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Things of your day



  • I don't know what to believe anymore.
    Anne Frank.
  • image
    I think this is what he is confused about :P
  • Oh, crazy. It became a CD cover, I see.
  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2012
    A friend of mine just showed me a hand-drawn, pencil animation that he made over a period of 17 months. He signed up for the film classes that I occasionally speak about every now and then for many semesters just to have the equipment to do his animation and he had stayed until closing hours (and was thrown out of the school several times). I'm trying to get him to enter it into a local film festival because I think its got a lot of personality to it and will get him a lot of exposure.

    Post edited by Geo on
  • My thing of the day is that I found out there is loads of fan-fiction for that old high school English class favorite, A Separate Peace. The main reason why this amuses me was that we had assignments like "write a letter from Gene to Finny." One of my friends bribed another of my friends to do the assignment for him, and she, much to his chagrin, turned in a gushing love letter. It was great. After that Finny/Gene slash became kind of a thing.
    I remember that book and those BS assignments. I also recall not liking that book.
  • edited February 2012
    I liked the book, but that's partly because while I was reading it I had a mental habit of making its undertones overtones.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited February 2012
    The first time I read A Separate Peace, I did not understand it at all. When my freshman teacher was trying to tell us the "interpretations" of the novel, I could not understand it worth a damn. "Finny falling into the water symbolizes his rebirth?", "Identity Crisis? Why would anyone have one of those?", and "Finny and Gene are one in the end? But...that's not possible...".

    Fast forward to senior year, I used that book as a B.S. on a crappy assignment where we had to "do an analysis on 5 literary works". Upon research of the book, I understood half of the interpretations, the other half I think are B.S. At least now I can understand why the work is considered a literary classic.
    Post edited by Clockian on
  • lolololol

  • edited February 2012
    This looks like a fun game!

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • PONPONPON de floor

    oh god my body i can't stop laughing help me
  • Download link for that song as the official one has hit it's limit.
  • The ads are great, but the gameplay just looks like a generic FPS with a coat of Batman paint.
  • The ads are great, but the gameplay just looks like a generic FPS with a coat of Batman paint.
    TF2+Brink+Batman=that game

    It looks fun for 15$.
  • Now all we need to do is use the Slinky to power the elevator...

    This image is mostly terrible, but I wasn't sure where else to put it when it also includes the awesomeness that is "Mother of all Souls."
  • If you've ever been Facebook friends with a 7th grader, you'll know how accurate this is.

  • Ah, making fun of young punk kids. It's an adulthood rite of passage. Those people did it in such a great way too.
  • Best. News. Ever.
  • edited February 2012
    Stop the presses, a new Daft Punk album is coming.

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Stop the presses, a new Daft Punk album is coming.

    I will catch a flight to see the next tour, if necessary.
  • Stop the presses, a new Daft Punk album is coming.
    I will catch a flight to see the next tour, if necessary.

  • edited February 2012




    Oh mah god...

    Me Gusta!

    He's not gay!

    Can't unhear.
    Post edited by DevilUknow on
  • edited February 2012
    I was playing Tribes Ascend before, and some dude started carrying on, and carrying on, because his team was losing hard. Then, he makes the mistake of calling someone a fag.

    So, Naturally, I simply went full troll mode. "Yeah, I am, you got a problem with that?" and then proceeded(with the help of nine and grey) to not only utterly and comprehensively curbstomp him, but then our team won that game, and then in the next match with nine and grey again defending, taking all but one of the flag caps in the match, and kill him a few extra times for good luck. So, he ragequit, spewing obscenities, and the rest of the match was great, both teams just chillin', slinging disks, congrats were given all around for making him ragequit, too.
    Post edited by Churba on
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