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Weird things about you.



  • edited October 2007
    If you aren't a girl punching me in the stomach you can call me whatever you want.

    Edit: I sound like an eight year old boy in these comments. I do not get punched by girls in real life, only monkeys have that privilege.
    Post edited by Mr. Space on
  • Another oddity: I count everything in multiples of 3 or 5 wherever possible.
    I do the same thing. Threes rock.
  • My ears are slightly pointed. Enough that most people I meet will comment on it eventually. I just say it's a sign of a logical mind.
  • That happens to me too. I hate it because I like to be a tough girl, but then somehow my feminine side takes over. Super estrogen attack got dammit! I just want to instill fear and release the beast on an enemies face without tears. Arrrggh.

    Yeah. But girls are "allowed" to get all upset when they flip out, hehehe.
  • I make fresh mayo in my blender. ^^
  • That happens to me too. I hate it because I like to be a tough girl, but then somehow my feminine side takes over. Super estrogen attack got dammit! I just want to instill fear and release the beast on an enemies face without tears. Arrrggh.

    Yeah. But girls are "allowed" to get all upset when they flip out, hehehe.

    True, but I want to be manly while doing so like my grandfather. Not a girly girl weaksauce flip out.
  • When I point, I extend my index and pinkie fingers as if I was throwing up the horns.
  • That happens to me too. I hate it because I like to be a tough girl, but then somehow my feminine side takes over. Super estrogen attack got dammit! I just want to instill fear and release the beast on an enemies face without tears. Arrrggh.

    Yeah. But girls are "allowed" to get all upset when they flip out, hehehe.

    True, but I want to be manly while doing so like my grandfather. Not a girly girl weaksauce flip out.
    Same here. >>; I refuse to let a good number of my friends see me breakdown or have a weakness.. For example, Chris'll never see me bundled up in my blanket just because it's a bit cold. Instead, I suffer through the chill... but I grab that blanket if he's not around.
  • I make fresh mayo in my blender. ^^

    How does it end up?
  • edited October 2007
    I make fresh mayo in my blender. ^^
    How does it end up?

    I used to do that as well. I think the flavor of homemade mayo is better, but the consistency is a little different (it's not as firm). One nice thing is that it's incredibly easy to make. It's mostly egg and water with minute amounts of salt, sugar, and vinegar for flavoring.

    I've also made ketchup in a blender. Ketchup that you buy off the shelf is a lot sweeter because it's loaded with high fructose corn syrup. The style of ketchup I was making was low sugar, so the vinegar content was more noticeable. Sometimes that's preferable, and sometimes it's not. The consistency is also a bit different. It's naturally very watery, so you need to add a thickener like xantham.
    Post edited by xenomouse on
  • I have a tendency to be slightly OCD, so that's where most of my weirdness comes from. Viz

    1. Any cream/paste/whatever that comes in a tube has to be squeezed from the bottom up.
    2. Any paper product on a roll that is positioned horizontally has to have the paper coming over the top of the roll.
    3. It annoys me immensely when someone bends the cover of a book or magazine around the back of the book/magazine.
    4. All of my CD's, movies, and video tapes are in alphabetic order on the shelves of my media center by the TV.
    5. I generally don't alphabetize my bookshelves, but they are grouped by genre, then by series/author.

    Other non-OCD stuff includes the ability to pop various joints on my body that most normal people don't or can't (my wrists, my elbows, and my sternum immediately come to mind), the ability to fall asleep at the drop of a hat (a trait I developed during my college years), and a tendency to hum show-tunes or TV show theme songs while walking through the hallways at work.
  • the ability to fall asleep at the drop of a hat (a trait I developed during my college years)I'm jealous.
  • I make fresh mayo in my blender. ^^

    How does it end up?

    Usually pretty tasty. The hardest parts are deciding which oil to use for the emulsion, and convincing people to have some when they realize it has raw egg in it. ^^
  • The heads of dollar bills MUST all be facing the same direction.
    Everything in my iTunes MUST be properly tagged.  TV shows must be categorized as their appropriate show under the TV Shows category.
    I only drive at speeds that are multiples of 5 (except while parking), however I don't care about volume levels in the way WiP does.
  • If I'm walking along a wall or railing of some type I run my hand along it. If there's a pile of rocks somewhere I must climb it... to the point I'm sure I'd be dead if I lived by a rock quarry.

    I think poutine comes from Quebec. It's best with actual cheese curds, not that yucky nacho cheese. >>;

    Really? with nacho cheese? that's just nasty, I find it's fairly bad even when they use normal cheese, only curds will do.
  • What the eff? Just melt some grated cheese, noobs!
  • What the eff? Just melt some grated cheese, noobs!

    That's like saying eat hamburger when you've only had premium stake, it just won't do.
  • I had poutine last night and, while I endorse fries covered in gravy, the cheese curds seemed like an exercise in futility. What do you do with them? Eat them by themselves? Scoop them up with the fries? I have no idea what their purpose is.
  • edited October 2007
    What the hell?! You guys are all eating poutine wrong, I think. =(
    It goes like this.
    French fries on plate
    Cheese, layered on french fries
    Gravy over cheese/fries
    (Bake if necessary for +10 delicious points)
    The best is when the cheese is just right, and it becomes one with the french fry.
    Oh my fucking god I need a poutine.
    Post edited by MitchyD on
  • Well, I usually spear a cheese curd with a fry. =3 You know it's good cheese curds when they melt onto the fry.. Gaww... Damn. I have no money to go by a poutine. ... ;-;
  • Weird things about me, hmm:

    1. I hate, hate, hate milk chocolate. The smell and the taste make me nauseous. I'm to the point where I can tell if some piece of food has even been *touching* chocolate, and I can't eat it. I'm not allergic to it as far as I know, I just find it disgusting. I have received a LOT of rap from other girls for not liking it; apparently it's some biological mandate that I'm supposed to console myself with the misbegotten abortions of cacao beans. Yick. Funnily enough, I find white chocolate delicious.
    2. I hate coffee, too. It smells great, and is great in theory, but is quite the opposite of great when I try to imbibe it. :(
    3. I have an irresistible urge to wrap myself in any kind of blanket I might find, regardless of how hot it is. Accordingly, I have about four blankets and three comforters on my bed year-round.
    4. I have a birthmark in the back of one of my eyes. It isn't cancerous and doesn't affect my vision in any way, but it sure as heck freaked my eye doctor out when he found it!
    5. In my opinion, if a man wants to be attractive, the best thing he can do is wear his hair long.
  • The best is when the cheese is just right, and it becomes one with the french fry
    This is exactly what I was hoping for, and they did not give it to me in such a way.

    It was at an Australian bar. Maybe they do it wrong? The burger with fried egg and pineapple was damn good...
  • The burger with fried egg and pineapple was damn good...
    This will be my lunch tomorrow. You have inspired me to seek greatness, Dave.
  • 1. I hate, hate, hate milk chocolate. The smell and the taste make me nauseous. I'm to the point where I can tell if some piece of food has even been *touching* chocolate, and I can't eat it. I'm not allergic to it as far as I know, I just find it disgusting. I have received a LOT of rap from other girls for not liking it; apparently it's some biological mandate that I'm supposed to console myself with the misbegotten abortions of cacao beans. Yick. Funnily enough, I find white chocolate delicious.
    Wow, that's exactly like me! Except I hate any type of chocolate except white.
  • edited October 2007
    This will be my lunch tomorrow. You have inspired me to seek greatness, Dave.
    I knew you could put an egg on a burger, of course. Weekly I eat a burger with a side of pineapple. Never did I think you could combine the two. I am experiencing a whole new burger paradigm.
    Post edited by Dave on
  • This will be my lunch tomorrow. You have inspired me to seek greatness, Dave.
    I knew you could put an egg on a burger, of course. Weekly I eat a burger with a side of pineapple. Never did I think you could combine the two. I am experiencing a whole new burger paradigm.
    I prefer french fries, cheese, friend onions and A1 sauce on my burger. GO FIVE GUYS!

    That egg thing though sounds yummy.
  • Dave: I like burgers with pineapple.
    Jason: That sounds good.
    Viga: That sounds really yummy.
    Bunni: *is vegetarian*

    XD That does sound good though. I am tempted to try it on the next veggie burger I make.
  • I like Hawaiian burgers. They're basically burgers with a pineapple ring, with teriyaki sauce in the middle, a piece of ham on top and then mozzarella. It's awesome!! Kind of messy though... I used to cook at a 'gourmet' burger restaurant... They had lots of different kinds; Greek god (feta cheese, olives, green pepper), works (mushroom, cheddar and mozzarella, and bacon) and Kristin's burger (a chicken breast with feta and sun dried tomatoes).

    As much as I miss their food (and their poutine!) I do not miss working there. I hate cooking...
  • Weekly I eat a burger with a side of pineapple. Never did I think you could combine the two.
    Pineapple adds to almost any meal.  Hawaiian pizza is sublime.
  • Hawaiian pizza is sublime.
    I love pineapples but not that.
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