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Things of your day



  • Fucking great.

  • edited February 2010
    Eastern European animation is crazy. Check out Krtek sometime, he's a little mole that has crazy adventures.
    I get bits and pieces of Krtek, but not much. You know, I haven't seen that much Russian-language animation, but it's awesome to be able to understand it - Cheburashka is pretty awesome, Akinator even recognises him.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited February 2010
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • -Been awake for 24 hours
    -Did a history test...
    -Wrote the outline for a horror story
    -Read Transmetropolitan all the way through, from Issue 27.
    -Legs in pain
    -And it's my mother's birthday so this day isn't over yet...
  • edited February 2010
    I may never be a physicist, but Feynman will always be one of my heroes.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • -Read Transmetropolitan all the way through, from Issue 27.
  • Flying panties... with jet engines!
  • Flying panties... with jet engines!
    Goodness. If this show isn't already a hentai, the Rule 34 possibilities are endless.
  • Flying panties... with jet engines!
    Goodness. If this show isn't already a hentai, the Rule 34 possibilities are endless.
    That's easily one of the stupidest endings I've ever seen in an anime. The music isn't even that good. If there was anything else they could put in that ending to make me not want to watch a show, I can't think of it right now.
  • anything else they could put in that ending to make me not want to watch a show
  • anything else they could put in that ending to make me not want to watch a show
  • Flying panties... with jet engines!
    I'm highly dubious of panties being aerodynamically stable enough to go mach 3, completely ignoring they fact that they'd instantly burst into flames at said speed.
  • Motherfucker.
    Be careful what you wish for.
  • School unblocked Facebook and xkcd, now I can waste more time in school!
  • edited February 2010
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • Bacon! Is there anything you can't do?
  • I've decided to stop smoking. It's just boring and annoying me now, and I need the money I'm spending on it for other things. So, I'm finishing all the cig tobacco I have in the house - I'm keeping my pipe, it's an occasional thing, and it's about the pleasure of smoking the pipe itself, not the nicotine, but Cigars are verboten while I'm quitting - and using the tobacco I have left now (a 50 gram pouch) to cut down some so that it minimizes the suckage when I finish the pouch, and go cold turkey.

    Tips, anyone?
  • I've decided to stop smoking. It's just boring and annoying me now, and I need the money I'm spending on it for other things. So, I'm finishing all the cig tobacco I have in the house - I'm keeping my pipe, it's an occasional thing, and it's about the pleasure of smoking the pipe itself, not the nicotine, but Cigars are verboten while I'm quitting - and using the tobacco I have left now (a 50 gram pouch) to cut down some so that it minimizes the suckage when I finish the pouch, and go cold turkey.

    Tips, anyone?
    Hooked - the drugs education podcast from Simply Syndicated just did an episode on Nicotine that contains some tips on reducing and quitting smoking.
  • Tips, anyone?
    I hear filling the void with some other self-destroying habit (i.e. Drinking, over-eating, drugs) works great.
  • Tips, anyone?
    I hear filling the void with some other self-destroying habit (i.e. Drinking, over-eating, drugs) works great.
    Take up knitting. You can replace the urge to stick things in your mouth with itchy fingers.
  • I hear filling the void with some other self-destroying habit (i.e. Drinking, over-eating, drugs) works great.
    As always, I advocate gin and good beer.
  • Tips, anyone?
    I hear filling the void with some other self-destroying habit (i.e. Drinking, over-eating, drugs) works great.
    Work on your zap glove. If you're unconscious, you can't smoke. You should put up a web cam as a safety measure and a EPIC LOLZ!!!!1!! factory.

    @TheWhaleShark: I don't smoke, but I get the urge to smoke when I'm drinking. Cigars and alcohol go together.
  • @TheWhaleShark: I don't smoke, but I get the urge to smoke when I'm drinking. Cigars and alcohol go together.
    Drink more. It'll pass.
  • edited February 2010
    Hooked - the drugs education podcast from Simply Syndicated just did an episode on Nicotine that contains some tips on reducing and quitting smoking.
    I listened to that today - one of my strategies to cut down is that every time I want to smoke, I put on a long podcast, and only smoke once it's finished.
    Take up knitting. You can replace the urge to stick things in your mouth with itchy fingers.
    I don't have an urge to stick things in my mouth. I have an urge to smoke. I think I might put Knitting a little further back on the pile, but I'll keep it in mind.
    As always, I advocate gin and good beer.
    I disagree, putting gin in good beer ruins both.
    Work on your zap glove. If you're unconscious, you can't smoke.
    Losing hours out of my day? Yeah, not so much.
    @TheWhaleShark: I don't smoke, but I get the urge to smoke when I'm drinking. Cigars and alcohol go together.
    Ditto that. I smoke already, but when I drink, I smoke more. I recall long, boozy nights where I'd suck down a pack of 40 cigs without even blinking.
    Also, I'm going to miss having that first smoke and a cuppa in the morning. Bad for me as it is, that's a very nice feeling.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • If you're unconscious, you can't smoke.
    Well, you'll be smoking, just in another way.

    I make a point of coughing loudly and obnoxiously when I pass by someone smoking. I figure if I get them to smoke somewhere else, I win. If I get them to stop, we both win. Most of the time they don't notice.
  • Tips, anyone?
    Free NHS stop smoking stuff, ask your GP!
  • Most of the time they don't notice.
    Or maybe they just choose not to react to you being an obnoxious asshole.
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