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Things of your day



  • Congrats Viga!
  • Nice one, Viga!
  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2010
    So when is the wedding? Is it going to be traditional or untraditional?
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Congratulations, Viga!
  • Congratulations Viga, and salutations on your festive happening! :D
  • Yaaaaaaaaaaaay.
  • Tiger bread is god bread.
  • Congratulations Viga!
  • edited February 2010
    Omedetou! Yay! Viga, Hooray!
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Congratulations to Viga! ^_^

    And now, for something completely different.

  • A road sign near Darwin, Australia:
  • A thousand congrats Viga!
  • Congratulations Viga!
  • Tonight the thing of my life happened.

    He proposed. I said, yes. I'm engaged.
    That's awesome.
  • Stream the wedding over UStream, okay?
    Having done this for my Aunt last year, I can say that it works really well. If you do this, remeber to keep streaming during the dinner, drunk uncles are 10x times for funny on camera. Also SUPER PLEASED by the engagementness. Just do one thing for me Viga, make one obscure anime quote during the wedding ^^ :P
  • RymRym
    edited February 2010
    On Fark today, there was a story about a teenager who was savagely beaten to death by several other teenagers (after they hit him with their car) outside of a party late at night. That's a "fail" story, terribly sad. (Even worse is that the car's occupants, who attacked him after hitting him with the car, also attacked other teenagers who were trying to help him...). Fark has some serious discussion about the issue, but the first three posts in the thread were as follows:
    this is really sad, but what was a 16 year old doing in the street at 1:30 am?
    real shaman: this is really sad, but what was a 16 year old doing in the street at 1:30 am?

    Read the article, he was getting the sh*t beaten out of him.
    PhiloeBedoe: real shaman: this is really sad, but what was a 16 year old doing in the street at 1:30 am?
    Read the article, he was getting the sh*t beaten out of him.

    This is Fark in a nutshell.

    /aisle seat please
    //still laughing
    Humor is probably the best way to deal with senseless tragedies like this one.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • And thus we figured out why I still consistently read Fark to this day.
  • IMG
    I do this all the goddamn time when I'm hosting a party. It works oddly well, and no cleanup.
  • IMG
    I do this all the goddamn time when I'm hosting a party. It works oddly well, and no cleanup.
  • A road sign near Darwin, Australia:
    Oh crap, they evolved.
  • edited February 2010
    Hey, if it works, it works - and back home, 99% of the time, the party is in the backyard, with barbecuing, pit fires, goon of fortune, etc, etc, and the laundry is either right next to the backyard or the best viable route to indoors, so it's convenient.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I do this all the goddamn time when I'm hosting a party. It works oddly well, and no cleanup.
    These were my thoughts when I saw that image, "Obviously the guy needed more beer storage space for a party, quite a simple and perfect solution."
  • Damn, I missed a lot over the past day -- congratufuckinlations, Viga!
  • A road sign near Darwin, Australia:
    Oh crap, they evolved.
    Churba, did you see that image?
  • IMG
    I do this all the goddamn time when I'm hosting a party. It works oddly well, and no cleanup.
    Just turn on that puppy and you have a whole night of drunken mutilationy fun!
  • goon of fortune
    I had to look that up.
  • edited February 2010
    Churba, did you see that image?
    goon of fortune
    I had to look that up.
    And I'll wager that if you went with the first result, you had to look up what Goon is, as well. There are no winners at goon of fortune, except for those who refuse to play.
    Also, After looking up the definition - Nobody sings the wheel of fortune theme, only the idiotic teenager who wrote that entry who has propably never played, thinks it's really cool(it only ever seems like a good idea when you're really drunk to begin with, and even then, it's a shaky proposition) - instead, people just heckle each other, chatter, and so on.
    Post edited by Churba on
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