How did you find GeekNights?
You might notice there is yet again a new poll up at This time we're asking how you discovered GeekNights. Whether you select "other" or not, this is a good thread to let us know how you found us. This will help us determine the most effective ways to get new listeners. Once we do that, we will have a better idea of what direction to push in.
The guy from Slashdot sounded tentative about continuing to listen, so I wonder if he did keep listening. Perhaps he's on the forums? If so, I'd like to hear from him. Hopefully he knows who he is.
I'm really curious to see what kinds of people appear in the forums and how much listenership increases with actual effort. ^_~
Yes that was lame. I heard about it from word of mouth.. namely Rym and Scott’s mouth.
EDIT: Damnit, didn't pick the html checkbox.
Sweet and simple.
After I started listening, I put some anime films in my NetFlix queue and have enjoyed them. I haven't started playing video games yet though. :)
I enjoy listening to the banter between Rym and Scott. They are more enjoyable to listen to than most of the "professionals" on the radio.
And there you see that Penny Arcade really is the center of the entire internets.
In the Science & Tech feed I found a topic that I was VERY interested in; a three-part series on how to buy a computer (December 12, 19 and 26). I had planned to begin building my first computer within a few months and though I had researched the topic, subscribed to three PC magazines and read countless reviews on motherboards and AMD's Athlon 64 processors I felt it could be interesting listening from a vocal point-of view. Though every component that you discussed were facts that I already researched it was still the most entertaining. I subscribed to the "All Geek Nights" feed on my PSP, my Presario SW4020M, and my Optiplex at work, finally joined the forums and here I am.
*Edited on 12/16/2006 for spelling corrections. Forgive me.