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Team Fortress 2



  • edited June 2011
    Reporting for duty. I prefer some ATW9K camaraderie for the team I am a part of since it was they whom got me into FPSs on Steam in the first place.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • I'm in. If we play before 10pm I'm 100% guaranteed to be free.
  • Red Five standing by.
  • Maybe four team leaders? You need names. Good names. ;^)
  • I just realised something - will picking teams be helpful? The game Auto-balances(for more than just numbers, too) and scrambles them from time to time.
  • Red Five standing by.
    Does this mean I get to be Red Leader?

    Rogue Squadron, deploy S-foils and assume attack formation.
  • I just realised something - will picking teams be helpful? The game Auto-balances(for more than just numbers, too) and scrambles them from time to time.
    You put the server into whatever TF2's equivalent of scrim/tournament mode is.
  • edited June 2011
    Does this mean I get to be Red Leader?

    Rogue Squadron, deploy S-foils and assume attack formation.
    I'll go with it, Red Leader.
    You put the server into whatever TF2's equivalent of scrim/tournament mode is.
    If it has one, but I honestly don't know one way or the other if it does. Probably does, but I don't know.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I was actually thinking of something quite similar, I just hadn't gotten around to setting it up.

    Here are some of the preliminary rules I was going to throw out:

    Arena matches (especially if I can turn off Team Scramble and figure out how to make sure everyone gets on the proper teams. I'm honestly not sure if that's possible.). That means no respawns, last team standing or first team to cap the point wins.
    Or, Gimmick Map Barrage: Between the Partyvan and FPSBanana, I have a bunch of interesting gimmick maps; the kind that get boring after a couple of playthroughs, but are fun the first few times. (I'm looking at you, CP_Hotelhell)
    Or: World Tour. Two Payload maps, two Attack/Defend maps, two Control Point maps, two CTF maps, and two Arena maps.

    Probably some time after Connecticon, and after we've had a chance to recover from Connecticon. Late July at the latest.

    Also, it'd probably have to be a Saturday so we can all be rested.
  • Put me in coach. When's the draft?
  • while you guys have been organizing this, me ,Linkigi, and Apsup have been playing, come on in the bullets are fine.
  • Or: World Tour. Two Payload maps, two Attack/Defend maps, two Control Point maps, two CTF maps, and two Arena maps.
    This is best!
    Probably some time after Connecticon, and after we've had a chance to recover from Connecticon. Late July at the latest.

    Also, it'd probably have to be a Saturday so we can all be rested.
    Yes. I will definitely not have time before ConnectiCon. ;^) To join a team, yes. To play the first tournament, no.
  • What we need to organize is a proper scrim. Two (or four )teams, a date/time, and some rules of engagement. Make it a real thing. I'll put up with all the item bullshit in TF2 if we organize some for real god damned games.
    I guess you could say

    we'd be organizing

    a scrym. B)

    Joking aside, I suppose I'm in. Not sure if we're going to be doing Highlander stuff or whatever, but I'll see if I can bring my best to bear.
  • edited June 2011
    Alright, it seems that mp_tournament will do 90% of what we want (turns off Autobalance, allows me to limit the weapons used, etc.). Unfortunatly, it seems that shit like this is as well documented as the inside of a fly's asshole, so I'm having trouble actually figuring out if it does what we need.

    Here we go, from the offical TF wiki:

    Tournament mode can be enabled with the server variable mp_tournament. When enabled, Tournament mode creates a small heading at the top of the HUD, with a display of the win conditions for the current game. In addition, pressing F4 during the setup phase allows a player to change the name of their team from RED or BLU to anything under five letters. The team name will appear where RED and BLU respectively would on the scoreboard, which is accessed by pressing TAB.
    When enabled, there are no player limits for either team. Players are to join their predetermined team, and wait until all other players are accounted for. During this time, players are free to explore the current map and interact with the other team. Once both teams have their players, and have both set their team status to "Ready", the game will begin. Teams are maintained throughout rounds, and autobalance is disabled.
    Post edited by Neito on
  • Unfortunatly, it seems that shit like this is as well documented as the inside of a fly's asshole, so I'm having trouble actually figuring out if it does what we need.
    Take your time. It's equally frustrating to configure some of the better admin mods in CSS.
  • I'm in. I just need a time and a place (I'm on the west coast so let me know if the time you're giving me is EST or PST)
  • edited June 2011
    That's odd - Trying to join Neito, Ro, Jason or WUB is dropping me onto the Forum server, but they're not there, only Linkigi and Grey are.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Alright, so the only restriction is that only two teams can play (high, floating falsetto) simultaneously. I think, so that we're not ending with half the people sitting out half the time, that two teams of ($numpeople/2) works best.

    Do we want to restrict maps to just the base set, just the maps on the server now, or a set of specific maps that I have to go out and get? Do we want to restrict items and weapons? I know Rym's answer would probably be "Yes, restrict it to only non-unlockable bullshit weapons". I'm not going to go through the list and say "Oh, this item is bullshit, this one isn't.", so I'm giving you guys two choices:
    1) All weapons, including unlocks, Mann Co. Store purchases, drops, crafted, etc.
    2) Base TF2 weapons only.
  • That's odd - Trying to join Neito, Ro, Jason or WUB is dropping me onto the Forum server, but they're not there, only Linkigi and Grey are.
    I'm not even in-game, and neither are Jason or Ro. Can't say about WUB, though.
  • That's odd - Trying to join Neito, Ro, Jason or WUB is dropping me onto the Forum server, but they're not there, only Linkigi and Grey are.
    I'm not even in-game, and neither are Jason or Ro. Can't say about WUB, though.
    Yeah, I'm still at work. >___>
  • edited June 2011
    I'll join into whatever team wants me no prob, I think I'm fairly adequate at the game to play it in a more competitive way.

    EDIT: Allow at least the first tier of upgraded weapons.
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • Tournament? Have flamethrower, will travel.
  • I'll join into whatever team wants me no prob, I think I'm fairly adequate at the game to play it in a more competitive way.
    I think you're definitely a lot better than the average player. Watching you as the Scout during Arena, you were one of the last ones to live and watching you not die and dodging bullets was impressive.
  • I'm not even in-game, and neither are Jason or Ro. Can't say about WUB, though.
    Yeah, I'm still at work. >___>
    It's telling me you're all online and playing TF2.
  • Well, I'm certainly in, and ready to be picked last.
  • It's telling me you're all online and playing TF2.
    Interesting. Perhaps when I closed out of the game last night, I didn't do it properly.
  • every weapon has strengths and weaknesses and I don't think there are any that are really "broken" (accept for MAYBE the Brass Beast in some cases), the problem is knowing what they are.

    I appeared to be mystifying people with my Fists of Steel, which dramatically reduces the ranged damage you take but dramatically INCREASES the melee damage you take.

    I'd say go with all weapons and make it a rule that if someone asks you what you are using, you need to tell them what it is and generally what it does.
  • Interesting. Perhaps when I closed out of the game last night, I didn't do it properly.
    Maybe? But you were not online before, you came online when I was playing. Before that, you weren't even online.
  • Interesting. Perhaps when I closed out of the game last night, I didn't do it properly.
    Maybe? But you were not online before, you came online when I was playing. Before that, you weren't even online.
    Ok, now I'm more concerned.
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