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Things of your day



  • I found this really cool YouTube channel. It's an engineer explaining how technologies work. Really simple, not technical at all and really enjoyable for geeks like me. =D

    Watched them all.
  • A very helpful site. It has lists for what is newly released on Netflix streaming, top rated, "best worst", expiring soon, and upcoming releases.
  • Ill just leave this here.
  • Not sure if this has ever been linked in ToYD, but I just became aware of Epic Rap Battles of History.

  • edited June 2011
    It is pretty early to call this my thing of the day but I am pretty sure nothing will top it today

    Post edited by canine224 on
  • It is pretty early to call this my thing of the day but I am pretty sure nothing will top it today
    I think the rule is that if the motor is still running, you can get back on the bike, but if it stalls, you are out of the race. Well, the powered bike certainly hadn't stalled, and that rider was sure pissed off when he couldn't get back on! People with bike helmets on getting angry is always funny to me, as 100% of their anger is expressed through their actions, not their face or voice. And they must know this, because they always act super angry, with huge arm swinging, leg kicking motions.
  • I think the rule is that if the motor is still running, you can get back on the bike, but if it stalls, you are out of the race. Well, the powered bike certainly hadn't stalled, and that rider was sure pissed off when he couldn't get back on! People with bike helmets on getting angry is always funny to me, as 100% of their anger is expressed through their actions, not their face or voice. And they must know this, because they always act super angry, with huge arm swinging, leg kicking motions.
    I already put it once in the Discover awesome racing thread, but It gets even better with appropriate music.
  • I want this just because it's too cute, even though it's a bit loud. It's currently only $21 on Amazon.

  • Okay, so I just watched the whole thing and here's what I was thinking, chronologically:

    Called a nigger as a kid? Oh, yes, that's not cool. Those racists.
    No, miss, you're right, race doesn't really matter. I get asked my race all the time, and I sympathize.
    Those "jungle fever" dudes? Very shallow. Not cool.

    Wait, so you won't date anyone with brown hair or brown eyes? Only pale, blonde guys with blue eyes? And your excuse is because anyone with brown hair and brown eyes might be your family?

    Lady, that is the stupidest reason I have ever heard. That sounds to me like a sad rationalization of your own "jungle fever". I'm sorry, but being that shallow makes you as bad as those guys. Sympathy LOST.
  • edited June 2011
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • That contract looks official! The ↑ tells me so.
  • Yeah, it definitely wasn't foraged.
  • Forged, on the other hand....
  • You can't see it with that lighting, but I took the liberty of drawing a little red squiggly line below "foraged."
  • World of Color is the greatest thing I have ever seen at a Disney park. No video besides the one that Disney shot for the premiere can show it well. It is something that must be seen in person.
  • World of Color is the greatest thing I have ever seen at a Disney park. No video besides the one that Disney shot for the premiere can show it well. It is something that must be seen in person.
    *sigh* Alright. I'll try to visit disneyland this summer.
  • Shits gettin' real.

  • Why PZ Myers is a far better teacher than Ken Ham.
    And of course, Ham responded.
  • Supreme Court throws out the California video game law with a vote of 7-2.

    You can read the opinion here.
  • Ellen! Ellen! Ellen! Elle! Elle! Ellen! Ellen!
    Oh thas not Ellen, thas Steve...

    Steve! Steve! Steve!
  • Don't you have people in America called Alan?

    It's from a program called "Walk on the wild side.".
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