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Things of your day



  • The real cost of being a gamer is the cost in children's lives. I can't count the number of babies I've had to sacrifice to Baal to allow me to get on the high score board on WoW.
    When Sinistar says "I Hunger," he's not talking about your spaceship. He's talking about the flesh of newborns.

  • edited February 2012
    Once I switched to the Toddler Cool 5000 liquid cooling system, I was able to overclock another 37%! Now I can pwn noobs even harder.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • image
    Where's that damn Penny Arcade when you need it?
  • image
    Where's that damn Penny Arcade when you need it?
    Behind a simple search.

  • What terms did you use? I tried "Four Swords" and "Zelda Four Swords" and I got 24+ pages.
  • When the "When I -" meme was brought up on the show, I knew it was my duty to post this.

    Hilariously, it even made it onto the official Tribes: Ascend facebook wall. T:A team are confirmed /v/ browsers.
  • edited February 2012
    Damn you. Devil I was just going to post this. I just watched it seconds ago.
    Post edited by KapitänTim on
  • After listening the latest episode I think that someone should make When I'm... video of Scott (and maybe add Rym if there isn't enoughs material.) Possible title, when I'm unimpressed.
  • edited February 2012
    This is a really impressive bit of animation. It really makes me believe that this show was real.

    Post edited by TheEvilTwin on
  • This is a really impressive bit of animation. It really makes me believe that this show was real.
    I wasn't sure whether this was terrible or awesome until 1/3rd in. I was leaning towards terrible, but I was swayed by the beginning of the opening.
  • edited February 2012
    A couple friends and I are planning our next big trip. It's a month-long trip through Europe by train:

    1) Marseilles
    2) Cannes
    3) Nice
    4) Zurich
    5) Prague
    6) Munich
    7) Berlin
    8) Vienna
    9) Budapest
    10) Bucharest

    I'm slightly wary of the last two places, but I'm doing my research presently. Budapest seems the place one is most likely to get scammed in, but provided we avoid the major tourist traps (and, apparently, taxis) we should be alright. The next step is planning a two-week tour of Italy in June. That'll be awesome.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Seen playing airsoft.

  • That's what happens when you cheat in Civ and give your side a million advances in science and military.
  • edited February 2012
    New Hunger Games Trailer! EEP!

    It's not on Youtube just yet, but it will be soon enough.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • edited February 2012
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Susan G. Komen Foundation gets their website amusingly modified.
    In response to all this SGK bull shit and Planned Parenthood being called an "abortion clinic," churches shall now be called "RAPE FACTORIES;" and pro-life shall be called "ANTI-CHOICE."
  • On my commute yesterday I saw a bumper sticker that said, "Just say NO to sex with pro-lifers". It made me smile.
  • Susan G. Komen Foundation gets their website amusingly modified.
    In response to all this SGK bull shit and Planned Parenthood being called an "abortion clinic," churches shall now be called "RAPE FACTORIES;" and pro-life shall be called "ANTI-CHOICE."
    Well, pro-lifers generally like kids a lot right. So let's just use a single word that describes what they are: pedophiles.
  • Let's not play football it's a silly game.

  • I'm slightly wary of the last two places, but I'm doing my research presently. Budapest seems the place one is most likely to get scammed in, but provided we avoid the major tourist traps (and, apparently, taxis) we should be alright. The next step is planning a two-week tour of Italy in June. That'll be awesome.
    You will be fine, Budapest is a brilliant city and when I did my own 2 month long tour of Europe a few years ago and didn't have any bother. If you like awesome Soviet Statues be sure to make the trip out to the Soviet State Park.
    Also I know you want to avoid the tourist traps but if you want to go to a bath in Budapest, best go to one of the big ones, as someone we met found out to their cost. They ended up a gay crusing spot.
    Best advice for taxis, is if you think you will need one at all, say you are going to a nightclub or something, then ask at the hostel how much it should cost to get back by taxi and agree a price before you get in the cab. We did this in Bratislava, then the next morning when we were talking to the other people who came out with us, who hadn't taken this advice, turned out they payed 3x as much as we did.

  • edited February 2012
    An auto-piano playing a song that's impossible for a single human, and I'd suspect practically impossible for a group of humans to play - at the least, I don't think it's ever been done. It's called Circus Gallop, and you do not have enough fingers. I mean that literally, there are sections where it rapidly switches between different groups of 21 notes being played simultaneously.

    If you need help visualizing it, here it is in miditrail, and Here it is with the sheet music.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Seep-herding
    That'll do, bunny.

  • edited February 2012

    My personal favorite is the TEV train. Can't imagine how loud that was, though.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • This man is a genius, but he's going to get himself killed one day.
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