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Team Fortress 2



  • Hey guys is there a sticky in the forum about the host ip's of (un)official Geeknights servers? I might be a bit out of the loop on the TF2 address.
  • edited June 2011
    I should make a thread for it seperate, maybe, but it's and the password scrymgay.
    Post edited by Neito on
  • Hey guys is there a sticky in the forum about the host ip's of (un)official Geeknights servers? I might be a bit out of the loop on the TF2 address.
    There is always the post where Neito initially linked it.
  • The server is great, but I don't like how often the maps change.
  • I'm really enjoying the Arena modes.
  • I hadn't played arena for a long time, and they definitely have their place. But there's something to be said for an hour-long CTF siege where you just spawn and spawn and spawn and spawn.
  • I'm enjoying Arena mode, but GOD damn we need to raise the limits on the map so it doesn't change every 5 minutes.
  • Agree. On the other hand map change gives me time to use my alternative cooling to my computer. (Hand fan.)
  • Huh, I just played some heavy in an extended fashion for the first time since launch. It's more fun than I remember, but did they always go through ammo this fast?
  • Huh, I just played some heavy in an extended fashion for the first time since launch. It's more fun than I remember, but did they always go through ammo this fast?
    I never play heavy outside of these area fights. They are just too slow in my taste. But to not answer your question, they don't go through ammo fast, if you just shoot to kill, shoot the enemy not the walls. (Although I understand why you would want to shoot walls, they are quite nice, big and stationary target.)
  • I'm enjoying Arena mode, but GOD damn we need to raise the limits on the map so it doesn't change every 5 minutes.
    Sorry. I need to figure out how to fix that more than just SSHing in and changing it manually.

    I also need to figure out how to merge the Arena rotation with the regular rotation so it doesn't get stuck in the Arena one.
  • (Hand fan.)
    Don't you life in Finland? Can't you just, I don't know... put it in the snow?
  • (Hand fan.)
    Don't you life in Finland? Can't you just, I don't know... put it in the snow?
    Despite what you might have heard (even from me), it's not all igloos and polar bears here. We have this short period of time once a year that we like to call summer. I like it, but my computer doesn't (and it seems that my fan is breaking apart too, no good.)
  • Alright. I seem to have fixed both problems. Problem A (the server getting "stuck" in an all-Arena rotation) was because the arena config file had it using a different mapcycle.txt file. Problem B (Maps changing too often) was just adding a thing that changes the CVar for Arena matches.
  • 7v7 going on. Good times.
  • We have this short period of time once a year that we like to call summer. I like it, but my computer doesn't.
    Apsup's Computer: "What? What is this shit? This is not snow. How the fuck am I supposed to cool down without snow? Seriously. What is this bullshit? Did you turn on your radiator? You did, didn't you? Turn off your radiator, it's too fucking hot. Hey! You're killing me here. YOU ARE KILL-IAHRLARUO*@YU$R(@QU--"
  • Actually, this is one specific area where Weapons Factory outshines (in my opinion) TF2 that doesn't involve FPS "skills." The way scoring worked was essentially:

    1 point per frag
    10 points for each team member per capture
    Most points at the end of the round (or first to ten caps) wins.

    Thus, frag ratios become the tiebreaker.
  • The server is some INSANE good fun right now. Get on it!
  • I liked when WuB was a spy and announced on general voice that he was going to kill me, so I turned around and wrenched him.
  • edited June 2011
    I have no idea what is going on but I had good time. I think playing the medic and the scout are the most fun so far. I haven't tried the sniper yet. I love his knife, got killed by that knife a couple times already.
    Post edited by Josh Bytes on
  • My best classes appear to be soldiers, heavies, and medics - uncomplicated damage-dealing(healing) guys. Though it was really fun when I stabbed everyone on that one cap point.
  • Killing scout is the hardest class to play. Pissing-everyone-on-the-other-team-off Scout, however...
  • My best classes appear to be soldiers, heavies, and medics - uncomplicated damage-dealing(healing) guys. Though it was really fun when I stabbed everyone on that one cap point.
    Every class is decent in most modes but the Engie and the Spy have it pretty rough in Arena. This can be mitigated by some of the drop weapons.
  • Every class is decent in most modes but the Engie and the Spy have it pretty rough in Arena. This can be mitigated by some of the drop weapons.
  • Every class is decent in most modes but the Engie and the Spy have it pretty rough in Arena. This can be mitigated by some of the drop weapons.
  • Man, I forgot how much I like the Pyro, it's funny because I don't remember playing the pyro much back in the day...
  • I must say, everyone is pretty decent at TF2, but even better, everyone is a TON of fun to play with. It seems every single game produces at the barest minimum five moments that send me into laughing fits, and another five "Holy shit, that was so fucking awesome!" moments.
  • Oh man, I wanna play. I SO wanna play. But I need to finish my costume.

    God dammit.
  • I won a 2v3 CTF with P-TOG earlier. Snap.
  • I won a 2v3 CTF with P-TOG earlier. Snap.
    One of my less skilled moments there.
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