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Things of your day



  • Or maybe they just choose not to react to you being an obnoxious asshole.

    I'm the asshole for coughing when I walk through their cloud of poison gas?
  • edited February 2010

    I make a point of coughing loudly and obnoxiously when I pass by someone smoking.
    Every time someone does this to me(and you can usually tell, because they'll look at you pointedly while they do it, and it's an obviously fake cough), I hand them a tissue with a concerned look on my face and say "You should really go to a doctor for that cough. Seriously, I smoke, and I never cough like that."
    Only once have they not taken the tissue kinda meekly, and when that particular person got indignant at me about smoking, I simply said "In that case, then you should stop being an obnoxious, passive aggressive arsehole because I choose to smoke, and you choose not to. If you have a problem with people smoking, you should take it up with them directly, rather than this passive aggressive coughing shit."
    I'm the asshole for coughing when I walk through their cloud of poison gas?
    No, you're a passive aggressive asshole for fake-coughing when someone smokes around you and it offends you, rather than having the stones to take it up with them directly.
    If the smoke makes you cough, then grow a pair and say something, don't just sit there coughing and spluttering like a fool.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I'm the asshole for coughing when I walk through their cloud of poison gas?
  • Wouldn't the obvious retort be to blow a smoke ring in their face?
  • Wouldn't the obvious retort be to blow a smoke ring in their face?
    No, because that's being just as much of an asshole as they are.
  • No, because that's being just as much of an asshole as they are.
    Rising above your opposition is overrated.
  • No, you're a passive aggressive asshole for fake-coughing when someone smokes around you and it offends you, rather than having the stones to take it up with them directly.
    If the smoke makes you cough, then grow a pair and say something, don't just sit there coughing and spluttering like a fool.

    If you address the situation calmly, rationally, and politely, I strongly doubt that you'll encounter much indignation. "Excuse me, but your smoke is really bothering me. Would you mind moving down that way a bit? Thanks."

    If you're walking through their area, deal with it. If they come over to where you are and light up, they're the interloper and should have to capitulate.
  • edited February 2010
    No, you're a passive aggressive asshole for fake-coughing when someone smokes around you and it offends you, rather than having the stones to take it up with them directly.
    If the smoke makes you cough, then grow a pair and say something, don't just sit there coughing and spluttering like a fool.
    If you address the situation calmly, rationally, and politely, I strongly doubt that you'll encounter much indignation. "Excuse me, but your smoke is really bothering me. Would you mind moving down that way a bit? Thanks."

    If you're walking through their area, deal with it. If they come over to where you are and light up, they're the interloper and should have to capitulate.
    Every Redneck Forestry student I went to school with was respectful of my tobacco smoke allergy once I simply explained it to them. Sure, there were jokes and pokes, but we were college students attending a summer camping semester. There were jokes all around. They made a point to attempt to stand downwind if they were going to smoke around me. My SCA friends who smoke similarly walk away from the group in an appropriate direction so that the wind will not carry the smoke back to us. If you are polite and respectful to a person when you bring up a problem, they are much more likely to be accommodating. I try to make it clear that I have no problem with them smoking; I just need them to do it somewhere that doesn't send the smoke into a place that I need to be.

    Yes, I have experienced smokers who were inconsiderate assholes once asked to step away or stand on a downwind side, but they are in the vast minority from my experience. A considerably higher percentage seem to be ignorant of the fact that smoking right next to a door often sends the smoke inside the building, but I don't think they do it maliciously. I am also more sensitive to it than most, so perhaps they just don't think it's an issue. The only common problem I really have with smokers is when they stand right outside a door that I have to use. I'm not really choosing to enter "their space" when they have filled my egress with a substance that I am allergic to. Goddammit I hate it when they do that.

    The other thing that is a pet peeve of mine is when people say secondhand smoke isn't harmful. Just because something doesn't definitively cause cancer doesn't mean it's not harmful. I am asthmatic and allergic to tobacco smoke; it's fucking harmful to me.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • edited February 2010
    @Patches: There's a joke in there about Pokeballs, but I'm too classy to make it.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • edited February 2010
    [image of Facebook awesome]
    Why is this not in the Boo-Yah thread, we are finally throwing of the heavy burden of procreation and getting to the things that matter, 1337 kills on MW2 and the fusking awesome team on Pearl that is just waiting for Soul Silver, infact you are learning a whole new language to just be able to get the 3 month edge over everyone else in the pokeworld. I'd take helping Miles Edgeworth over petty sex anyday, BIATCH!
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • edited February 2010
    I found this and realised that I am not going to live much longer.


    4 tablespoons flour
    4 tablespoons sugar
    2 tablespoons cocoa
    1 egg
    3 tablespoons milk
    3 tablespoons oil
    3 tablespoons chocolate chips (optional)
    A small splash of vanilla extract
    1 large coffee mug

    Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well. Add the egg and mix thoroughly.

    Pour in the milk and oil and mix well.

    Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract, and mix again.

    Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts (high).
    The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed!
    Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.

    EAT! (this can serve 2 if you want to feel slightly more virtuous).
    And why is this the most dangerous cake recipe in the world?
    Because now we are all only 5 minutes away from chocolate
    cake at any time of the day or night!
    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • This.. is Kaoru Mori.. drawing..[Part 1 of 6]
    OMG the blade against the plastic screen tone! WHY!
  • edited February 2010
    Oh gosh we were just talking about Otoyomegatari today. Those videos are amazing.

    edit: I totally don't understand why the Japanese manga artists still cut tone. Drawing and inking by hand, sure, but just scan the inked page in and tone it in a Manga Studio program! You'll save money and time!
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edit: I totally don't understand why the Japanese manga artists still cut tone. Drawing and inking by hand, sure, but just scan the inked page in and tone it in a Manga Studio program! You'll save money and time!
    Most purists will scoff at that comment and say it would both lack authenticity and that it would look like shit compared to doing it by hand.

    I'd argue that she used the screen tones because that looks like a one of a kind show piece or original art, so it has to be made by hand.
  • I thought about that. That's quite possible.
  • This.. is Kaoru Mori.. drawing..[Part 1 of 6]
    That's pretty cool. I should look for more of this kind of stuff.

    I found a series of videos of Miwa Shirow (hands-down my favorite manga artist, one of my favorite artists period) drawing, but unfortunately, it's pretty much all inking. You don't get to see him building the figures, which is the part I'm most interested in. Still, it's pretty cool.
  • Thing of my day: Being able to use time at current job to prepare for new job. It gets me really excited!
  • My thing of the day: New Steam UI. It's pretty badass. Even though it's beta I'd still like to see everything fixed.
  • If you've played Passage, you should try Passage in 10 seconds. That's the hardest I've laughed all day.
  • If you've played Passage, you should tryPassage in 10 seconds.That's the hardest I've laughed all day.
    Startlingly accurate.
  • For anyone who has EVER done IT work...
    Just rotate the center to the cable you need...


  • Oh damn, that's cool.
  • edited February 2010

    Universal Network Cable
    I'm going to buy that as soon as I possibly can and the references to The IT Crowd were awesome in the description as well.
    Post edited by usrName on
  • edited February 2010
    the references to The IT Crowd were awesome in the description as well.
    This. I need sleep - I didn't even notice the blatant references there.
    EDIT: On reflection, I think I probably didn't read the text the first time around. Nonetheless, sleep FTW.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • That is very cool.
  • edited February 2010
    Wegmans may finally come to Albany! It is only a small possibility, but I am hopeful!
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Please, please, let this be true.
  • Please, please, letthisbe true.
    Still need DX for most games though...
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