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Weird things about you.



  • I daydream strongly enough that I end up talking, in a rather loud whisper, to myself.
  • I daydream strongly enough that I end up talking, in a rather loud whisper, to myself.
    Aww! I'm not the only one! Yay!
  • I daydream strongly enough that I end up talking, in a rather loud whisper, to myself.Aww! I'm not the only one! Yay!Yeah, I'm with you on that one. When I catch myself doing it, I start coughing and clearing my throat to play it off.
  • I daydream strongly enough that I end up talking, in a rather loud whisper, to myself.
    Aww! I'm not the only one! Yay!
    I used to do that so much! now I don't daydream around other people, so it's not much of a problem.
  • I daydream strongly enough that I end up talking, in a rather loud whisper, to myself.
    Yeah, me too. I was walking to my office from the parking lot the other day, playing out some sort of scenario out in my head and said something out loud just as I saw another guy walk into earshot. I don't think he heard me muttering to myself, but who knows...
  • Whenever creating a character where gender is of little importance I default to female.
  • Whenever creating a character where gender is of little importance I default to female.
    I do that too.
  • In a similar vein, all of my characters are always left-handed.
  • A couple friends and I got on this topic and one says:
    "You know what I like on my perogies? SOUR CREAM!"
    "... Everyone does, Nathan"
  • Perogies?
  • ...
    You're dead to me. ;_;
  • edited November 2007
    pie·ro·gi also pi·ro·gi (pĭ-rō'gē)
    n., pl. pierogi or -gies also pirogi or -gies.

    A semicircular dumpling with any of various fillings, such as finely chopped meat or vegetables, that is often sautéed after being boiled.

    [Polish, pl. of pieróg, dumpling, and Russian pirogi, pl. of pirog.]
    Post edited by Anastius on
  • First of all, potato perogies with sour cream FTW.

    Second, I tend to talk to myself about various things (it helps me organize my thoughts.) Other people often give me quizzical or even disparaging looks, and I respond by saying (again, to myself) "Oh, just ignore them. They just don't understand our love."
  • I speak to myself pretty often, too..
    But that's what I don't(yet) do..
  • "Oh, just ignore them. They just don't understand our love."
    That... is awesome. I hardly talk to myself. I just phase out.
  • I also mutter kinda loudly when I do math in my head...
  • I also mutter kinda loudly when I do math in my head...
    Same here, if you replace "mumble kinda loudly" with "swear profusely and yell numbers."
  • First of all, potato perogies with sour cream FTW.
    Sorry to go back to this but yes. <3 Pirogies FTW
  • edited November 2007
    I can sit in front of my screen giggling to myself and occasionally saying "Ha ha, Oscar Wilde" for hours at a time.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • I thought FTW = Fuck The What, until recently...
    Also, when playing my flute, if I hit rests that are longer than one measure, I don't go "1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4..." (or whatever time it is), I say "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8..." no matter what.
    Also, when patting my foot for the beats, I'm usually doing 16th notes because my right foot is always moving unless I'm preoccupied or have my mind of of being bored (Band does neither).

    Sorry if my terminology/weird things were bad or wrong, but I thought I should contribute.
  • I have recently discovered I have a thing for collecting writable media. So shiny.
  • 1) About the game: we chose an even half hour for the time to forget... Interesting fact: if you lose during the first 4-5 minutes of lunch, you can re-lose once in the middle and then again at the end...
    2) Perogies: made of complete win.
    I thought FTW = Fuck The What, until recently...
    So did my friend. She still uses it as Fuck the What. Hahaha.

    I'm really whiny. o.o;
  • I fear live lobsters.
  • WHAT?! We use to race 'em at the grocery store.
  • I used to name and talk to the ones in the tank at my grocery store.
    I really miss the lobster tank... the only thing I liked about the grocery store.
  • I discovered a habit while too-drunk last night. The last 3 times I've had too much to drink, over a year, I've talked myself to sleep by informing me that I am in fact drunk, and that it'll be cool in the morning.
  • I have a friend who names all his units in a TacRPG the same thing. It's always the same names no matter what game.

    I, personally, choose to name my Prinnies in Disgaea after some podcasters, and plan to continue this theme when I prepare my Prinny Day team.
  • I rarely talk on the phone to my australian mates, it's all either text-based or face to face, because we're so used to communicating with our own version of sign language within and in the place of actual conversation.
  • I am OCD about brushing my teeth. I usually brush at least 5 times a day. Maybe I'm actually addicted to minty fresh toothpaste.
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