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Things of your day



  • I approve of your wallpaper. I hope you have the matching ringtone as I do. :3
    That's no wallpaper, that's an app!
  • I got my new phone!
    I approve of your wallpaper. I hope you have the matching ringtone as mine. :3
    My friend has an nyan cat ringtone. Because of that, it stuck to my head one day, it stuck there hard.
  • Hey Rochelle! Hey Rochelle! Enjoy your Harry Potter film this Friday.
  • Hey Rochelle! Hey Rochelle! Enjoy your Harry Potter film this Friday
    I do not trust you. EVER.
  • It is 100% safe for work.
  • It is 100% safe for work.
    I saw the title of it, but I still do not trust. I feel you will ruin something for my joy this Friday.
  • I saw the title of it, but I still do not trust. I feel you will ruin something for my joy this Friday.
    Just click the "YouTube" button to pull up the YouTube page. Read comments. I think it is genuinely about trees, but I can't sit still that long to watch it all.
  • I watched it Ro, it's just about trees. It's hilarious.
  • I watched it Ro, it's just about trees. It's hilarious.
    I do not trust George. EVER!

    I'll watch it later. I'm busy at the moment.
  • Hey Rochelle! Hey Rochelle! Enjoy your Harry Potter film this Friday
    I do not trust you. EVER.
    Meh. It's a short video about how filmmakers do different scenes in different places, which can make the environments change significantly when they are supposed to be in the same place. And the HP movies are no exception.
  • edited July 2011
    Meh. It's a short video about how filmmakers do different scenes in different places, which can make the environments change significantly when they are supposed to be in the same place. And the HP movies are no exception.
    Ahh. I see.

    Edit: I watched it. Dude is a serious horticultural nerd. That's cool, however I'm sure Prof. Sprout of Nelville can knock him out.

    At least it's not as bad as this:
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Cat vs. Apples is seriously cute and awesome.
  • Cat vs. Apples is seriously cute and awesome.
    Man, that could have gone either way, that apple would not give up.
  • Dude is a serious horticultural nerd.
    Yes, he is passionate about trees and ecology, he made it his job. He knows it, hence the joke.
    Meh. It's a short video about how filmmakers do different scenes in different places, which can make the environments change significantly when they are supposed to be in the same place. And the HP movies are no exception.
    That's just the disguise of the joke you fool.

  • Ro, have you seen THIS one?
  • Ro, have you seen THIS one?
    I have now! NYAN

    ( ̄ω ̄)
  • That's not smooth jazz. It's more big band with a hint of showtunes and ragtime.

    someone's gonna get-a hurt reeeeel bahd.
    Hahahahha, oh man, that just made my night. Backdoors deal/legal action commence in 3..2..1..
  • Mo' fo' Ro. You can install at the link.
    Hahahahha, oh man, that just made my night. Backdoors deal/legal action commence in 3..2..1..
    Wow. I'm not sure if I should laugh or be more annoyed at EA for being douchey.
  • I might not be EA who bought the domain. Though they seem to be going out of their way to compare themselves to MW3; Which is odd as they're quite different games.
  • Mo' fo' Ro. You can install at the link.
    This will make me want to copy/paste large items from folder to folder for no reason but just to see this.
  • I might not be EA who bought the domain. Though they seem to be going out of their way to compare themselves to MW3; Which is odd as they're quite different games.
    I wouldn't be suprised if it was just a PR company failure, where they didn't get the domain, and some wag picked it up and redirected it.
  • edited July 2011
    I might not be EA who bought the domain. Though they seem to be going out of their way to compare themselves to MW3; Which is odd as they're quite different games.
    I wouldn't be suprised if it was just a PR company failure, where they didn't get the domain, and some wag picked it up and redirected it.
    It looks like it's some kid doing it for the lulz since it was registered in May 2009 (before MW2 came out).
    Post edited by DevilUknow on

  • More proof we run the internet/
  • Not that funny I know, but for some reason I really laughed at this.
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