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Things of your day



  • The thing of my day is a link my girlfriend forwarded me. I'm a bit perplexed in whether it's legit or not. I don't really watch the news, but something of this magnitude would surely be made into several forum topics, because it's rather important.

    So allegedly the US wants to censor browsers and search engines far worse than China.

    Legit? No? I have no idea. I hope it's not.
  • The thing of my day is a link my girlfriend forwarded me. I'm a bit perplexed in whether it's legit or not. I don't really watch the news, but something of this magnitude would surely be made into several forum topics, because it's rather important.

    So allegedly the US wants to censor browsers and search engines far worse than China.

    Legit? No? I have no idea. I hope it's not.
    I'm not finding it on THOMAS, but it wouldn't be on there yet if it hasn't even hit the floor. The internet seems to think that it's for real though.
  • I just learned that the theremin exists. It is possibly the geekiest musical instrument on the planet.

    Just watch this dude play one.
  • I just learned that the theremin exists. It is possibly the geekiest musical instrument on the planet.
    The chick from Octopus Project makes it sexy.
  • It is possibly the geekiest musical instrument on the planet.

    Also, light harp.

  • The thing of my day is a link my girlfriend forwarded me. I'm a bit perplexed in whether it's legit or not. I don't really watch the news, but something of this magnitude would surely be made into several forum topics, because it's rather important.

    So allegedly the US wants to censor browsers and search engines far worse than China.

    Legit? No? I have no idea. I hope it's not.
    I'm not finding it on THOMAS, but it wouldn't be on there yet if it hasn't even hit the floor. The internet seems to think that it's for real though.
    It's very, very legit. It's so radically draconian and violates the First Amendment so aggressively that it will likely never pass, but make no mistake: that shit is out there lurking in closed-door talks in Congress, and harbors tremendously horrible consequences.

    Tell your friends at ANY opportunity.
  • How does it violate the First Amendment? Its about stopping illegal copy right infringement.
  • How does it violate the First Amendment? Its about stopping illegal copy right infringement.
    Freedom of Speech, dude. The bill wants to censor Google and other search engines and confiscate websites like the Pirate Bay, which host only links and no pirated material, as well as blogs. The government would be directly interfering with the ability of human beings to freely access legal information. Sure, it's illegal to download Photoshop. But reading about the fight for data freedom and the stance of the Pirate Party on TPB's blog is not piracy, and should not be filtered at the domain level.
  • But the only purpose of The Pirate Bay is to facilitate crime. So are you down for a website that just simply explains how to go find kids to kidnap and rape? And gives you the best locations for it. I mean that is just freedom of speech.
  • I can go on Google right now and find detailed instructions on how to make a bomb. I fail to see your point.
  • That is different then detailed instructions on where to go and bomb and kill the most number of people.
  • edited May 2011
    I'm sure you can find that too.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Google Earth + An archive of &TOTSE.
  • That is different then detailed instructions on where to go and bomb and kill the most number of people.
    If someone can't figure out "Maybe, if I want to bomb a lot of people, maybe I should go somewhere with a lot of people" Then I am honestly baffled that they haven't managed to accidentally forget how to breathe yet, let alone construct an effective explosive device.
  • Well, since it's legit then I'll spread that link around or whatever that site says to do. I just questioned the legit because I used to be spammed by that site with various things to protest against, that I've never even heard of.
    If it really is a big threat, then I'll do what I can. =o
  • edited May 2011
    The reason you haven't heard of them is because they never gained momentum or were protested into oblivion. DemandProgress is legit; their campaign to protest the Patriot Act renewal jammed all of the White House and Congressional phones in February. It's not spam so much as it's an attempt to raise awareness.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • So are you down for a website that just simply explains how to go find kids to kidnap and rape? And gives you the best locations for it. I mean that is just freedom of speech.
    Yes, I am. I'm all for freedom of speech and that means I have to approve things that I don't personally like
  • It appears that I am going to go to Baltimore....
    Damn it, that's going on during Otakon this year.
    You could always go to both events, since I can almost guarantee you that the lineup will be known at the offset of the event if you are looking for a particular band, as for me I just got my tixs for it and hoping to have a afternoon and night of rock.

  • Suddenly, the acting ability of the Eleventh Doctor and the sudden down-swing of Moffat's writing makes a lot more sense.
  • The Prank War of Streeter vs. Amir on CollegeHumor is quite possibly the most wonderful thing in pranks I've seen in ages.
  • edited May 2011
    Suddenly, the acting ability of the Eleventh Doctor and the sudden down-swing of Moffat's writing makes a lot more sense.
    What does laser Tetris have to do with Doctor Who?

    EDIT: Oh wait nevermind you fixed the link already. Well. This is awkward. UHHH
    Post edited by Diddgery on
  • Oh wait now I have something really good. Ro, you're gonna love this.

    Nyan Cat FLY!, a Nyan Cat flash game.
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