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Things of your day



  • edited February 2010
    Fuck, it's true:

    I'm supposed to study the history of the Alpes-Adria-Region for my exam tomorrow and I've been reading for the last hour and a half. Fuck you internet!
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Wow, Sail...That was brilliant. Well played.
  • [pulling into yo mama]

    Bravo, sir.
  • Gimbal cereal bowl. Always upright relative to the eater.


    I'll be buying a few of these, methinks.
  • Old thing, but in light of the Doomsday machine starting up again I give you LHC-tan
  • edited March 2010
    That is now my new Second Favorite *-tan, My favorite being 2k-tan.

    Her influence over Len is somewhat fearful.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • A solution for world peace
  • edited March 2010
    engineer cats
    I was okay watching this, but lost it at "cat yodeling" and laughed more than any normal man should.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
  • The pilot of the Red Bull Chopper? Yeah, turns out he's an utter bloody mentalist.

    Bonus - Pretty good song.
  • What the shit? You're not supposed to do that with a helicopter!
  • edited March 2010
    What the shit? You're not supposed to do that with a helicopter!
    It is a Eurocopter BO-105 CBS 4 Twin engine helicopter, with a rigid rotor system. The fixed rotor(And batshit crazy pilot) is why it can do acrobatics.

    However, if you tried to do 3/4 of the stuff in the video in a regular chopper, you would die a horrible, fiery death. There is precisely one thing done in that chopper than you can do in some regular choppers, which is where he climbs near-vertically, and then turns on his rotor axis, so that the chopper is nose-down - you can do this in SOME choppers, but in others, you'd die horribly.

    Christ, on re-watching that, I can think of at least a half dozen pilots who would have trouble moving like that in a Cessna 150 Aerobat. This dude is a legend.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • ......
    edited March 2010
    What the shit? You're not supposed to do that with a helicopter!
    Different copters for different shit. You're not supposed to carry several tons of mass underneath that thing, you need another single-rotor copter.

    EDIT: Dammit Churba.
    Post edited by ... on
  • What the shit? You're not supposed to do that with a helicopter!
    Somewhere underground, Igor Sikorski smiles. Also, it's worth noting that even in spite of the already-specialized rotor system, that helicopter is still special. There's supposed to be crazy redundancy on all of the systems.

    I've always wanted to get a pilot license.
  • GeoGeo
    edited March 2010
    What the shit? You're not supposed to do that with a helicopter!
    I've always wanted to get a pilot license.
    Other than the possibility of lack of free time, there isn't anything from stopping you. Just promise me you'll change your last name to Secord and try and find a rocket jetpack suit.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Other than the possibility of lack of free time, there isn't anything from stopping you.
    Probably not.
    Just promise me you'll change your last name to Secord and try and find a rocket jetpack suit.
    Just gotta get me one of these.
  • He doesn't really backflip so much as freefalls and straightens out before he hits the water.
  • edited March 2010
    He doesn't really backflip so much as freefalls and straightens out before he hits the water.
    At about 36 seconds in, he does a powered loop with a half turn at the end, and it's harder to tell with the way the footage is cut, but it looks like he does another at 1:05 or so.
    Not to mention he does both Aileron rolls(Well, I suppose the equivalent, since I don't think he has ailerons) and proper barrel rolls in a helo.

    And considering that he's the ONLY Aerobatics rated chopper pilot according to the FAA, I'm not gonna dump on him too much, and certainly I'm not going to criticize his technique.. He's approximately umpty hojillion times better a chopper pilot that I am. He's on virgin territory here, if he wants to call it a flip, fuckit, it's a flip.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • He's approximately umpty hojillion times better a chopper pilot that I am.
    Is there anything with a motor or engine that you are not licensed to operate?
  • edited March 2010
    Is there anything with a motor or engine that you arenotlicensed to operate?
    Yes, A chopper, for a start. I can take off shakily, move slowly, and very timidly set down, but I'm nowhere near good enough to be licensed. Planes are easy, but my license expired a fair while ago now, and I was never commercial rated, and while I have the ability and knowledge for a lot of larger machinery, I'm only ticketed for forklifts, skid-steer loaders, and backhoes.
    I only hold a Personal watercraft License so that I don't get arrested when I ride my Jet-Bike/Wet-Bike(whichever you want to call it), so any powered watercraft that's bigger than a tinny, I'm not licensed for, except I did hold my seaplane cert, but that's pretty easy to get if you already have a pilot's licence.
    And of course, I have a motorbike and Car license.

    Like Baden Powell Said, kids - Be Prepared.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Like Baden Powell Said, kids - Be Prepared.
  • Listening to the new Gorillaz album a week early.
    It's good. Waaayy mellow, but I think I'll get into it more with more listens.
  • I wouldn't say I like it as much as Demon Days, but I do really like it.
  • edited March 2010
    They need to put helicopter back flips into some Red Bull ads. It would be so much better.
    The Youtube video already serves as a great ad, though.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Indeed.
    Well, to be fair, it's only my Pilot's licence, Car/moto license, and Personal watercraft license that I set out specifically to get, the rest I kinda stumbled into.
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