more appropriate for legendary Manly Tears, in my opinion.
  • I thought it was Kenshiro.
    That's who I thought it was. Kenshiro is more appropriate for legendary Manly Tears, in my opinion.
    What about Koizumi?
  • Tonight the thing of my life happened.
    He proposed. I said, yes. I'm engaged.
    Viga you win! Here you go:
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